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Chapter 5003 The effect is satisfactory

 Zuo Feng himself is a relatively rational person, so he acts relatively steadily and rarely makes decisions based on impulse or feeling.

Of course, being rarely impulsive does not mean that you have never been impulsive, and rarely relying on feelings does not mean that you have never made choices based on feelings. For the sake of family and friends, Zuo Feng does have impulses, or makes some willful decisions based on feelings.

Zuo Feng had tried many times before to use the power of ancient jade this time, trying to find a way to mobilize more of the power of ancient jade. However, after trying various methods, the results were very unsatisfactory.

The method he is trying now is not found by Zuo Feng, but found by Jiuli from the depths of his memory. He just had the attitude of giving it a try, and he doesn't know what the result will be.

Originally, Zuo Feng had the attitude of giving it a try. If the effect was not satisfactory, he would stop as soon as possible and look for other methods. However, this idea gradually changed as he tried it slowly.

Although they just wanted to take a look at the beginning, when Jiu Li and Feng Li used secret techniques to release energy of two attributes, and then combined them in a strange way, Zuo Feng appeared faintly.

a feeling.

It feels like saying, ‘This method should work, you must give it a try!’.

However, for Zuo Feng, his feeling at that time was not so clear, but more like he was attracted by the secret techniques performed by Jiuli and Fengli, and he observed and felt carefully.

In addition, after the two of them used the secret technique and directly injected the combined energy into the ancient jade, Zuo Feng was also in a highly concentrated and extremely nervous state.

This state is very special. High concentration can better feel the changes in various details, while tension will make Zuo Feng more susceptible to stimulation by surrounding changes.

Not long ago, Huan Kong guided him step by step to understand the deep-level manipulation of ancient jade. The whole process required the assistance of feeling, and then he tried various methods to find the correct feeling, so as to master the ancient jade at a deep level.

After being affected by these influences, Zuo Feng was also affected by his feelings unknowingly. In fact, even he himself was not very clear about it. For the control and use of ancient jade, he had to rely on his feelings. This is the only thing he has now.

An opportunity that can be seized.

It was precisely because of relying on the "prompts" from the senses that Zuo Feng thought of using the same method to mobilize a small part of the power of the ancient jade and combine it with the power of the ancient jade. Even Zuo Feng himself did not notice it, because he followed himself

feelings without estimating how severe the risks will be in the future.

But if Zuo Feng really makes careful estimates, repeatedly weighs and calculates, I'm afraid he won't be determined to make the last attempt. After all, not only is the risk of failure very high, but the impact and damage caused by failure will also be very serious.


When the power of the ancient jade and the energy of the Phoenix Secret Technique are combined with each other, although it is only a little bit, the energy explosion produced is far beyond imagination.

Zuo Feng's original plan was that if something unexpected happened, he would immediately stop taking action and limit the abnormal energy changes produced during contact to a limited range.

But things could never be as simple as Zuo Feng imagined, or in other words, it was not what he imagined. The moment the ancient jade energy and the Phoenix secret energy came into contact with each other, Zuo Feng couldn't help but feel

He exclaimed "something bad" because the energy was out of control at that moment, and it was simply beyond Zuo Feng's control.

Faced with such a situation, Zuo Feng subconsciously wanted to control it, hoping to minimize the damage and impact. However, he soon discovered how ridiculous his subconscious behavior was, because it could not be stopped at all, let alone

It is impossible to control even a little bit of the burst of energy.

It's not that Zuo Feng can't do it now, but even if it's a strong person in the Divine Mind stage, even a powerful being like Huan Kong, he still can't control or divert the energy burst. Because those energies are too terrifying, especially the ancient jade

The moment the power of the power and the power of Fengque's secret technique came into contact with each other, the energy directly increased by tens, or even hundreds of times.

Faced with such an energy explosion, Zuo Feng gave up in just a moment. He could only watch the burst of energy impact the surroundings in the ancient jade. Moreover, the energy would continue to affect the ancient jade.

Much violent energy was detonated.

It feels like a torch is thrown into a cave full of swamp gas, and the flames will spread instantly until the entire cave filled with swamp gas is completely ignited.

In a closed environment like a cave, after the flames of the torch spread, there will only be one result, which is the most terrifying explosion.

At that moment, Zuo Feng felt that his heart was being tightened so hard that he couldn't even breathe. The most important thing was that he couldn't do anything. He could only grit his teeth and hold on, waiting for what would happen next.

Dare to imagine the results.

It's like a person walking in the dark, suddenly missing his foot and falling down. At that moment, apart from protecting his vitals, he can only resign himself to fate.

However, the explosion caused the violent energy to expand rapidly, and the shock wave instantly hit the space barrier inside the ancient jade. However, the ancient jade did not break in the terrifying impact.

What's even more weird is that the terrifying impact stagnated on the inner wall of the ancient jade for a moment, and then directly broke the barrier. According to Zuo Feng's estimation, under such a terrifying impact, the ancient jade would definitely break apart.

The energy within it will also be vented outward crazily.

The violent energy in the ancient jade alone exceeded any energy Zuo Feng had ever seen. It was energy belonging to a space continent. Its explosion meant that a space continent might be directly destroyed.

And this is only part of the energy that appears in the explosion. In addition to the violent energy in the ancient jade, the ancient jade will also produce huge energy at the moment it shatters. That is terrifying energy that contains the power of space.

Zuo Feng couldn't even imagine that the moment this ancient jade exploded, not to mention the Arctic Icefield, even most of the Ye Lin Empire would be involved in this terrifying energy.

However, the ancient jade was intact. From the surface, except for a slight tremor, there was no other change.

For Zuo Feng, for just a moment, it seemed that his time and the world had stopped. It was not until this moment that time resumed its movement again, and everything around him was still the same as it was before, including Gui Man Pavilion, Duotian Mountain,

Valley of Flames, Blackwater Alliance and Gale Wind Mountain are attacking Liuyun Pavilion and Blizzard.

Jiuli and Fengli beside them were carefully operating the secret method, combining the energy released by the secret method with each other and sending it to Zuo Feng.

No one knew that just now they might be destroyed along with this space and the Arctic ice sheet. But Zuo Feng had a different feeling. In a daze, he seemed to be reborn. Everything around him obviously had not changed, but he

Everything feels different.

Zuo Feng's brain began to spin again, and he began to try to rethink and face the changes inside the ancient jade. The terrifying explosion was not ineffective, but successfully broke through the space barrier inside the ancient jade.

It's just that the inner barrier is not the entire ancient jade space barrier. Outside the outer barrier, it is still the ancient jade space. Maybe others will find it difficult to accept such a result, but Zuo Feng understood it instantly.

It's the same as my own nanocrystal, divided into multiple spaces inside.

The difference is that the interior of the ancient jade space was originally extremely huge. No matter how he looked at it, Zuo Feng thought that this should be the entire space of the ancient jade. However, he did not expect that there was still space inside the ancient jade, and it was not like Najing.

It is a parallel space, but there is a larger space outside the space.

The outer space is also extremely huge. Although I haven't explored it carefully yet, I can vaguely feel that the new outer space seems to be larger than the inner space.

The impact of the explosion continued to spread, releasing towards a larger space outside. Zuo Feng also recovered from the shock, and his heart trembled slightly.

An idea suddenly appeared in his mind. Zuo Feng quickly grabbed the thoughts that popped up in his mind at this moment. He didn't even have time to think about it carefully. As soon as the idea came up, he directly put it into practice.

It's not that Zuo Feng acted too hastily, it was because time was too tight. If he didn't try the idea that suddenly popped up immediately, he might not have the chance to try it.

Zuo Feng tried his best to mobilize the violent energy and combine it with the energy released by the Phoenix Clan's secret method. Zuo Feng had already seen the changes in the previous contact, but this time he was unusually decisive.

The contact between the two energies, or a collision is more appropriate to describe it, whether it is the power of ancient jade or the energy of the secret method, the resistance is extremely fierce. However, in the current environment, such a violent reaction will be explosive.

The power was suppressed.

That is to say, in an instant, the energy that caused the explosion started to fuse in this way, and became stable after the fusion. It is like a fierce horse on the grassland that resists crazily after being lassoed, and becomes exhausted after being exhausted.

Very docile.

Seeing such a result, Zuo Feng was overjoyed and quickly sent a message to Jiuli.

"Quickly, send in the secret energy after your combination, quick...all of it!"

Jiuli and Fengli both received the sound transmission. They were stunned for only a moment, and then they immediately sent all the combined secret energy into the ancient jade.

Zuo Feng used the energy of the Fengque clan's secret method and combined it with the power of ancient jade. What he was most worried about was causing an explosion of energy. Now that the explosion has occurred, it has directly opened up a large new space inside.

At this time, the energy was already exploding and spreading, so he didn't need to worry about it. He directly combined the two energies in a simple and crude way, and the effect made him very satisfied.

This chapter has been completed!
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