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Chapter 5356 The New Brahma Sect

"As for the shocking action of the descendants of the Brahma sect, the records in the sect's classics are not very detailed. Many of the contents are unconfirmed or simply subjective assumptions."

Huan Kong sent another message to summarize the previous vague introduction. Zuo Feng was actually not too surprised by this. His surprise was mainly that Duotian Mountain would keep such a record within the sect.

"From this perspective, Duotian Mountain at that time did not lack attention to the descendants of the Brahma sect, so the investigation was still continuing. But why didn't they take direct action to completely eliminate the Brahma sect?"

Zuo Feng, who still had doubts in his heart, raised them without hesitation at this time.

Huan Kong's telepathy came into contact with Zuo Feng's telepathy, and the complexity and contradiction in his thoughts were naturally passed on to Zuo Feng without any attempt to hide it.

"The actions of the descendants of the Brahma Sect could be said to be very successful, even perfect, but the impact of their success was unimaginable."

Huan Kong's words were just the beginning of his emotion. He immediately continued to transmit the message: "When the descendants of the Brahma sect successfully found the camp located deep in the prairie, the first generation of the descendants of the Brahma sect had already been there.

They are getting old, and some are too old and have died. Therefore, the first generation descendants of the Brahma sect all chose to stay.

Among the second generation descendants of the Brahma Sect, some chose to go to the camp, some chose to stay with the first generation, and some hoped to find a place where they could start a new life quietly while getting rid of the surveillance of Duotian Mountain.

In this case, except for those people in the second generation who were willing to go to the new camp, the rest of the second generation, like the first generation, chose to stay and provide cover for the migrating team.

The monitors of Duotian Mountain had already ignored the Brahma Sect and had not noticed any abnormal signs beforehand. Therefore, nearly half a month after the Brahma Sect's migration team left, they were still kept in the dark.

The key is that in the past half month, not only did the migration team successfully penetrate into the depths of the prairie, but the team also continued to clear away the traces left behind as they moved forward.

In addition, those people from the Brahma Sect who stayed behind also used this half month to make various disguises for those who left. At the same time, they also arranged many illusions to confuse the pursuers, creating all kinds of obstacles for future pursuits.

All kinds of trouble."

"In half a month, so many people disappeared together. It took nearly half a month for the warriors of Duotian Mountain to notice anything?"

Zuo Feng subconsciously repeated loudly. If it hadn't come from Huan Kong's mouth, he really wouldn't be able to believe this result.

However, Huan Kong said in an unusually calm voice: "After all, they have been preparing for nearly sixty years. The method they used was actually very simple, but it had a perfect effect on the warriors of Duotian Mountain who had relaxed their vigilance at that time."

"What method?" Zuo Feng asked immediately.

"Use poison."

"Poison?" Zuo Feng couldn't believe it and couldn't help but ask again.

Huan Kong no longer pretended, but explained in more detail: "Yes, it is the use of poison. Not only poison was used on a large scale, but also a large amount of poison was used in a period of time before the action.

It is impossible to determine whether the Brahma Sect had prepared the poison when the sect was destroyed, or whether it had slowly collected a large amount of poison under the cover of nearly sixty years. In short, this provided a basis for their actions.

Maximum protection.

In fact, not only the records of Duotian Mountain, but also the records of other sects in the ancient wilderness, as well as the records of Fengtian Dynasty and Xuanwu Empire, have records about that time. However, in their records, that time was not poisoning.

, but a plague that suddenly appeared, not only spread quickly, but also affected a wide range of areas."

Zuo Feng's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. He seemed to have grasped something at this moment, and vaguely seemed to have guessed some plans of the descendants of the Brahma Sect.

Zuo Feng directly introduced the situation at that time. It seemed that because there were other records for comparison, what he told about this period of history was more certain.

"The poison used by Brahma Sect is very special. It should be a very sophisticated way of mixing poisons. Even some high-level Chinese pharmacists or doctors would find it difficult to see the problem.

However, in order to avoid accidents, the Brahma Gate initially chose a small city close to the Fengtian Dynasty and the prairie for the poisoning.

To this day, that small town is no longer inhabited and is in a state of complete desolation, because people still believe that it was a horrific plague and that small town was the source of the plague.

Soon after the plague broke out in that small town, many cities close to the Xuanwu Empire began to suffer from the same disease, and it spread very quickly."

"How is this done?" Although it was not polite to interrupt Master Huan Kong now, Zuo Feng couldn't help but ask.

"According to Duotianshan's later analysis, this should be a chronic poison. There are no symptoms in the early stage of poisoning, and it will suddenly break out after a period of time, and it will deteriorate very quickly after the outbreak.

In order to migrate smoothly, the Brahmamen poisoned many places in the Fengtian Dynasty in advance, and in order to look more realistic, they deliberately staggered the time to make those who were poisoned look like they were infected with the plague, and the plague spread very quickly.

Quickly, if you investigate carefully, you will also find the trajectory of the plague's spread and the approximate time it spread.

The most important reason why they chose the Fengtian Dynasty was that the level of medicine refining and medical skills of the Xuanwu Empire at that time had surpassed that of the Fengtian Dynasty. They were also worried that their arrangements would be exposed in advance. In addition, the Fengtian Dynasty was mainly engaged in business.

The mobility of all kinds of people is very high, especially in the relatively loosely managed areas near the edge of the empire, where smuggling is extremely rampant.

The Brahma Sect also grasped this point. If the status of the plague was known to the empire, they were worried that the smuggling situation would be exposed. On the contrary, in the early days, the border city lords of the Fengtian Dynasty still tried their best to help the Brahma Sect cover it up.

It wasn't until those plagues began to spread to the Xuanwu Empire, and were spreading further into the empire, that the matter was taken seriously."

"Those descendants of the Brahma sect took advantage of the chaos after being poisoned to migrate quietly?" Zuo Feng asked in a message.

"If they had just relied on chaos, their actions would not have been discovered nearly half a month later. The reaction after poisoning included the need to rest in bed, so a large number of people hid in the house, and only a few people

Being busy and taking care of things seems reasonable.

As for those who have migrated away, even if they don’t show up for a while, it won’t make people feel strange. By the time they are discovered, they have completely disappeared without a trace.”

"Since it is poisoning, even if it is detoxified, it will not recover immediately. Will it not have any impact if they go on the road like this?"

"Of course there is an impact, and the impact is not too light, but they have no choice. After all, such an opportunity to escape successfully is what they want. If it is delayed for too long, no matter if someone discovers that this is

Poisoning is not a plague, or detecting some abnormalities in the descendants of the Brahma sect may cause everyone's actions to fall short."

"Then the price to pay is not small." Zuo Feng could already foresee how difficult it would be to migrate in that state.

"Of course it's not small. When they noticed something unusual, the warriors from Duotian Mountain also searched everywhere. Especially when they guessed that they escaped by poisoning and creating a plague, they deliberately went to find the corpses.

However, after searching for a long time, the body was never found, which also made the investigators and trackers doubt whether there was something wrong with the initial judgment.

It was not until later that huge stone monuments were built in four places on the prairie as places for ancestor worship that we finally understood that the bodies of those who died of poisoning on the road were carried and buried collectively in order not to leave any traces. This

The conclusion can be inferred from the location of the four ancestor worship stone tablets, which happen to be on the route deep into the prairie from the outer area.

Because only the Duotianshan family had preserved the descendants of the Brahma sect, they did not dare to publicize it publicly after the descendants of the Brahma sect disappeared, and even had to conduct investigations secretly.

If all the forces and the empire had taken action at the same time, no matter how cautious the descendants of the Brahma Sect were, it would have been difficult for them not to be discovered, and there would have been no chance of going deep into the depths of the prairie."

Zuo Feng naturally understood what Huan Kong meant, but he and Huan Kong also knew how selfish it would be for sects and forces to make decisions sometimes.

Compared with the threats that may be posed by the descendants of the Brahma Sect in the future, once the events of the past are exposed, it will be difficult for Duotian Mountain to withstand the joint threats from other forces.

In other words, other forces were originally looking for opportunities to knock down Duotian Mountain, a powerful enemy, and then distribute everything they had to them.

In that situation in Duotian Mountain, even if it had a premonition that the Brahma Sect might become a big threat in the future, it could only face it alone and could not seek help from other forces.

"As for the descendants of the Brahma sect, those who stayed as cover naturally all died. Of course, the cause of their death was all because of the 'plague'. As for the second generation of the Brahma sect who did not choose to go deep into the prairie, they eventually died.

They were all found one after another and eventually eradicated.

Maybe some people in the second generation will choose to hide in other places, which was originally part of the Brahma Sect's original plan, because the process of eliminating these people also involved a lot of energy in Duotian Mountain.

By the time they were looking for the descendants of the Brahma sect, they had already entered far into the depths of the prairie. Even though they were scattered, they had not been exposed for many years.

As for the camp prepared by the Brahma disciples for the descendants of the Brahma sect, it still exists today and has become a very rare ancient city on the prairie. However, although it is an ancient city, it is called South Dazhang, Beidazhang and Dongdazhang respectively.

Tent, the Great Western Tent.

They are also the four forces under the Golden Tent of the Prairie. In fact, they are the descendants of the Brahma Sect. They are the cornerstone of its re-emergence and can be regarded as the new Brahma Sect."

This chapter has been completed!
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