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Chapter 5355 The Royal Court of the Golden Tent

Duotian Mountain's initial restrictions on the descendants of the Brahma sect slowly progressed to supervision, and finally, they slowly turned into surveillance.

Perhaps when they first dealt with the descendants of the Brahma sect, they were still full of vigilance, not letting go of any details, and treating these children with caution.

Duotian Mountain allows these children to survive, naturally they have reached an agreement with each other, and can benefit from it. As for the descendants of the Brahma Sect, they can spend these years safely, and they must have paid various prices very skillfully.

, as long as they still have value, Duotian Mountain will not use thunderous methods.

Zuo Fengguang began to feel a headache after imagining the entanglement between the descendants of the Brahma Sect and Duotian Mountain.

You must know that if the descendants of the Brahma Sect did not offer an exciting bargaining chip, Duotian Mountain would never be able to help them quietly move to the prairie and help them settle down there.

If after helping the descendants of the Brahma sect settle down, they find that they have lost their use value, I believe they will still take action to deal with these guys.

This requires the descendants of the Brahma Sect to be able to come up with something that makes Duotian Mountain care after a period of time. Whether it is exercises, martial arts, rune formations or weapon refining methods, etc.

If what they bring out does not satisfy Duotian Shan, or if Duotian Shan feels that the descendants of the Brahma Sect have lost their value, then they may be killed at any time.

But when the Brahma Sect was destroyed, in order to convince all forces that the Brahma Sect had been completely wiped out from the Kunxuan Continent, they had to produce enough existence for them to pay attention to, both in terms of quantity and quality.

You have to make those enemies believe and be satisfied.

In the end, some trading chips must be left behind to allow the descendants of the Brahma Sect to survive and maintain trade with the enemy. Even the Brahma Sect will probably be drained in the end, and Duotian Mountain actually understands this.

In this transaction, there is no real so-called fairness. There is only a game of wits and courage between the two parties. The Brahma Sect must grasp every transaction, so that Duotian Mountain cannot lose interest in the transaction, and at the same time

We must also use the limited chips in our hands to delay as long as possible, so that the descendants of the Brahma Sect can slowly survive in the new environment.

The descendants of the Brahma Sect know very well that with the continuous transactions, the chips in the hands of the descendants of the Brahma Sect will become less and less, and their value will become lower and lower. Therefore, they must let everyone in Duotian Mountain put down their hands before they completely lose their value.

Be alert, and the most important thing is to let them survive.

The Brahma Sect has spent nearly sixty years on this, and the lives of two generations have been ruined in this way. They have almost given up on practice. Just like those who sacrificed when the sect was destroyed, they are willing to sacrifice for the rise of the Brahma Sect again.


If Duotian Mountain had not gradually let down its vigilance, the third generation of Brahma sect descendants would have been ready to sacrifice. They could also spend their lives like useless people, and then hand over their hopes to the fourth generation.

on the body.

Fortunately, what they were facing was Duotian Mountain, a behemoth on the Kunxuan Continent. Their own strong strength made them even more confident.

If you change to another sect, you may have to deal with it carefully and continue to carefully monitor the Brahma sect to worry about any accidents.

Precisely because it is Duotian Mountain, the descendants of the Brahma Sect can have the opportunity to start executing the follow-up plan in the third generation.

It’s not that the senior officials of Duotian Mountain don’t have the vision and judgment to see the threat from the existence of the Brahma Sect, nor does it mean that they really don’t take the Brahma Sect seriously.

On the contrary, many high-level officials of Duotian Mountain indeed attach great importance to the Brahma Sect, but their disciples lack enough vigilance and respect for the Brahma Sect.

The high-level attention can only be passed on to the disciples in the first few years, or even more than ten years, so that they can pay special attention to every move of the Brahma Sect and prevent any accidents from happening.

But after all, the top management of Duotian Mountain still have too many things to deal with. As the first sect in the ancient wasteland, they have to face pressure from all forces at all times, and they also have to deal with occasional dangers in a timely manner, as well as hidden dangers.

Hostility in the dark.

As a result, the disciples who were monitoring the Brahma Sect began to slowly relax, and once this relaxation started, it was difficult to return to that tense state.

Being a disciple of Duotian Mountain was originally the proudest thing, and the future was even brighter. However, being sent to the prairie far away from the sect to monitor a large group of guys who were not much better than ordinary people, it was impossible to live without resentment for a long time.

They feel like they made a mistake and were left here.

All kinds of negative emotions will pass on to each other, and relaxed emotions will also affect each other. Gradually, they just regard the descendants of the Brahma Sect as a pure task, and it becomes the norm to do things perfunctorily.

Those in the third generation have begun to practice. If the warriors of Duotian Mountain are more careful in their observations, or even more vigilant, and directly test them, it is absolutely impossible to hide them.

As a result, under the eyes of everyone in Duotian Mountain, a famous strong man was born. They were like firewood that was about to go out, rekindled in the breeze, and continued to spread.

These descendants of the Brahma sect first began to contact each other. After they were migrated to the prairie, they were divided into many small communities and dispersed to the long edge areas of the prairie.

For nearly sixty years, they had almost no contact with each other. At most, they could only contact the descendants of the nearby Brahma sect. However, in order not to arouse the vigilance of the warriors of Duotian Mountain, they did not dare to have too much contact, let alone pass the news easily.

Fortunately, the prairie at that time, the areas suitable for human habitation, were mainly concentrated in the edge areas near the grassland. In this way, when many descendants of the Brahma sect began to contact each other, they did not need to go deep into the prairie, as long as they followed the outer areas

can contact each other.

As for when they really started exploring the depths of the prairie after they made contact, that was the most difficult and risky time.

First of all, the descendants of the Brahma sect cannot send out a large number of manpower, because once a large number of people disappear, those Duotian Mountain monitors will immediately notice it. No matter how they relax their vigilance, such an obvious change will still not be missed.


The second is that they have begun to practice with all their strength, but have not practiced for many years. Although they have good quality martial arts and martial arts, there is no one to guide them.

The first and second generations of Brahma descendants have no spiritual practice experience to pass on to the third generation. They can only instill all the important information retained in their memories into the third generation, and at the same time, they also instill hope and

The pressure was also passed on to the third generation.

The third generation actually knew very well that if they did not change the current situation at that time, even if they continued to survive, even if Duotian Mountain did not take action against them, they themselves would be slowly destroyed.

Therefore, even if the cultivation level was not enough, they still selected some of them, the people with the highest cultivation level, and let them go deep into the prairie from different directions in batches.

In the prairie at that time, in addition to various harsh environments, there were also some orcs living in the inner areas. These created many obstacles for the descendants of the Brahma Sect to explore the depths of the prairie.

Some people got lost during the exploration and were found in Ye Lin and the Xuanwu Empire. If they were not discovered at this time, they would immediately adjust their direction and continue heading towards the prairie. Once there were signs of being discovered, they would even need to

Take the initiative to sacrifice yourself to cover up your original actions.

Some encountered harsh environments, such as vast deserts, quicksand, poisonous swamps, and plains that suddenly erupted into flames, and died on the road in a daze.

There are also some who encounter monsters or monsters and become their food, and may not even have their bones left in the end.

But even in the face of so many dangers, almost no one of the third generation descendants of the Brahma Sect flinched, and they continued to search for it so persistently.

In fact, before the Brahma Sect was destroyed, some of the people sent out went deep into the prairie, and some died while going deep. Some were attacked by powerful monsters or monsters while waiting, and only some of them died.

The camp was successfully established.

When the third generation of Brahma sect descendants found the Brahma sect disciples who had established a camp for them, and both sides confirmed each other's identity in a special way, they both burst into tears for a while.

The Brahma disciples who were in their prime at the time were already very old when they met, and the descendants of the Brahma sect had already reached the third generation. They did not even dare to imagine that one day they would be able to meet the Brahma disciples.

After that, the Brahma sect disciples helped the descendants of the sect, confirmed relatively safe routes, and contacted the Brahma sect descendants who were still living under the surveillance of Duotian Mountain.

Finally, a suitable time was chosen, and the descendants of the Brahma sect who had the ability to move took action together and left the place where they had lived for nearly sixty years.

Some people no longer want to leave because they no longer have the ability to cross the dangerous prairie and the harsh environment. Some people have adapted to their current life and do not want to change it.

It's just that those who finally chose to stay did not escape the pursuit of Duotian Mountain and became a tool for the disciples of Duotian Mountain to vent their anger.

Of course, most descendants of the Brahma sect still choose to embark on the long and dangerous journey, because they still have a burning flame in their chests.

During the journey, many Brahma sect descendants eventually fell dead on the roadside and became food for wild beasts. The number of Brahma sect descendants who successfully arrived at the new camp was even less than half of those who set out.

However, even so, the faces of every descendant of the Brahma sect who arrived at the camp were filled with joy, the joy of being a free person, and their eyes were full of radiance, the color of being able to see the light of hope.

In the deepest part of the prairie, the descendants of the Brahma sect began to thrive again, but this time they did not need to hide anything. They could freely learn the exercises and martial arts that belonged to the Brahma sect, and study the rune formations that belonged to the Brahma sect.

Dharma and the way of refining weapons.

When the descendants of the Brahma Sect came out of the depths of the prairie one day, a new empire also appeared on this land, the Golden Tent Royal Court and its four major tents, which made both the Fengtian Dynasty and the Xuanwu Empire feel extremely fearful.

This chapter has been completed!
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