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Chapter 428 Series Connection

Looking at the sedans parked in front of the Shanxi Guild Hall, Jia Mian felt a little uneasy, straightened his clothes and took four steps.

Walk towards the elegant guild hall with bright lights and tall lintels.

Stop for a moment in front of the door.

He raised his head and looked at the four big Chinese characters on the gold-plated plaque. Such luxury, such majesty...

Let Jia Mian feel at ease.

No one knows better than him the meaning of the four characters "Shanxi Guild Hall" in this era. These four characters represent the prominent status of various wealthy families in Puzhou.

Entered the clubhouse.

Jia Mian immediately saw the relatives and friends sitting on the top chairs, including adults, officials, and the seventh and eighth aunts who were making a living in Beijing.

A total of more than 20 people are grain merchants and fellow Puzhou residents.

Looking at the livid faces of the grain merchants from his hometown, Jia Mian's heart skipped a beat, and he had no choice but to move cautiously and sit down on a chair outside.

I looked around.

Whispers arose.

The fellow villagers were talking about something, and Jia Mian was a little restless, so he had to whisper to a Puzhou official sitting on a chair next to him.

"Has your store also been inspected?"

The fellow countryman nodded and said bitterly: "It's to prevent fire. Let's dig a well and build a fire-sealing wall. Otherwise... we have to go to the imperial prison for a walk."

Hear the words.

Jia Mian's heart sank again, and he asked again: "In addition to our grain shop in Shanxi Guild Hall, have the grain merchants in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, and Anhui also been investigated?"

The official said with a grimace, "I've never heard of that."

There seems to be no news that grain stores in other provinces have been inspected, and they are still selling grains normally. They were just warned by factory guards not to sell grains at high prices.

Upon hearing this.

Jia Mian immediately understood. He knew that this time, the factory guards came for the grain merchants in the Shanxi Guild Hall.

His face changed slightly.

Jia Mian's thoughts raced through his mind. He must have thought that a small Dongchang household with thousands of households would not be so bold. Who was behind this?

Who told him to do this?

"Could it be that man..."

Jia Mian's heart sank again, and he surreptitiously said to the official from the same town: "Your Majesty is young and soft-eared after all. In this palace... there are treacherous people again!"

The fellow countryman nodded and said softly: "What I'm most afraid of is that another Liu Jin will appear."

The two looked at each other.

Memories of Wang Zhen, Liu Jin and Yan Song in those years came to mind.

Jia Mian looked calm and said comfortingly: "There is no need to worry in vain!"

The sky cannot fall!

As Jia Mian raised his head and looked at the largest and most magnificent chair above, his heart immediately felt at ease.

Although the Grand Master's chair is empty, he is, after all, the head of a hundred officials and the chief assistant of the cabinet. When Zhang Juzheng died, our old man Zhang Ge in Puzhou removed that code.

This Shanxi Guild Hall will definitely be in full swing!

Sneered again and again.

A few words spilled out from the corners of Jia Mian's fair and beardless mouth.

"act recklessly!"

Does he alone have the final say as to who owns this world? Jia Mian's eyes became dark and he straightened up his somewhat sunken waist.

"That man."

After all, he was too young and didn't know how powerful he was. He thought that he could just go sideways with a few vulgar warriors, Zhejiang Army, Liao Army, and Beijing camp guards on his side.

Is that what happened?

Do you want to be the emperor immediately? Do you want to imitate Emperor Yongle's martial arts and become an emperor through the ages?

Jia Mian grinned, picked up the tea bowl on the table and took a sip of water.

Thinking about it in my mind.

Without our Shanxi guild hall grain dealers and horse dealers to provide materials and war horses, and without our Shanxi ticket office to lend money to the court, would he still want to go to war?

With so many Qiuba, what do they eat, ride on, and receive military pay?

in those days.

Wasn't his cowardly father Longqing Ye frightened to death because we put on a good show with the 100,000 Tatar cavalry who cooperated inside and outside?

Count further forward.

Then we have to count the civil forts back then...

In whispers.

After a while.

As a middle-aged scribe holding a folding fan hurriedly walked out of the backyard, Jia Mian quickly stood up and greeted him with his colleagues.

The scribe stopped, nodded to the anxious crowd, and said, "Everyone, don't panic. Go back and write a note, report the loss, and hand it over to the Prime Minister, who will take care of it himself."

Jia Mian breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as if a big stone had fallen to the ground.

My heart felt at ease.

All the Puzhou grain merchants dispersed one after another.

Everyone goes home.

The night is already deep.

One wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen. In the summer of the tenth year of Wanli, the turning point of the rise and fall of the dynasty that was destined to be turbulent, invisible undercurrents were surging.

At night.

Cining Palace.


In silence.

Suddenly, a young man's hearty laughter rang out. This laughter was so hearty that it surprised the maids and eunuchs in the Queen Mother's Palace.

From time to time, he secretly raised his head and watched Long Live Lord spinning in circles in front of the Queen Mother.

Holding the waist.

Tell something vividly.

"My mother doesn't know something... If I want to be a capable minister, the one who can help me solve my problems... has to be Shen Lie!"

After all, he was a young man, and he was a little irritable. In the year of great disaster, he was bullied by hundreds of officials, so he couldn't help but feel angry.

Nineteen-year-old Zhu Yijun felt very relieved at the moment.

Feel relieved!

'Use the trick and use the Changpingcang fire to inspect the grain store..."

Zhu Yijun had a devilish smile on his face and kept praising: "How on earth did he come up with such a shameful idea!"


Empress Dowager Li listened silently, with a very strange look on her beautiful face, which she had been holding back for so many years.

As a queen mother, she also felt relieved, but due to her status as a mother, she couldn't show it.


The more Empress Dowager Li thought about it, the weirder she felt.

What Shen Lie did was indeed too damaging. In the name of fire prevention, he sealed up his rice shop, fined him a heavy sum of money, and asked him to dig a well and build a wall in the yard.

Isn't this nonsense?

But it happens to sound quite reasonable.

What's even more outrageous is.

He even made a fortune selling water tanks, and was fined a fortune. He also wanted to dig wells and build walls for others to earn a fortune. This ability to make money is really jaw-dropping!

Is this good or bad?

Empress Dowager Li was a little unsure. Looking at her excited son, she hesitated to speak. She felt that her son was on the road to becoming a king and would never look back.

And that Shen Lie...

He is also going further and further on the road of protecting the powerful officials in the factory.

Think about this.

Empress Dowager Li gave a few words of advice: "In this current situation, the emperor must be cautious and patient..."

But seeing Huang Er's attitude of excitedly rolling up his sleeves and preparing for a big fight, Queen Mother Li also knew that she couldn't dissuade him.

She had no choice but to watch her son and the ministers, and then started to strangle them again after only a few days of silence. She had seen this kind of thing a lot.

It's been an eventful time.

But one thing is unquestionable, Shen Lie is really capable in doing things. Based on this alone, she, as the Queen Mother, deserves her support.


Queen Mother Li nodded and saw the emperor walking away quickly, so she called for Empress Wang. She felt that as the queen mother, she should help the princes.

Let the daughter-in-law come forward.

Invite Shen Lie's first wife into the palace to bond over their relationship.

At midnight.

At Zhang Siwei's house.

This chapter has been completed!
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