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Why is their alliance still not split!


No need for Xie Qian to comfort him, Xie Tang figured it out on his own.

He really wanted to comfort Xie Qian. Xie Qian didn't know where to start. Dealing with emotional problems was not Xie Qian's area of ​​expertise. If he could resolve emotional disputes for Xie Tang...then why was he hiding from Wen Ying today!

Xie Tang asked Xie Qian if he had any plans for the evening and wanted to treat Xie Qian to dinner. Xie Qian shook his head:

"I already have an appointment."

After thinking about Xie Tang's current situation, Xie Qian added: "I am going to have dinner with a few classmates at a university professor's house. Sister Tang, do you want to go with us? They all have good personalities and you will like it."

Xie Tang really has nowhere to go.

A girl who has just lost love will inevitably have mood swings when she is alone. When she returns to her apartment alone, she will look lonely and pitiful.

Xie Tang thought for a while and decided to shamelessly follow Xie Qian to get some food.

As the siblings paid and walked out of the coffee shop, something green flashed in front of them.

"Peng Guoqing, why are you hiding?"

Peng Guoqing trotted over with his tail between his legs, "Hey, I didn't hide. I was afraid that I would be an eyesore to you, Sister Tang."

"You're an eyesore, why don't you show up?"

Xie Tang even laughed angrily.

It would be too late to say this now!

Peng Guoqing sneered and looked very submissive, completely losing the arrogance that he used to show off in front of Yan Yuchuan.

Xie Qian can't hit people, but Xie Tang can, and Peng Guoqing is very afraid of being beaten... But compared to Xie Tang's dejected look just now, Peng Guoqing is more accustomed to Xie Tang, who still knows how to hit people.

"Where's Tai Wu?"

Xie Qian asked abruptly, and Peng Guoqing winced: "Tai Xiaowu, that guy is at the airport now and wants to take the fastest flight back to the capital."

Tai Wu is excited and happy for a while, and then gets scared after the fun is over.

Peng Guoqing advised Tai Wu to come back and admit his mistake, but Tai Wu said he wanted to board the plane.

Is escaping useful?

The distance between the Magic City and the capital is just one plane ticket. Unless Tai Wu can escape into outer space, he will be found sooner or later.

As expected, Xie Tang snorted softly:

"Let him run. He can escape on the first day of the lunar month, but not on the 15th!"

The secret mine between Xie Tang and Yan Yuchuan has been laid for a long time. Even if Tai Wu doesn't detonate the mine today, it will explode sooner or later.

But who told Tai Wu to do such a thing that harmed others and not benefited himself? There was still a chance to resolve the crisis peacefully, but Tai Wu ruined it!

With Xie Tang's temper, he would never let Tai Wu go. Peng Guoqing would say good things to Tai Wu in front of Xie Qian. In front of Xie Tang, he would like to step on Tai Wu. Xie Tang would just say whatever he said.


Seeing the Xie siblings leaving the mall and catching a ride, Peng Guoqing shamelessly asked if they could have dinner together in the evening.

Xie Tang turned to look at him, and Xie Qian looked at him too, making Peng Guoqing feel very scared:

"No, can't it?"

Peng Guoqing said that he just wanted to atone for his sins and hoped that the Xie family would give him a chance to treat him.

Xie Qian wanted to get rid of the big green-haired cucumber, but Xie Tang thought it was funny: "I'm going to follow Xie Qian to eat at someone else's house. It's okay if you want to go, but don't regret it."

Ah, eating with Xie Qian?

Peng Guoqing did not want to let go of such an opportunity.

Xie Qian doesn't go back to the capital often now and doesn't play with them anymore, but the world is full of legends about Xie Qian.

"Thank you 200 million" is the legend of Xie Qian.

Peng Guoqing also specifically asked his family members about the current situation of the Xie family. It was said that Xie Qian and his biological father Xie Jinghu were fighting fiercely. The Peng family told him not to worry about so much and to deepen their friendship with Xie Qian when he had the opportunity - Xie family affairs

There is no need for others to interfere. No matter how many illegitimate children Xie Jinghu has outside, the Xie family only needs to recognize Xie Qian!

Besides, Xie Qian is already excellent.

If you make good friends with such young people, your children will never suffer!

Peng Guoqing shamelessly wanted to join in on the meal. Xie Qian saw that his cousin meant to tease Peng Guoqing, so he no longer objected.

On the way, Xie Qian also called Wen Ying and asked if two more people could be added.


Wen Ying was surprised, "It should be no problem. I'll tell Aunt Wu that Wang Shuang and I are here. Mengjiao can't come until her scene is over. How long do you have to wait?"

"Come on, we're already on the way."

The two exchanged a few words briefly. After a while, Wen Ying sent a message to Xie Qian: Aunt Wu said yes, it would be more lively with more people.

Peng Guoqing thought about it all the way, but he didn't know who Xie Qian was going to have dinner with in the evening so solemnly.

Could it be some big shot in the magic city?


The big shot has nothing to be afraid of. He also has two eyes and one mouth.

Peng Guoqing never expected that the Xie siblings would bring him to the university campus!

Peng Guoqing doesn't need to be nervous if he wants to meet a big shot, but feels uncomfortable if he wants to meet a university professor.

Xie Tang smiled and rolled his eyes.

Peng Guoqing didn't like reading when he was a child, and he was often beaten for this when he was a child.

If Peng Guoqing is given a beating, his flesh injuries will be healed in a few days, and if Peng Guoqing is asked to follow him to the family building of the university for dinner, Peng Guoqing will be depressed for at least a month or two.

Wu Chunqin's family is not that big.

In 2006, most people would have a TV in their living room. Watching TV together as a family was the most heartwarming family activity. There was no TV in Wu Chunqin’s living room, and there was an entire wall where the TV cabinet should have been.

of top-to-ceiling bookcases.

There is a large table in the living room, which can accommodate about ten people for dining at the same time.

This table is both Wu Chunqin’s dining table and office desk. Professor Shen can prepare lessons, Wu Chunqin works, and Shen Huan can do his homework here!

Walking into Wu Chunqin's home, every detail reflects the couple's cultural aesthetic.

Peng Guoqing, with his green hair flying in the wind, is really out of place here. No one despises Peng Guoqing. Both Wu Chunqin and Professor Shen are very tolerant. It is Peng Guoqing who feels uncomfortable.

Wu Chunqin was very happy that Xie Qian could bring his cousin and friends to dinner.

Professor Shen and Xie Tang chatted. Xie Tang was already well-informed, so he could naturally talk to Professor Shen. Unfortunately, Peng Guoqing couldn't get in a word, for fear that he would make a mistake if he said too much.

Good professors are not only proficient in their own field of study, but also know about other fields.

Hearing that Xie Tang is now interning in Shanghai, Professor Shen was very sorry:

"Don't worry about work, you should continue your studies."

Xie Tang thought carefully and said, "You are right, I will reconsider this matter."

Xie Qian glanced at his cousin.

Xie Tang decided to work early because of Yan Yuchuan, and now he has the idea of ​​going to graduate school. It seems that he doesn't want to reconcile with Yan Yuchuan?

This is okay too.

It’s not like no one wants the girls in the Xie family. Yan Yuchuan broke up with her and his words were like water being thrown out. Do you think Xie Tang should be kept quiet to try to save her?

Another person who is as reserved as Peng Guoqing is Wen Ying.

Wen Ying did not expect that Xie Qian would bring her cousin Xie Tang.

Although Wen Ying had already helped choose a house and had known about "Xie Tang" for a long time, she still felt uncomfortable seeing him unexpectedly.

Speaking of which, Wen Ying has been familiar with Xie Qian's mother all her life. She has also met Xie Qian's scumbag father from a distance, and now she has met Xie Qian's cousin. The contact between her and Xie Qian is becoming more and more as she expected...

Wen Ying was like a green-haired Peng Guoqing at this moment, and her whole mind was empty.

"Concentrate on eating."

A piece of meat was put into Wen Ying's bowl. Xie Qian put down his serving chopsticks naturally. Xie Tang, who was talking to Professor Shen, turned his head and Peng Guoqing almost dropped the chopsticks in his hand.

——Xie Qian, pick up food for someone?!

——Mom, come and see, there is a UFO flying here!

This chapter has been completed!
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