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1073: It's too late, the press conference is ahead of time!

Liang Dan and others thought that Tianjiao was playing hard to get when promoting copyrights at the Huatian Hotel, and they deliberately showed it to Hunan Satellite TV.

The purpose is to make Hunan Satellite TV bow its head and give in, agree to Tianjiao's conditions and leave the July schedule to "Galaxy and You"!

In other words, Yuan Fenghui has made two preparations. If Hunan Satellite TV does not give in, it will sign contracts with other TV stations.

With this understanding, Liang Dan came up with new countermeasures.

First, I notified the female leader of Hunan Satellite TV who had made the final decision to buy Yu Tianlin's new drama about what I learned. The female leader personally came forward to ask Director Fan for "help" and tied him up with other work. Director Fan could not go to the promotion meeting today.

At the scene, the female leader went there accompanied by Liang Dan.

On the way, the female leader told Liang Dan something sincere: Because Tianjiao's last drama performed well, Taili did not want Tianjiao's new drama "Galaxy and You", but how to negotiate the conditions had to be decided by Taili.

The final say.

"The Princess's New Clothes", Director Fan spent 70 million to buy the exclusive broadcast rights, which was far higher than the price quoted by the industry.

If "The Princess's New Clothes" hadn't finally achieved the highest ratings of 4.97%, Director Fan's spending of 70 million to buy the exclusive broadcast rights would have become a black record in his career. The TV station would even suspect that there was a transfer of interests between Tianjiao and Director Fan.

The copyright fee of 70 million is completely unreasonable!

Of course, after "The Princess's New Clothes" achieved good ratings, the doubts about Director Fan disappeared.

Although Director Fan is radical, he is really discerning in selecting films.

The only shortcoming is that I don’t know how expensive the money is, so I raised the copyright fee for “The Princess’s New Clothes” too high.

In the situation last year, Tianjiao Film and Television was a new company, Yun Chen, who played the male lead, had not yet become popular, and only Li Mengjiao was popular. No matter how good the plot quality was, spending 70 million to buy the exclusive broadcast rights was too high.

To get the exclusive broadcast rights, the price is set at 50 million or even lower. Tianjiao, who is eager to recoup his money, will probably sell the series to Hunan Satellite TV - Tianjiao was not famous at that time and could not even hold a promotion meeting like today.

If several TV stations are anxious to get together, if Hunan TV is not willing to buy it, other TV stations will be even more reluctant to spend tens of millions to buy a new company's drama!

The copyright fee for "The Princess's New Clothes" is as high as 70 million. If the new drama "Galaxy and You" is paid less, how will Tianjiao agree?

But if you want to give more, there really is no upper limit. You can go for more than 70 million.

If "Galaxy and You" can still achieve the same level of ratings as "The Princess's New Clothes", the 70 million won for the exclusive broadcast rights will not make a loss. However, Hunan Satellite TV is not a charity organization. It can obviously make more money, so why should it

Give the bulk of profits to others?

What benefits does it bring to television stations to drive up copyright fees for film and television dramas?

This "bad trend" that accidentally goes wrong must be put on the brakes!

Therefore, whether the schedule is not suitable or whether "Galaxy and You" is rushing to schedule and cannot guarantee the quality are all excuses. The real reason is that we still want Tianjiao's drama, but we want to regain the initiative in the hands of the TV station!

Xiang Provincial Satellite TV will definitely not do this to Baodao Romance Queen, but Tianjiao’s brand effect is still far from that of the Romance Queen. As the provincial TV station with the largest ratings share, Hunan Satellite TV has such confidence——

It’s not that Hunan Satellite TV can’t provide the July schedule that Tianjiao wants, but it will lower the price in terms of copyright fees!

Negotiations are just like this, with back-and-forth and back-and-forth before the dust is settled.

Unexpectedly, Tianjiao didn't follow the routine this time, and the negotiation with Director Fan broke down in the first round!

The female leader still wanted to laugh when she talked about this: "This matter makes Lao Fan lose face. He has offered people a high-priced copyright fee of 70 million yuan. Do people remember his kindness?"

Liang Dan thought to himself, this is not only the face of Director Luofan, Tianjiao has not even given the face of Hunan Satellite TV.

Liang Dan would not hide these thoughts deliberately. In fact, without Liang Dan's support, Taili was already unhappy when he found out that Tianjiao was holding a copyright promotion conference at the Huatian Hotel.

The station wants to use the schedule to negotiate the copyright fee with Tianjiao, but Tianjiao doesn't follow the routine and uses the copyright to promote it, which will force him into the palace!

No one likes to be threatened, especially Hunan TV, which is the leader of provincial TV stations in the country, and cannot accept Tianjiao's behavior.

The female leader was extremely unhappy.

If it weren't for the worry that the broadcasting rights of "Galaxy and You" would fall into the hands of other satellite TV stations, which would have a negative impact on the ratings of our own TV station during the summer prime time period, the female leader would never have made this trip today.

Coming to the promotion meeting is just to show off to Tianjiao, to make Tianjiao proud, and to let Tianjiao know that the station still wants the right to broadcast "Galaxy and You"!

Liang Dan smiled and said: "You don't have to be too angry. This is just a way for Tianjiao to raise his own status. I know Yuan Fenghui somewhat. She is a person who would rather be the tail of a phoenix than the head of a chicken.

It cannot be inferior to our platform of Hunan Satellite TV."

Find several TV stations to raise the price of "Galaxy and You". This is indeed Yuan Fenghui's approach.

However, Yuan Fenghui was playing hard to get, but today Liang Dan acted by ear, completely destroying the possibility of cooperation between Tianjiao and Hunan Satellite TV, and helping Yuan Fenghui "dream come true"!

The female leader agreed very much with Liang Dan's statement, "I know Yuan Fenghui. She is capable, but she is too strong. It seems that falling down on Baodao has not taught Yuan Fenghui enough lessons. She has a problem with Miracle Group.

There is no quarrel between our station and the Miracle Group. Yu Tianlin’s new drama is indeed likely to be a hit, so why can’t the station give it a July schedule? The only fault is that Tianjiao is too slow to act.”

Strong people are more likely to achieve work results and are more likely to have conflicts with others.

The Miracle Group once fell out, and later offended Hu Man. The female leader has not yet had in-depth contact with Yuan Fenghui, but she already doesn’t think highly of Yuan Fenghui!

Hum, Yuan Fenghui really needs to review her own way of dealing with others.

The female leader and Liang Dan both thought they had analyzed Tianjiao's tactics, but they never expected that Yuan Fenghui had delegated the power to sell the copyright to Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang is a sociable person with a bad temper.

Yuan Fenghui attaches great importance to interests and really wants to hold a copyright promotion meeting. In order to make everyone look good, she will actually send an invitation letter to Hunan Satellite TV. Mrs. Wang does not do this job for salary, she does things as she pleases.

Hunan Satellite TV doesn’t trust Tianjiao first, so why would Tianjiao send an invitation letter to Hunan Satellite TV? Isn’t that so cheap!

The female leader and the two of them, who did not have an invitation letter, were stopped outside the promotion meeting.

A thoughtful and strong woman like Liang Dan was stunned by Mrs. Wang's unconstrained card skills:

"You can't go in without an invitation. Do you know who we are?"

The security guard guarding the door nodded straightforwardly: "I know, you just said it was from the Hunan Provincial TV Station, but you can't go in without an invitation letter!"

What's wrong with the TV station?

If you want to get in, you have to bring out the invitation!

There are countless work permits and other things, and there will be celebrities attending the promotion event later. Who knows if they want to sneak in and chase stars up close!

The security guard's eyes were as bright as searchlights. He felt that he had seen through the lies of the female leader and Liang Dan, and he puffed up his chest with pride.


Later there will be a chapter to make up for the day before yesterday, this is today’s chapter.

My cold is still not cured. I can't go to the hospital today. I listened to my friends two days ago and thought that if I went to the hospital, I would be caught with the nucleic acid. I actually managed to fight it off at home by drinking isatis root. After two days, I still had to go to the hospital. I found out after I went there.

I was not arrested for nucleic acid removal, what am I trying to do o(╥﹏╥)o

This chapter has been completed!
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