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1391: Then, next time for sure?

He Zhen feels that love can transcend thousands of mountains and rivers and can overcome thorns. Several young people younger than He Zhen still don’t know what love is!

Just like Wang Shuang.

He is so ignorant that he will subconsciously chase Li Mengjiao's figure on the shooting set, but he doesn't understand why he would do this.

The love between a boy and a girl is like looking at each other through a paper window, and the shadows cast in each other's hearts are hazy. Only by breaking through the paper window can one understand one's own feelings.

But is it really okay to pierce the window paper in a hurry?

The emergence of good feelings but not breaking the window paper is sometimes the most beautiful and touching period of a relationship.

Wang Shuang bit his pen and struggled with the test paper, and the way he peeked at the filming scene from time to time really made Wen Ying unable to see.

"Are you able to calm down and do the questions on the set?"

"Aren't you also here..."

Wang Shuang pointed to the script in Wen Ying's hand.

Wen Ying, who was struggling for inspiration, snorted, "We are different!"

Of course, when changing the script, you have to watch the scene. The previously added scene was highly praised by the director. The director encouraged Wen Ying to add a few more similar small details. In the director's words, this is called enriching the character's personality and making the character more three-dimensional.

"Many of the 'people' in film and television dramas do not exist in reality, but they need to be well-shaped to make these 'people' turn from fake to real!"

Add small details?

Wen Ying almost scratched her head just for the director's praise.

Inspiration is like waiting for a bus.

When I don’t want to take a taxi, taxis without passengers are whizzing by. When I want to take a taxi, there are no cars at all!

Wen Ying just combined her feelings when facing Xie Qian into the scene between the male and female protagonists.

Because real emotions are injected into her, does the heroine look more like a real person?

It’s not surprising when you think about it.

When creating the heroine of "Galaxy and You", Wen Ying did not put herself in the role at all.

But in the character design of the male protagonist, she combined Yun Chen, a famous queen in her previous life... and Xie Qian.

Although Yun Chen and Xie Qian had nothing in common in their previous lives, they had a lot in common.

They are good-looking and popular with girls.

They treat people very well because their family backgrounds are good.

Their existence is the male god himself!

There are other things - no, there are many differences. Xie Qian and Yun Chen are two completely different people. Yun Chen is a big star in Wen Ying's memory, a contracted artist of Tianjiao, and the actor who played the role in "Galaxy and You"

The most suitable candidate for the protagonist.

But Yun Chen is not Xie Qian.

Xie Qian has long been more than just her male god.

She couldn't write down more details about her relationship with Yun Chen because she and Yun Chen were not familiar with each other at all.

But she can write out the details of getting along with Xie Qian... Wen Ying feels like she has realized something. They say that art is based on life, and the script and character design should be the same!

The inspiration just came when Xie Qian happened to come to the shooting scene after finishing his work at the logistics company. He saw Wen Ying at a glance, and Wen Ying also saw him, with a bright smile on her face.

So Xie Qian also laughed.

For a moment, Xie Qian almost couldn't help but tell Wen Ying that he was planning to get a film and television company.

For no other reason than to make the smile on the hamster’s face brighter!

Xie Qian's strong self-control allowed him to suppress his impulse.

It’s not time to say it yet.

The bait has been put out, but it is still uncertain when the fish will bite the bait. Now it seems that there is at least a 95% chance that he will follow his idea, but there are variables before the matter is finalized. Now that it is mentioned, if the time comes,

Wouldn't it be disappointing to the hamster if he didn't succeed?

"How's your script going?"

Xie Qian remembered that the hamster was still scratching his head and ears when he went out in the morning. Now he is smiling so happily, which shows that he has a breakthrough in creative inspiration.

"I have some ideas and I'm just about to write them down."

Wen Ying smiled and said: "...I still want to thank you!"

Wen Ying was thanking Xie Qian for the inspiration, but Xie Qian misunderstood that Wen Ying was thanking him for supervising the work.

Supervising the work of poor students has become Xie Qian's daily routine, and Xie Qian accepts it calmly.

"It's good if you have an idea. You can find a quiet place to write now. When you're done, show it to the director. Just nod the director. Don't be anxious. Just change it a little bit and shoot a little bit. Changing the script is not a workload that can be completed in one day. Can you

Are you going to meet your mother’s old classmate?”

"Well, Aunt Wu and I have made an appointment to meet you tonight!"

"Do you want someone to go with you?"

Xie Qian is considerate, but Wen Ying dare not appreciate her.

The first one took Xie Qian to see Wu Chunqin, and the second one was Manager Chen.

Wen Ying came to Shanghai to revise the script with the team, not to fall in love early!

"No, no, no, I'll go by myself."

He was a little flustered when he refused, but Xie Qian didn't force it.

Wen Ying went to revise the script, and Xie Qian's eyes finally fell on Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang watched the excitement for a long time, and his scalp went numb after meeting Xie Qian's eyes. He subconsciously defended himself: "Thank God, what you said is simply the truth. Changing the script is not a day's work, and learning cannot be accomplished overnight. I really

You have to work hard to solve the questions..."

Xie Qian first approved the use of the idiom "scumbag", and then ruthlessly suppressed Wang Shuang's theory of effort.

"If you don't take it seriously, studying 24 hours a day will be useless."

You can change the script slowly, and you can also learn slowly.

These words are only suitable for Wen Ying, not Wang Shuang.

It’s not that Xie Qian wants to double standard, but that Wang Shuang woke up a little late, and the college entrance examination is about to take place in more than four months. Unless Wang Shuang wants to repeat the exam, Wang Shuang has no right to be lazy at this time!


Could this be Wang Shuang's plan, to repeat his studies for another year and be a senior in high school with Li Mengjiao?

Under Xie Qian's soul torture, Wang Shuang fled in panic: "Don't look down on others, I won't repeat it!"

Why repeat reading?

Wang Shuang looks forward to being liberated from the mountains and seas of topics as soon as possible, leaving high school life and entering university.

There is no pressure from the college entrance examination, and you don’t have to work hard to study the questions.

College is exciting and freer.

Just like Qin Yi and Qin Jiao, two brothers and sisters, one is in Shanghai and the other is in Beijing, and their college life is extremely exciting.

Wang Shuang feels that when he goes to college, he can be a producer if he wants to, and he can also participate in the management of the company as a Tianjiao shareholder, which is simply wonderful.

Just for this goal, Wang Shuang must sprint for this year's college entrance examination!

Wen Ying caught the inspiration and revised the script with divine help. She handed the revised version to the director before going out in the evening.

The director read Wen Ying's revised new script and added several delicate and tense rivalry scenes between the male and female protagonists. It was clear that the window paper was not broken and there was a little sweetness everywhere. If the ratings of such a drama did not explode after it was broadcast, the director would

Dare to swallow the camera alive in public!

The director was so excited that he secretly called Yuan Fenghui, "Xiao Wen is really getting started. You have to be tight-lipped about screenwriters like her and don't let others poach you. As long as her level can be stabilized and not drop,

From now on, Tianjiao dramas...you know!"

Of course Yuan Fenghui understands.

The director means that if Wen Ying's level remains high, Tianjiao's drama department will have a chance to explode.

The success of "The Princess's New Clothes" was not only due to its good plot, but also had a lot to do with Li Mengjiao and Yun Chen, relying on Li Mengjiao's popularity at the time.

This is not the true skill of a screenwriter.

When can a script not cast the most popular stars, but let whoever stars in it become popular? That would be a truly god-level script!

This chapter has been completed!
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