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1408: Optimistic and humble Xiaowu (still 6)

Shu Guobing was released from prison early, and Shu Lu abandoned her parents and ran away alone. Shu Guobing and his wife called the police to look for him. Instead, the police severely criticized the couple and asked them why they had to rely on their own resources instead of relying on their own efforts when they were 16.

The 20-year-old daughter works to support herself.

Wen Ying knew that this big drama was already after New Year's Day.

"Shulu ran away?"

"Run away, bought a train ticket and went to Shanghai!"

Wen Dongrong looked strange when he said this.

Lao Wen, who works in a government agency, has never engaged in feudal superstition and does not believe in fate. If he wants to follow the destiny, he should be farming in the countryside instead of sitting in an office.

Believe it or not, the Wen family has been deepening its ties with the Magic City.

Wen Ying went to Shanghai to participate in the new concept competition. Chen Ru got back in touch with Wu Chunqin, an old classmate from Shanghai. Wen Ying intended to go to Shanghai to study in college. Her family took out a loan to buy a house in Shanghai. Now even Shu Lu went to Shanghai to run away.

...Somehow, there seems to be some pull.

Wen Dongrong wondered: "There are so many places in the country, but she doesn't go anywhere but wants to go to the magic city..."

"Just go."

Wen Dongrong didn't know, but Wen Ying could probably guess the reason.

The Magic City must be special to Shu Lu, because Zhao Dong is here in the Magic City!

Wen Ying felt that this was no coincidence. Shu Lu had dropped out of school for a while. She had left earlier than later, and Shu Guobing left right after he was released from prison.

"Dad, how did you know? It's not my sister-in-law who is looking for you, right?"

Wen Dongrong was anxious: "Don't talk nonsense. I have no contact with your sister-in-law's family now. It was Shu Lu who left them and ran away. The couple wanted to chase them to the magic city and ask your grandma to borrow travel expenses. Your grandma

Know first!"

Lao Wen, who had passed the postgraduate entrance examination, was hit by the rejection incident and did not go to Versailles as usual. Seeing that he had not been idle after get off work, Chen Ru acquiesced to Lao Wen and moved the quilt back to the bedroom.

Chengdu has now entered the coldest period of the year. Compared with the cold balcony, the bed in the master bedroom is so warm and soft. Wen Dongrong cherishes being able to lie on the same bed with his wife again!

Wen Ying was curious: "Then my grandma lent travel expenses to my sister-in-law and the others?"

"Of course I didn't borrow it!"

Wen Dongrong chuckled: "Your grandma asked them, they haven't paid a cent of the money that should be supported for the elderly in these years, so why are they so shameless in squeezing the elderly's living expenses? She caught them and scolded them severely."

This incident is enough for Wen Dongrong to show off in front of his wife Chen Ru.

——Look, our mother is not confused!

Grandma Wen had some money, and the money was given by Wen Ying's family and her third son Wen Changlin. She relied on Uncle Wen Ying's family for food and accommodation.

The three sons are all very filial to their old mother and provide for her without any complaints. This is everyone's obligation and no son can shirk it.

On one side is a filial son, on the other side is an unfilial daughter.

Wen Hongyan has offended all three brothers. If Grandma Wen wants to use the money given by her sons to secretly support her daughter again, her sons will probably have to endure it. What will the daughters-in-law think?

People, we are not afraid of not having money or lack of education, but we are most afraid of not being able to empathize with others.

Chen Ru is willing to pay all the rent to her mother-in-law privately. Grandma Wen has a lot of money, but she wants to use the money to support people Chen Ru hates. Such behavior will chill Chen Ru's heart!

Wen Ying found it very novel.

After living again, everyone has really changed.

In her previous life, Grandma Wen was not so decisive. She was a slimy old lady. She had the problem of favoring sons over daughters, and she also had the problem of dragging her rich sons to support their poor children... But now she has changed so much!

"My grandma didn't borrow money. How can she really trust Shu Lu to go to a strange city by herself?"

"I'm not sure. But your grandma said that Shu Lu doesn't want to read books. If she doesn't read, she can only go out to work."

In fact, the old lady is not so hard-hearted.

I am not happy to return, but Shu Lu is also my granddaughter.

It is really easy for a sixteen-year-old girl to go out to work on her own and be deceived.

Grandma Wen did not lend money to Shu Guobing and his wife, but asked Wen Dongrong to find out the situation.

Wen Dongrong asked the police station and found that Shu Lu had indeed arrived in Magic City and could be contacted. No one restricted Shu Lu's personal freedom. She just didn't want to live with her parents, she was not missing!

There are many half-year-old children like Shu Lu who dropped out of school early and went out to work. They have not been missing or abducted. Not living with their parents is a family conflict. The police station here in Chengdu will not go all the way to arrest Shu Guobing and his wife just because they are crying.

Come back naked and tied up.

Shu Lu said she was going to work. What should she do if she is kidnapped and brought back? Should the police station be responsible for supporting this family of three?

Of course that's impossible!

Because of Shu Lu's "letter", the police also gave Shu Guobing and Wen Hongyan a lesson, so that they could earn money steadily and become self-reliant as early as possible in order to alleviate family conflicts!

Shu Guobing and Wen Hongyan were both confused.

There is a saying that neither of these two people are good people, but before Shu Guobing went to jail, they were still very good to Shu Lu. Wen Dongrong's money to subsidize the Shu family was basically spent on Shu Lu.

Later, Wen Dongrong woke up and stopped giving subsidies. Wen Hongyan was defrauded of tens of thousands again and had no choice but to return to the countryside. Her life got worse and worse before Shu Lu dropped out of school.

Shu Lu's "letter", with just a few words, completely obliterated the kindness her parents had shown her. Shu Guobing and Wen Hongyan were unable to argue at the police station, and could only be criticized and educated by the police.

This girl Shu Lu is really a white-eyed wolf. She treats her parents like this, let alone expect her to remember the kindness of others.

Is it a favor or not? Being able to keep giving to Shu Lu is a "favour". If something goes wrong, the "favour" turns into "enmity"... I'm afraid that all the Wen family members are Shu Lu's enemies now.

Wen Dongrong's eyelids jumped and he reminded Wen Ying: "If you go to the magic city to go to college, be careful when you meet Shu Lu. She is always pretending to be pitiful. No matter what she says, just listen and don't pay attention to her.


Shanghai is a first-tier big city with huge crowds. In fact, it is unlikely that Wen Ying will meet Shu Lu.

But Wen Ying is a best-selling author after all, so it is inevitable that she will attend some publicity activities. Wen Ying is exposed and Shu Lu is secretly exposed. Wen Dongrong is afraid that Shu Lu will lose his mind due to jealousy and do some extreme behavior to hurt Wen Ying.

This is the first time that Wen Dongrong did not shy away from mentioning this matter.

In the past, whether Wen's relatives were good or not could only be judged by Wen Dongrong in his heart.

Especially Shu Lu, who has been supported by Wen Dongrong for many years. If Shu Lu is not good, wouldn't it be Wen Dongrong's failure?

Wen Ying was very curious and looked at Comrade Lao Wen again and again, making Wen Dongrong feel uncomfortable: "Is there something dirty on my face?"

Wen Ying shook her head, "No, I'm just not used to it. You told me to learn more from Shu Lu before, saying that she was lively and outgoing, and that she was a eugenic with all-round development of morality, intelligence, body and beauty——"

Of course Wen Dongrong would not admit it even if he was beaten to death.

"You heard wrong, I never said that!"

"I heard you right, you just said it."

"Then you remember it wrong! You girl, your memory is worse than your grandma's at a young age. No, no, no, I have to tell your mother that I should buy some supplements to supplement your brain. There are only a few months left before the college entrance examination.

, you usually do well in the exams, don’t fail in the college entrance exams.”

Wen Dongrong muttered and walked away with his hands behind his back, while Wen Ying was dumbfounded.

Everyone will evolve, and Lao Wen is no exception.

The difference is that others have evolved their skills, while Lao Wen has evolved his face!

Or maybe, under this shameless appearance, there is still hidden the father's love that has just emerged from the ground like a bud.


PS: April is here, and I’m here to fulfill my promise of double updates.

Since January 1 this year, your treasure has been updated continuously for 91 days.

In April, I want to have double updates, and I want to get perfect attendance!

This chapter has been completed!
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