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1350: The node that can completely reverse the situation!

The patients who made the medical fuss felt that they were innocent and were completely instigated by the cap and reporters.

The police asked the patient for evidence, but the patient really had evidence... Although the filming equipment was old and broken, the picture quality was not bad, and the sound was also recorded. How did the cap instigate the patient to make medical trouble? The reporter encouraged the patient to boldly "demand justice". These processes

All were filmed.

The reporter was completely confused when he was taken to the police station.

When reporters often need to conduct secret visits and filming, this is the first time in their career that they have been "secretly photographed" by news parties.

Because the patient was in the post-operative recuperation period, it was always the duck cap and the reporter who came to the door. This provided great convenience for the patient's "secret photography". Neither the duck cap nor the reporter were prepared for a patient who needed to recuperate at home.

I have succeeded too many times, and each time I have gained both fame and fortune. As time goes by, I gradually lose sight of the client and feel that the client can be manipulated by them as they please.

The "double bitches" who often walk by the river finally got their shoes wet this time.

The peaked cap instigates patients to make medical trouble, and there is an agreement to share the spoils afterwards, which is directly defined as "blackmail."

Although this time the reporter only wanted to make the news sensational and did not mention the division of the spoils, as soon as he was taken to the police station, enthusiastic people called and asked to provide evidence to prove that this was not the first time that reporters and duck caps collaborated to do such immoral things——

Only then did the reporter come to his senses and defended himself as having been tricked. He just pursued sensational news and acted excessively, and did not participate in "blackmail"!

But when he was asked to tell himself who had persecuted him, the reporter hesitated for a long time and couldn't name the specific person.

There is no way, there are too many immoral things done, and there are so many enemies, how can you name them one by one?

In the end, I can only generalize that it is "peer jealousy", and it must be his peers who are messing with him!

The reporter wanted to distance himself. The police were not the ones who were fooled. How could he just say whatever he said? The cap would definitely not agree with it. Only if the reporter shared the crime could the cap be given a lighter sentence.

At this time, no matter how solid the cooperative relationship is, it doesn't work. One person takes on all the crimes out of loyalty. That's a plot that only happens in movies and TV shows. The peaked hat tried his best to distance himself and put all the blame on the reporter, killing him in one bite.

I have no education and don’t understand that doing this is illegal. I just followed the reporter’s instructions and did what I said.

The police like this kind of suspects who bite each other best.

How to expose more evidence of crime without biting?

Talking too much will inevitably lead to loopholes. The "evidence" provided by the parties involved in this medical dispute and the "evidence" provided by the enthusiastic people combined will make it impossible for anyone, nor the reporters, to escape.

Pursuing sensational news and actively creating trouble are two different natures. Reports on medical troubles used to have a great impact, but now things have taken a huge turn. The hospital is the victim. For the sake of its own reputation, it will pursue the case to the end and will not accept apology or reconciliation. Demand

Be held accountable according to law!

The former famous reporter has become a stinky rat in the media circle, and his peers are afraid of being implicated by him, so they have drawn a clear line with him. His original employer immediately dismissed him. It depends on whether he will be jailed in the future.

Final investigation results.

Regardless of whether he goes to jail or not, this famous reporter's career prospects will be ruined, and no newspaper or TV station will dare to hire him.

Because the medical scandal turned around after a long period of fermentation, the official media published articles criticizing it, using the famous journalist's behavior as a counterexample, calling for the establishment of industry standards and warning of "uncrowned kings" abusing their power.

"Exposing social problems does not mean creating social conflicts."

"The pen in your hand is a powerful weapon. Reasonable supervision does not mean intentional harm!"

The official media release is not just about "medical news".

The rise of online social platforms has given many ordinary netizens a channel and platform to speak.

Ordinary netizens need to be responsible for making inappropriate remarks. Media reporters make up random reports in pursuit of sensational news. Shouldn’t they be held responsible?

Just this year, some entertainment reporters spread rumors on their blogs about the unspoken artist responsible for the dairy industry group. The revelations with evidence are fulfilling the professional responsibilities of the "uncrowned king", while the revelations without evidence are just rumors and frame-ups!

If you start spreading rumors, you will lose your legs if you refute them.

After an internal review by the dairy group confirmed that the person in charge, Mr. Liu, had no unwritten rules, he took the entertainment reporter to court. The case was pronounced just a few days ago, requiring the entertainment reporter to publicly apologize and compensate the dairy group for reputational damage.

, and also have to bear the personal medical expenses of the person in charge, Mr. Liu - since being framed by entertainment reporters, Mr. Liu has been under excessive mental stress and suffered from severe mental illness. He can hardly work normally anymore, which has caused a great impact on Mr. Liu's personal life.

had a great impact.

Psychological counseling is usually billed on an hourly basis. These costs cannot be borne by the victim Mr. Liu personally, right?

Of course, the dairy group knows whether Mr. Liu has a mental illness or not.

When Mr. Liu insisted that he had it and needed psychological treatment, no one would stand up and expose Mr. Liu, so it could only be that he had it.

The famous reporters bought by Zhao Qian and the breaking news reporters arranged by Mr. Guan have both become negative examples criticized by the state media. This is really a coincidence.

Wen Ying was confused after reading the official media article.

She suspected that Xie Qian had done something, but Xie Qian avoided the important and took the easy: "Anyone who commits injustice will be punished by his own death. This is God's arrangement."

The peaked hat and Mingji were caught by mistake. It was indeed Xie Qian who ordered Gong Sheng to arrange and guide the pair to fall into the trap.

Even those enthusiastic people who are willing to provide evidence are the result of Inspector Luo's investigation before going abroad, and are the foreshadowing arranged by Xie Qian.

But arrange for the official media to publish a qualitative statement?

Xie Qian really can't arrange it.

The two incidents broke out so close together that they were singled out for criticism by the state media. It was purely a coincidence.

Wen Ying was dubious about Xie Qian's statement.

Ever since her submission to the magazine was rejected after her rebirth, Wen Ying knew that her rebirth did not allow her to get the "script for the koi heroine". Now that such a good thing has suddenly happened to severely defeat the two villains and clowns, Wen Ying is still a little worried.


"What a blessing, I feel so uneasy!"

Wen Ying always feels that the luck God gives to a person is roughly constant. If you give a little more here, you will take a little away there.

Wen Ying was on tenterhooks for several days, fearing that something unexpected would happen, but in the end nothing happened.

She performed quite well in the latest monthly exam, and for the first time she ranked within the top 100 in her grade!

Wen Ying was ranked among the top 100 in the provincial key grades. She had never done so well in the exam during her peak study period in her previous life.

The results had just come out, and Chen Ru felt refreshed as soon as she got off the plane. The fatigue of two weekends of running around looking at houses was gone.

Chen Li was particularly eye-catching and took the opportunity to flatter her sister: "Wen Ying, this girl has great stamina in her studies. Sister, what else do you have to worry about?"

Chen Ru said seriously: "How can we not worry? There are still more than half a year before the college entrance examination. Who knows if she will slack off halfway!"

Of course, being among the top 100 in key grades in Chengdu Province is very good, but parents all hope that their children will be better. Unless Wen Ying's academic performance can one day catch up with Xie Qian, who is a god-level student, Chen Ru will never really feel relieved.

No, even if her academic performance is good enough to be admitted to a top prestigious school, Chen Ru still has to worry about it.

Wen Ying is a girl. She focuses on studying in high school, falling in love after college, her job after college, when and who to marry after working, and every choice in her life is crucial.

But thinking about the two houses she had just bought in Shanghai, Chen Ru's anxiety faded a lot.

Real estate in first-tier cities is definitely rising steadily. With these two houses in hand, Wen Ying still has a way out and confidence even if she spends all the royalties she earns now!

This chapter has been completed!
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