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1226: Integration of old and new friend circles

Let's see.

If you've seen enough self-proclaimed "biographies", you should also read some relaxing works to change your mood.

Since the formatter is useless, why bother fooling yourself?

He Zhen is very sure that he is deeply in love with his girlfriend Rebecca, and he has another feeling for Wen Ying——

It's useless to escape, you have to face it positively. He Zhen no longer hesitated, lowered his head and opened "The Galaxy and You".

This is the novel of the same name of the TV series "Galaxy and You". Although the show was extremely popular in July, the three members of the He family have no interest in watching the show, so He Zhen has not watched it.

I had never seen a TV series before, so I was very interested in the plot of the novel. I thought "Galaxy and You" was a sentimental "love story" about young people, but I was surprised after watching it.

It's not a love story.

The novel is not very profound, but it does not look like a work independently created by a high school girl.

High school girls who live in an ivory tower have little understanding of society. Don’t talk about others, just talk about He Zhen herself. Only after she started to get involved in family business did she start to leave the greenhouse environment of the ivory tower and understand the real society!

The story of "Galaxy and You" is fictional, but Wen Ying writes it so well that it makes people feel that Wen Ying is a witness to the story - which is obviously impossible, as a high school girl has no experience in the entertainment industry.

Creation really requires talent. Looking at "Galaxy and You" in light of Wen Ying's age, He Zhen must admit Wen Ying's creative level. There are indeed "geniuses" in this world, and some people cannot be defined simply by their age.

There is no need to compare it with other works, He Zhen has a negative teaching material at hand.

If "Letter from the Zhao Family" was one-tenth as readable as "Galaxy and You", it wouldn't be piled in the corner of the bookstore to eat dust!

He Zhen originally wanted to watch "Galaxy and You" to change his mood before continuing to read "Zhao Family Letters", but after watching "Galaxy and You", He Zhen couldn't read "Zhao Family Letters" at all... The work is the writer's heart

The world unfolds. After watching "Galaxy and You", He Zhen was able to construct a "character portrait" of Wen Ying in his mind.

Overall, Wen Ying should be optimistic. The entertainment industry she writes about is very complex, and the overall tone of the story is very optimistic.

Furthermore, Wen Ying is precocious, because the stories she describes, although disguised as "idols", are describing the social rules of adults.

Underneath the optimism and precocity, there is also a bit of "naiveness" that is sophisticated but not worldly. It is really contradictory!

When making a cross-country phone call to his girlfriend Rebecca, He Zhen took the initiative to mention something was wrong with him.

Ever since that inexplicable return to China two years ago, something has been wrong with him.

As for the feeling when he saw Wen Ying's photo for the first time, including the feeling after reading "The Galaxy and You", He Zhen told Rebecca bit by bit without reservation.

"I think there's something wrong with me."

Rebecca was not an ordinary girl. She started arguing with He Zhen without hearing the beginning. After He Zhen revealed his feelings, Rebecca only asked him one question:

"So, do you still love me now?"


Rebecca's voice was higher, "Then this is what we have in common. Before we figure out this strange feeling of yours, we have to face it together. I believe we can solve it. This will not be any worse than mine."

Isn’t it harder to do a PhD?”

The guilt in He Zhen's heart suddenly eased by half.

This is the reason why he loves Rebecca. No one will not love Rebecca. Independence and self-confidence rooted in the bones, and the wisdom of a top student, combined together are Rebecca's unique charm!

"And one more thing……"

He Zhen expressed his doubts about Zhao Dong.

Rebecca couldn't give her opinion on this matter.

He Zhen wants to investigate his parents' business partners because he doesn't trust his parents. The results of the investigation are likely to affect the relationship between He Zhen and his parents - Chinese people are very close to their parents, and some people will never be separated from their parents throughout their lives.

, there is no concept of an independent individual.

He Zhen is already more independent than the average Chinese, and in Rebecca's eyes still has a closer relationship with his parents than most British people.

Rebecca respects family relationships in different cultural backgrounds, so she cannot give He Zhen advice.

He Zhen would feel uncomfortable if he didn't investigate.

If you investigate...

"What you are about to open may be Pandora's box."

Pandora's box?

He Zhen immediately grasped the key point: So Rebecca also thinks there is something wrong with Zhao Dong?

In the end, He Zhen endured his nausea and read "Letter from the Zhao Family".

After reading it, he felt that he had gained nothing. If the content in "Letter from the Zhao Family" were true, not only was Zhao Dong not wrong at all, but he was also a noble overseas Chinese businessman who did not forget to support the construction and development of the motherland after making money abroad?

He Zhen took out his cell phone.

He has saved the contact information of Zhao Dong's sister Zhao Qian.

Although it's a bit unfashionable to talk to little girls, if you really can't find an outlet, you can only do this unfashionable thing!

He Zhen thought of Zhao Qian, who was being scolded by Zhao Dong.

Zhao Qian's pocket money this month was seriously overspent. Zhao Dong called Zhao Qian overseas and asked where Zhao Qian spent the money. Zhao Qian said plausibly: "I want to buy clothes and bags. Brother, you asked me to be friends with the Zhuo family brothers and sisters. I

How can we be friends if we are not at the same spending level as them? Brother, please increase my credit card limit. If the Zhuo brothers and sisters can spend money like that, why can't I?"

Zhao Dong was so angry that he had a headache.

Of course, the Zhuo brothers and sisters can spend money as they please. Anyway, the money comes easily to Sara Zhuo, so she doesn’t have to do anything deliberately as Xie Jinghu rushes to send the money.

Xie Jinghu gave only 20% of the shares of "Slan" to Sara Zhuo's eldest son!

Zhao Dong and the He family worked hard in the city, and Young Master Zhuo took 20% of the shares without paying anything. With money coming so easily, how could the Zhuo brothers and sisters not spend lavishly?

No wonder Zhao Dong is unbalanced. He also spends money from men. Aunt Zhao Dong was married to an old man who was old enough to be his father. The rich woman Zhao Dong's real father married was also very young... There is never any difference between people.

That’s fair!

The process of accumulating wealth for the Zhao family is more difficult, and Zhao Qian’s pocket money is comparable to that of the Zhuo family’s siblings!

Zhao Dong still wanted to show his face but could not tell that he was also a sugar daddy and that Aunt Zhao was not as capable as Sara Zhuo, so he could only give Zhao Qian a lesson and tell Zhao Qian "I won't do this again."

"I know, I know, I will spend less next month."

Zhao Qian responded and made a big face after hanging up the phone.

Zhao Qian was sunbathing by the swimming pool of Sara Zhuo's mansion. A Chinese girl younger than Zhao Qian was carefully applying sunscreen on her body, not sparing every inch of her skin.

The girl has extremely white skin and slightly damp hair. She is already stunningly beautiful at a young age.

Zhao Qian came forward with a smile: "Zhuoyue, thank you, you are so good at helping me think of a way. My brother has no doubts at all. He is really annoyed to death that he has to check my expenses every month, even across the Pacific Ocean.

Can control my every move!"

This chapter has been completed!
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