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1016: The richest Spring Festival (1 update)

The Spring Festival of 2006 was very unforgettable for many people, including Wen Kai, who studied in college in Beijing for half a year.

Rich people like Xie Qian's family are troubled by the fact that their scumbag father is too rich, and many troubles have arisen around his huge wealth, so that the son is not his son, and the father is not his father. Reunion festivals like the Spring Festival have become a battlefield for father and son!

There is no money and there are worries.

The worries of the poor are more straightforward and mostly related to money.

The heavy life made Wen Kai very powerless. When he returned home during the winter vacation, he found that his mother, Zhu Meiqun, had quit her job in the factory and became a mobile vendor in Chengdu!

At first, his family hid it from him, but Zhu Meiqun's work did not require a business trip and he had not been home for several days. How could he hide it?

When Wen Kai learned about this, he burst into tears on the spot.

"It's so cold, my mother is setting up a stall..."

The cold in Chengdu is different from the cold in the north.

The cold in the north is dry and cold. It doesn’t often snow in Chengdu. It’s hard to see the sun in winter. When the wind blows, the cold air goes straight into the bones. It’s useless to wear thick cotton-padded clothes. Cotton-padded clothes can’t protect against the winter wind in Chengdu!

On such a cold day, Zhu Meiqun was selling wontons at a roadside stall.

The wontons were packaged freshly, so it was inconvenient to wear gloves while working, and Zhu Meiqun had frostbite on both hands.

Is it difficult for the family's finances to become like this?

Working in a factory is not easy, but setting up a stall without being exposed to wind and sun is harder than working in a factory!

In the first semester of his freshman year, Wen Kai worked very hard and felt that he had a good chance of winning a national scholarship.

If the scholarship is not enough, Wen Kai can also apply for a student loan.

The school also provides work-study positions.

Or you can learn from those senior brothers and sisters and find part-time jobs like tutoring outside school!

The capital is indeed a high-consumption place, and the living expenses of college students are higher than those in other cities, but it is also a city full of opportunities. Wen Kai can pass the IQ test of Capital University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, as long as he is willing to spend part of his study time.

With a part-time job, he can definitely finish college on his own.

This is what some students from poor families do!

"I can afford my own college expenses, don't let my mother set up a stall!"

Uncle Wen was so frightened by his son that he waved his hands repeatedly:

"I have money for you to study. I'm really rich!"

Uncle Wen couldn't wait to take out his bankbook and show it to Wen Kai.

There is definitely enough money to go to college. This is the couple’s savings over the years.

It's just that there is no more money to buy a house for Wen Kai, so that Wen Kai can get married and settle down in a big city. This child is a dragon and cannot be trapped in a shallow pond in his hometown.

Of course, Uncle Wen was just honest, not a fool, and knew better than to tell his son the truth.

Wen Kai is a conscientious child. If he knew that Zhu Meiqun quit his job to work as a street vendor in Chengdu to earn money to buy a house for Wen Kai, Wen Kai would definitely object fiercely.

Uncle Wen smoked two cigarettes before he could organize his words: "Look, your second uncle's family has moved to the provincial capital. It's definitely not wrong to follow your second uncle. Our family's ability to move into the city was all thanks to your second uncle.

Now I can no longer rely on him. I have discussed with your mother and want to go to the provincial capital on my own. Your mother will go first. If the situation is good, I will follow...and it is not only your mother, but also your brother-in-law.


Wen Changlin is better at making money than Zhu Meiqun and his wife.

Wen Changlin let go of his stable life and went to the provincial capital to start from scratch, making Uncle Wen's words seem very convincing.

This is not an idea that someone came up with in a flash, nor is it that life is so difficult that they can no longer survive, but a decision made by a big family after careful consideration - everyone wants to move towards a better life and the process of achieving this goal

It is inevitable to endure hardship.

Zhu Meiqun is not as eloquent as Wen Changlin, and he is not as well-educated as Wen Changlin, so Zhu Meiqun can only set up a stall!

Wen Kai fell silent.

If it was for him to go to college, he would have to stop it.

But his father said that the family wanted to live a better life... Who did he have to stop him?

Being admitted to Capital University of Aeronautics and Astronautics means that Wen Kai will have a good future, but there are still several years before he can realize his academic qualifications!

Wen Kai couldn't dissuade his mother Zhu Meiqun with empty promises.

Wen Kai thought about it all night, but said nothing the next day and went directly to Zhu Meiqun's wonton stall to help.

Of course, Zhu Meiqun was reluctant to let her son work hard, but when Wen Kai wanted to help serve wontons and collect money to clean the table, Zhu Meiqun couldn't drive him away.

Zhu Meiqun used to run a stall outside the university. The students were on winter vacation, but the food street near the university would not be closed. The customers who often came to Zhu Meiqun's stall to eat wontons were very familiar and greeted Zhu Meiqun:

"Sister Zhu, you have hired a winter vacation job!"

"That's right, Sister Zhu, your business is good, you should have hired someone for help a long time ago, you are reluctant to do so."

Wen Kai doesn't talk much and is not very quick at work, but he works very seriously and learns quickly.

Zhu Meiqun was both distressed and proud of her son. When a customer asked, she explained with a smile while making wontons: "It's not the worker I hired, it's my son. He came to the stall to help me during his vacation from college. I told him not to let him come."

, he is very stubborn!”

This statement really has a faint flavor of Versailles.

None of the guests were disgusted.

Nowadays, young children are very concerned about face. Some of them want to take a detour when they know that their parents are setting up a stall, for fear of being discovered and embarrassed by others.

Those who are willing to come to the stall to help their parents are all sensible and filial. Not only are the customers not disgusted, but they also envy Zhu Meiqun!

A guest asked Wen Kai which university he studied at. Zhu Meiqun put down the wontons in his hand and straightened his back: "In the capital, Capital Aerospace University!"

These days, any university that has something to do with the capital is considered a good school by Chengdu people. What’s more, the brand name of Capital University of Aeronautics and Astronautics is indeed very loud. Even if some guests don’t understand it, it doesn’t stop them from thinking that this school is high-end when they hear the name.

For a time, several guests praised Zhu Meiqun for her ability to educate children.

Wen Kai wiped the table without knowing what to say.

It turns out that you are so damn proud of being admitted to the first airliner?

Fortunately, I chose to repeat the study last year!

Wen Kai helped Zhu Meiqun sell wontons at a stall. At night, he slept on the floor in the house Zhu Meiqun rented. It was freezing cold and there was no heating in Chengdu. Seeing Wen Kai curled up in the quilt, Zhu Meiqun was really taken aback.

I feel so bad.

If you want to close your stall for a few days in advance, many restaurants in the city will be closed during the Chinese New Year. Temporary food stalls like Zhu Meiqun's business will be better. If you rest for a day, you will make less money, and you will have to help Wen Kai buy a house one day later.

Zhu Meiqun was very troubled in her heart.

Until New Year's Eve, Wen Ying's family moved to a new house and invited all their relatives to have New Year's dinner. On this day, Zhu Meiqun finally stopped setting up a stall.

Although Wen Dongrong repeatedly emphasized that he did not need Zhu Meiqun's help in cooking and said that he had ordered two New Year's Eve dinners from an outside restaurant, Zhu Meiqun still prepared the ingredients early and packed a lot of wontons and brought them over.

After the New Year's Eve dinner sent by the hotel, relatives sat together and chatted, and eating a bowl of wontons was a different experience. The hotel can order various dishes, but will not send cooked wontons.

Wen Dongrong drove back to his hometown to pick up his family. A large family gathered at Wen Ying's house. The dining table was full, and there was another table eating around the coffee table.

Wen Ying was a best-selling author and screenwriter of popular dramas outside. At home, she could only sit next to the coffee table with her relatives' children. Seeing that Wen Kai was always a little uneasy, Wen Ying poked her cousin in the arm:

"Brother Kai, are you comfortable with going to school in the capital? I see you are in a bad mood?"

This chapter has been completed!
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