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Chapter 5004 The Feeling of God

 Faced with the energy that could trigger a big explosion, Zuo Feng had to be extremely careful when acting. No matter the energy mobilized or the contact with each other, he did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

However, even so, Zuo Feng was still unable to stop the violent ancient jade power from being detonated directly when it came into contact with the secret energy of the Fengque clan.

The originally violent energy expanded rapidly in the explosion, and the surrounding violent energy was also detonated one after another, and quickly spread towards the surroundings. More and more violent energy was detonated, and then they continued to expand and spread outward.

Eventually it swept through the entire ancient jade space.

In an instant, the violent energy of those explosions had expanded to the limit of the ancient jade space, and directly broke the barrier of the ancient jade space. I originally thought that this would be a terrifying explosion, and everyone, including myself, would be shocked.

All living things, and even the entire Arctic ice sheet, will be destroyed.

However, the final effect of the explosion was only to break through a barrier inside the ancient jade space, and there was another space outside it.

As a result, the internal space was not at all the size that Zuo Feng originally judged. The terrifying force of the explosion, the moment it broke through the barrier, directly weakened the energy contained in it by 70 to 80%.

Maybe others would be surprised by this scene and think it was completely unreasonable, but Zuo Feng understood it in an instant. The violent energy of those explosions was able to break the ancient jade barrier mainly because it satisfied the need to break the barrier.

conditions of.

Looking at it from another way, if the destructive power is insufficient, even if the violent power inside the ancient jade is detonated, there is no way to break the barrier.

Judging from the results in front of him, Zuo Feng actually achieved the conditions for expanding the internal space of the ancient jade by accident, allowing the second level of the ancient jade space to be opened.

Different from Zuo Feng's nano crystal, the internal space of Zuo Feng's nano crystal is divided into multiple areas. Each area not only exists independently, but also has unique rules.

The internal space of this ancient jade is only separated by a barrier. After breaking it, the two spaces are directly connected and become a whole space. The two spaces are not isolated from each other, but at the same time they have the same rules.

If compared, Zuofeng's Najing is like a dazzling market, with items of various formats, and each shop has its own characteristics. And the inside of the ancient jade is like a large warehouse, except

The space is very spacious and there is nothing special about it.

Now the space inside the warehouse has suddenly expanded a lot. However, because the current situation is too special, Zuo Feng cannot explore in detail how big the expanded space is.

Zuo Feng has a more important thing at the moment, which is to take advantage of the violent energy in the ancient jade and it is in a special state. If he wants to use the energy of the ancient jade, now is a golden opportunity.

The energy of those ancient jades is extremely violent and cannot be controlled and used under normal circumstances. The result of combining it with the secret method of the Fengque clan is to cause that terrifying explosion.

But now the violent energy has just exploded, and most of the force of the explosion has been directly absorbed in the process of breaking through the barrier.

After the violent energy is weakened, it is still exploding and expanding, but the energy of the explosion and expansion is rushing towards the external space, while the internal space is relatively stable.

Zuo Feng just took advantage of the current state of the violent energy, mobilized the energy condensed by the Phoenix family's secret method, and used the same method just now to fuse them with each other.

Since it was already in the middle of an explosion, it was of course impossible to explode again. Moreover, Zuo Feng didn't have to worry about anything at this time, because the explosion he was most worried about would no longer appear, so he could just let it fuse in large quantities.

The violent energy of this ancient jade will continue to spread outward, and after reaching a new barrier, it will be blocked. The power of the explosion has been severely weakened, and it is obviously impossible to destroy new barriers.

In addition, Zuo Feng didn't know whether the new barrier was another ancient jade space or the outermost barrier of the entire ancient jade.

Regardless of whether the next burst of energy would directly destroy the ancient jade and obliterate himself and other living beings. Even if it triggered the same explosion, there would be other unexpected changes. Zuo Feng had no way of knowing.


Since this is the result, Zuo Feng certainly does not dare to take risks. He can only take advantage of this rare opportunity and go all out for integration.

When he started to fuse, Zuo Feng was still full of worries, because he didn't know whether his judgment was correct. If the two energies merged in their current state, other changes would occur.

But now Zuo Feng has no other choice at all. He can only take advantage of the current environment and conditions and take the risk.

With the combination of the two energies, the reaction of conflict and collision immediately appeared. Zuo Feng couldn't help sweating his palms and his heart was lifted.

As a result, he noticed the next moment that the two energies merged smoothly with each other. Although during the fusion process, uncontrollable energy was released crazily, causing Zuo Feng to feel bursts of severe pain, which was transmitted along with his mind power to

in the mind.

Faced with such a change, Zuo Feng decisively gave up that part. Since he couldn't control it, he let it be released at will. Facts have proved that Zuo Feng's reaction was very correct, just like in the process of refining medicine, certain impurities will be produced.

, if this part is mixed into the medicine, it may not only lead to a decline in the quality of the medicine, but may even cause the entire batch of elixirs to become useless.

Zuo Feng didn't think that much. He just relied on his intuition and made a judgment at that moment. Even if the combination of the two parties' energies failed because of that part of out-of-control energy, Zuo Feng had to give up that part.


Even if he makes the worst plan, Zuo Feng will work hard for the best result. As the out-of-control energy rushes left and right and scatters everywhere, more relatively stable and controllable energy is successfully retained.

Come down.

Facing the energy of Zuo Feng, he relaxed a little, but only for a moment, he immediately became nervous, because he already felt that the energy expanding in the explosion was about to reach the limit of the new space.

, which represents that the entire ancient jade space is about to return to its original state.

There was not much time left for Zuo Feng. He did not hesitate to send a message to Jiuli and Fengli, asking them to fully cooperate with him. While using the secret method to condense the energy, he used all the condensed and fused energy.

Pour it into the ancient jade.

As for Zuo Feng, he was receiving it almost all the time, and then controlled the energy to combine with each other like crazy. Under Zuo Feng's control, the two energies were smoothly combined, becoming the energy that Zuo Feng could truly control.

As for how much controllable energy he has gained, Zuo Feng doesn't even care to understand it now. He just takes advantage of the fact that he can fuse it at will and frantically fuses every bit of energy.

In his opinion, most of the energy will form a part of out-of-control energy during the fusion process, and there should not be much under his control.

It was not until the impact of the violent energy explosion finally reached a new barrier that it rolled back again. Zuo Feng combined the last part of the energy and did not dare to act rashly anymore. Only then did he start to carefully observe the energy he could control now.

Now the ancient jade space has returned to its original state. Now that the impact of the explosion has just passed, the ancient jade space is still turbulent, but overall, it is similar to the original state.

In this state, if Zuo Feng continues to fuse energy, no matter how careful he is, it will only cause a new explosion, so he has to stop.

Turning his attention to the energy he could control now, Zuo Feng was stunned for a moment. He even couldn't believe his eyes.

Because the energy he used to explore his telekinesis and connect with his own mental power had reached a level that Zuo Feng could not even imagine.

It would have been fine if Zuo Feng's original plan was to obtain a share of energy for him to use smoothly. After all this trouble, Zuo Feng can now control at least fifty or sixty shares of energy. How does this make him

Can you not be excited?

The violent energy cannot be used directly, and Zuo Feng does not have the ability to control it. However, after combining with the secret energy of the Phoenix family, the properties of the new energy generated will change, and Zuo Feng can also control it.

According to the original plan, Zuo Feng mobilized part of the energy and slowly seeped out from the ancient jade. Originally, it was only a small amount of energy, which made Zuo Feng feel so heavy. Now there are dozens more energy.

A hundred times, but he can control it easily.

The energy in these ancient jade, relying on his mastery of the core of the ancient jade, can be directly connected to the iceberg. After the energy of the ancient jade enters the iceberg, it is like a "door" unique to the iceberg, and finally encounters the unique "door" of the iceberg.

Its "key".

As Zuo Feng's thoughts moved slightly, the structure in the iceberg immediately began to move according to his thoughts. Because it was so relaxed, Zuo Feng even felt in a trance, as if he had asked a child to move a stone mill.

Now let the children move a pebble.

Zuo Feng clearly knows how complicated this iceberg is. Each one is not just a sensory space, but a space with different sizes and attributes.

When we first entered the space group inside the iceberg, we even thought of it as a Senluo space. It was an existence built to simulate endless space. You can imagine how huge and complex it is.

Although I now understand that this is just a huge space group, countless spaces within it are constantly moving and adjusting according to Zuo Feng's thoughts.

At this moment, Zuo Feng felt as if he was no longer a human being, but like a god. Controlling the iceberg through ancient jade was like a god influencing and controlling the world.

This chapter has been completed!
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