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1211: We can’t let the Pang family play double standards!

Mainland entertainment reporters were blown away, and the public was also blown away by Yu Tianlin's wonderful private life.


Wen Ying couldn't help but burped after reading the reports from various media. She was so stretched by Yu Tianlin's penis!

Wen Ying summarized the key words, including cheating octopus, god-sister, god-father, double plug - Yu Tianlin's stuff is so exciting, not to mention it was in 2006, it would be so exciting more than ten years later!

How dare a person whose crotch is full of shit dare to publish negative information about Yuan Fenghui?

Wen Ying was confused, "Teacher Yuan, was Yu Tianlin so stupid before?"

Yuan Fenghui said lightly: "He is not too stupid, but too arrogant. He did not have much knowledge before he became famous. He became popular too quickly and was praised too highly by female fans. They thought that every woman should love him to death, even if

If you catch him cheating, you can get together and break up easily. He thinks that being together is a matter of love between men and women, and they get what they need. But when they separate, they forget about each other... It's not that simple!"

Women are emotional creatures. Except for a very small number of women who can control themselves from indulging in love, most women will invest more and more in their relationships. The deeper they love, the more hurt they will be when they are betrayed.

Let’s not talk about others, let’s just talk about the female model who broke the news. She wanted to commit suicide several times after breaking up with Yu Tianlin. Yu Tianlin thought it was a threat, but the female model actually cut her wrists and took sleeping pills. Both times, Yuan Fenghui sent her to the hospital.


Seeing the female model in such pain, Yuan Fenghui wanted to slap Yu Tianlin.

But she can't fan.

There is no reason for an agent to beat an artist.

Yuan Fenghui suppressed the matter for Yu Tianlin and prevented the female model from breaking the news to the media. In order to preserve Yu Tianlin's image, Yuan Fenghui paid a high price to reach an agreement with the female model.

Some women can be spent with money, but female models cannot be spent with money. At first, they regarded Yuan Fenghui as an enemy and called Yuan Fenghui an accomplice of Yu Tianlin. Yuan Fenghui did not defend herself and silently made a 24-hour follow-up call.

Called the emotional trash can that is always available, the female model already regarded Yuan Fenghui as a good friend before she went abroad.

It was Yuan Fenghui's suggestion to go abroad. Models are young and the Baodao entertainment industry cannot support supermodels. Yuan Fenghui advised female models to consider a retreat as soon as possible.

Being a model and a human-shaped display stand can always only showcase other people's brands.

Since it is better to go abroad to study design in the fashion industry than to go abroad to study design, it is hard to say what you can learn. At least you can improve your fashion appreciation. After completing the course, you can come back and use your previous reputation and connections in the circle to recruit two designers.

You can create your own fashion brand, and transform from a model who feeds on youth to a capitalist who hires others to be models. You will not only jump up a class~

Wen Ying listened with rapt attention and opened her mouth slightly: "Teacher Yuan, your cake painting skills are really amazing!"

Yuan Fenghui can still engage in pyramid schemes without being a manager, and can easily build a team of people.

Let Yu Tianlin's ex-girlfriend go abroad to study design and come back to make her own fashion brand - if fashion brands were so easy to create, Wen Ying, a reborn person, would have killed everyone.

After Wen Ying was reborn, she worked hard for two years and took advantage of the foresight to establish the "Shrimp King" brand. She transferred her shares to the Qin brothers and sisters and spent 10 million to only hold 12% of the shares of Tianjiao Film and Television Company. She has many businesses.

It's not easy.

Yuan Fenghui has never been thin-skinned, so she only thought Wen Ying was complimenting herself.

"What a painting, I just let her do something serious and painted a beautiful dream for her. Women, if they don't have something serious to do, they will just think about it. If they have something serious to do, their attention will be diverted. This can help her emotional pain.


is that so?

Maybe so.

Yuan Fenghui helped the female model. She had the sympathy of a woman for a woman. More importantly, she helped Yu Tianlin wipe her butt so that the female model no longer insisted on causing trouble for Yu Tianlin.

At the same time, Yuan Fenghui also took advantage of Yu Tianlin. Yu Tianlin felt sorry for the female model, but Yuan Fenghui helped the female model. When Yu Tianlin and Yuan Fenghui had a conflict, who did the female model help?

In addition to the fetters of kindness and affection, there are also interests involved.

Wen Ying said thoughtfully, "She listened to your words and went abroad to study design for two years. When she came back, she found that the situation in Baodao's entertainment industry had changed. Her popularity was no longer as good as it was two years ago. If she wants to be as popular as you were two years ago,

The painted cake...well, if she starts a fashion brand based on the 'dream' you described two years ago, then she needs to gain attention!"

Is there any better way to get attention than to stand up and attack your ex-boyfriend?


The original revenge was avenged, the resentment was released, my conscience was worthy of Yuan Fenghui, and I was able to boost my career. It really served multiple purposes.

By the way, by establishing the character of a "strong and independent career woman", the female model might actually be able to successfully launch her own fashion brand.

Female models are like this. Female TV hostesses and TV actresses must have had similar reasons for joining forces to kill Yu Tianlin. They both took revenge and benefited at the same time!

Yuan Fenghui chuckled: "The reason is not important. What is important is that they are willing to do it. I am tired of watching Yu Tianlin dance around for so long. It is time to deal with him completely, don't you think?"

Just the words of three ex-girlfriends were not enough to hammer Yu Tianlin to death, but since the three dared to break the news, they were prepared. Photos and audio recordings of their relationship with Yu Tianlin were exposed one after another, and Yu Tianlin was hammered until he was unable to move.

Everything happened so fast that Yu Tianlin's agency didn't even have time to publicize it.

All the staff in the public relations department gathered together to study for a long time, but they were unable to write a clarifying statement that could defend Yu Tianlin.

"What does the company do to support you? You are useless at critical moments. You are all a bunch of trash!"

The vice president who also served as Yu Tianlin's agent was furious and scolded everyone in the public relations department bloody.

From supervisors to ordinary employees, the entire department bowed their heads and remained silent.

This cannot be blamed on their incompetence, but because the difficulty is too high and they cannot be cleaned no matter how hard they are washed!

Perhaps it can be solved by letting Yuan Fenghui personally take action... But why would Yuan Fenghui help Yu Tianlin?

After the vice president got angry and left, everyone started discussing:

"Yu Tianlin offended Sister Yuan very hard."

"That's right, we've already parted ways, why are you going to provoke Sister Yuan?"

"I feel guilty after doing so many things!"

I don't know who told the truth. The supervisor raised his hand and pressed down, "Shhhhhhh, keep your voice down. Do you want to be fired tomorrow for stepping into the company door with your left foot first?"

The employee who told the truth suppressed his blush.

"If you fire me, I'll fire you. I don't want to work anymore. Our public relations department used to have good treatment when Sister Yuan was still there. They fired Sister Yuan. The company cut off a lot of subsidies for the public relations department, and the wages and benefits were the worst in the company."

We hope that we can help Yu Tianlin clear his name without being fired from the company, so I will write my resignation report now!"

This employee was obviously dissatisfied and took the opportunity to vent his emotions. He actually turned on his computer and wrote a resignation report on the spot.

The remaining staff are not so radical, but they also have their own plans.

It is a fact that the salary has declined. Now that the company's biggest cash cow, Yu Tianlin, is gone and the company has less revenue, will it continue to reduce the salary budgets of various departments?

It seems that it's time for them to start looking for a new home.

The vice president rushed to the big boss's office angrily and complained about Yu Tianlin in front of the big boss.

Since Yu Tianlin went to the Mainland, his development has been like a wild horse running wild. He either made some stupid decisions without telling the vice president or went against the vice president. Now he is fine, he finally succeeded in killing himself, and there is nothing he can do to save him!

The big boss muttered: "It's hard to persuade the damn ghost. This may be Yu Tianlin's fate. He can no longer make big money for the company. We must try our best to protect the other three members of the Miracle Group. You know how to make a statement."

This chapter has been completed!
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