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1353: It's really over, gods can't save!

After Wen Ying gave up milk tea, skewers and burgers, the only obstacle on her way to losing weight was the deep-fried skewers at provincial key points!

I can't help it, the fried skewers in front of the school are so delicious.

The fried potatoes in this store usually come in two forms: one is fried potatoes that are hard and mixed with chili powder, green onions, celery, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt and other seasonings while they are still hot, usually with some chopped ones.

The root of the folded ear is infused with soul; the other type is a potato that is soft and waxy on the inside and fried to create a layer of crispy skin on the outside. This kind of fried potato is best eaten directly with dried chili noodles!

Li Mengjiao likes the former and usually asks her boss to be more jealous.

Wen Ying likes the latter. She can finish a plate of fried potato cubes wrapped in chili noodles by herself.

Xie Qian didn't eat either.

Not only does he not eat fried potatoes, he won't touch any category in the fried skewers shop.

In fact, Xie Qian wanted to educate Wen Ying on the dangers of "marinated oil" more than once, but Wen Ying had already assumed that she would be hopeless if she couldn't eat fried skewers, so Xie Qian could only endure it.

It's wrong to ruin other people's appetite for food. Xie Qian can only manage himself.

At this moment, Xie Qian's confession game had just begun. Wen Ying looked up, her eyes full of doubts, and Xie Qian was at a loss for a moment.

No wonder Chinese people always like to talk about things at dinner parties. If things don’t go smoothly, eating can relieve the embarrassment!

Just like now, Xie Qian almost wanted to use his chopsticks to taste the fried potatoes on the plate... He didn't want to eat, he just wanted to do something to relieve his nervousness.

After hiding it from Wen Ying for so long, would she be angry if she told her now?

A strong young man who is about to turn eighteen and has a clear and firm plan for his future life can turn around the grades of poor students, but is afraid of losing Wen Ying's favor.

He regards Wen Ying as his best friend.

He hoped Wen Ying would treat him the same way.

——In the hamster's heart, he should be a beautiful and excellent, special and unique existence!

I don't know since when, Xie Qian learned the skill of "self-deception" without any teacher. If you think about it carefully, you can find that Xie Qian's standard for Wen Ying to respond to him has exceeded the scope of "good friends".

The fried skewers shop is very noisy, but the proprietress is very fashionable and plays Jay’s songs in the store every day. Students all say that this is a fried skewers shop with an explosion of mixed elements. When the melody of some songs plays, you will even get drunk while eating fried skewers.

I suddenly want to confess my love, and the confession with the scent of braised oil is suffocating.

Jay is the youth imprint of Wen Ying’s generation.

No matter whether you like this singer or not when you are young, if your youth fades after more than ten years, you can still hum a few lines along with the melody when you hear his songs again.

"Nocturne" is playing in the store now.

This is not a song suitable for confession, but Xie Qian's hesitation to speak has created a somewhat ambiguous atmosphere.

Wen Ying's eyes were wandering, and she looked left and right without realizing it. She didn't even bother to move her chopsticks over the fried potatoes placed in front of her.

"What are you going to say? I'm a little nervous!"

Wen Ying urged.

The language that Xie Qian had just organized was messed up again. He simply threw away the established order and decided to say whatever came to mind.

"I can pay you back soon."


Wen Ying's heart was lifted high, but Xie Qian just said that he wanted to pay back the money!

"I'm not in a hurry! My mother has already bought a house in Shanghai. My royalties from last quarter are enough for the down payment. There is nothing I need to spend money on now."

After spending 10 million to invest in Tianjiao, in the future Tianjiao will invest in film and television dramas. Wen Ying no longer needs to invest money in a certain work, but will pay dividends as a shareholder.

In addition to making money from TV dramas and selling copyrights, Tianjiao's three contracted artists, Li Mengjiao, Yun Chen and Zhang Yangning, are also very profitable. Every income of these three people, whether it is remuneration, commercial performances or advertising shooting and endorsements, the company will pay according to the contract proportion.

Take a commission.

Yuan Fenghui arranged few commercial performances for the three of them, which seemed to reduce their income, but actually pushed up the unit price of commercial performances.

What should I do if someone is popular but hard to hire?

Of course it’s more money!

Business performances are more expensive than finesse. Either the price is particularly high or it is a very important occasion.

In addition to commercial performances, there is also salary.

Putting aside this, none of Li Mengjiao and Li Mengjiao have taken any outside roles yet. They are all paid by talented people. When they film the company's own films, the remuneration cannot be too high.

At present, in addition to commercial performances, advertising and endorsements account for the majority of income.

In addition to the endorsement of a dairy brand, Li Mengjiao also signed an advertising endorsement for a domestic clothing brand this year. The target customers are a large number of teenagers. Li Mengjiao's dual identity as a "student star" is very suitable for the brand's needs. In addition, Yuan Fenghui

He has been helping Li Mengjiao create a good student image. Li Mengjiao is not only a good boy in the hearts of fans, but also has won the love and recognition of many parents.

Unless Yuan Fenghui doesn't want to compete, once Yuan Fenghui wants to compete, Li Mengjiao will be chosen first for advertising endorsements of the same type. This is Li Mengjiao's popularity and status!

There is also a learning machine brand looking for Li Mengjiao. Li Mengjiao is afraid that if she accepts this advertisement, her fans will regard her as a true academic master and want to whip her to compete for the top spot in the college entrance examination. No matter how much the learning machine brand sells, she will do it.

Yuan Fenghui respected her own opinion and refused to accept the advertisement.

Yun Chen is amazing.

Yun Chen didn't accept any commercials before. He acted in two dramas, one as an elite rich young man, and the other as an idol superstar. He played both roles with a sense of nobility. During this summer vacation, "Galaxy and You" just finished airing.

There is a famous watch brand that has confirmed that Yun Chen will be the spokesperson of the brand series... Although it is only one series of the brand rather than the spokesperson of the whole line, it is still very awesome. Ordinary idols will not be able to get exposure to this level of brand endorsement!

After Yun Chen accepted this endorsement, he suddenly received many invitations to fashion events, and he was almost on the covers of several major domestic fashion magazines!

Zhang Yangning didn't bother to accept the advertisement. The original soundtrack of "Galaxy and You" of the same name sold out of stock. Not only did Zhang Yangning get some money, every time an album was sold, Wen Ying, as a shareholder of Tianjiao, also got money!

This part of the income is continuous and long-term. As long as Tianjiao is still operating, the shareholders will have money.

There is another part of the income, which is not investment, but income from Wen Ying's creation.

"Teenage Idol" has passed its peak best-selling period, but as long as there are still readers willing to read the book, Wen Ying will get royalties.

For the novel "Galaxy and You" of the same name, Wen Ying only got 6% of the royalties, so it couldn't keep up with the impressive sales.

She also has a new book "Xun Yong" that is being serialized, and she also writes short and medium stories for magazines, so she won't be short of money no matter what.

Listening to Wen Ying calculating his income item by item, Xie Qian's nervousness disappeared and he wanted to laugh:

"I have never heard of a creditor like you! If every creditor was like you, borrowing money should not be called borrowing but charity. Are you worried about my cash flow? You don't have to worry about this. There were rumors about me before

The purchased land will be demolished and requisitioned. This matter has now made definite progress, and someone from the relevant responsible department of the local government has contacted Gong Sheng."

Xie Qian said it in an understatement. In fact, in Hongqiao, the magical city, many families are telling stories of joy and sorrow because of this demolition.

At the same time as the demolition notice is posted, the government will lock down all the houses in an area and will not allow additions or extensions. It will also suspend house transaction procedures and will not allow people to move in again. It will also stop all household divisions, etc. The next step is to

Mobilizing for demolition from house to house!

The logistics company under Xie Qian's name occupies such a large area of ​​land, and the relevant departments are also afraid that Gong Sheng will open his mouth, so they contacted Gong Sheng just to find out what he had to say.

The negotiation process was very long. Not only did Xie Qian own such a large piece of land and a factory, but ordinary people and their families were crowded into a small house and wanted to negotiate for better compensation for demolition!

Some people are easily satisfied, while others choose to be poor households. Even before compensation for demolition is paid, the whole family will be beaten until their scalp bleeds.

Xie Qian has already thought about it. He will not take all cash compensation, but will use the superior geographical location to negotiate another form of "compensation" with the government. If done properly, the logistics company will rely on the geographical advantages of Hongqiao Airport and Railway Station.


Oops, the land Xie Qian bought is finally going to be demolished!

Wen Ying murmured: "Is this what you are talking about? Xie Qian, you are going to become a rich man!"

This chapter has been completed!
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