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Chapter 429 Impeachment

In the brightly lit luxurious mansion, an upright-looking Zhang Siwei stood in the pavilion in the backyard, listening to the accountant in the mansion describe in a low voice the losses of various grain merchants.

The accountant's attitude was very respectful, and his face was a bit anxious as he said: "Master Xiang, if this continues, people will be in panic. I'm afraid there will be a big mess."

Zhang Siwei remained silent.

His complexion changed slightly.

I just put my hands behind my back and looked up at the starry night sky, surrounded by blue bricks, glazed tiles, and golden nanmu carved cornices.

In the back garden, which is filled with rare and exotic plants, there are also several expensive Taihu stones.

Think back to the beginning.

Just transporting these few strange stones from the bottom of Taihu Lake to the capital has consumed an unknown amount of people and financial resources, and the strange stones are rugged.

Several descendants of the Puzhou Zhang family lowered their hands.

Watching eagerly.

Waiting for the Prime Minister to give orders.

Master, beside the young masters, there are about a dozen beautiful maids who dare not say anything. Judging from the appearance of these maids, they are all first-class maids with good qualifications.

In the summer, she was wearing thin clothes, with her snow-white neck hanging down, and her pair of slender hands holding a teapot, a fruit plate, and exquisite cakes.

Talk about it.

The home of the chief minister of the Ming Dynasty was quite luxurious.

Of course.

In the tenth year of Wanli, there is no such thing as honesty.

In fact, starting from the middle of the Jiajing Dynasty, with the rise of various capitals and the influx of overseas silver, there was no longer any integrity in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty.

The amount of money flowing into the Ming Dynasty from various channels, mainly smuggling, was incalculable.

Is this officialdom still clean and honest?

During the Longqing period, even the children of great salt merchants were able to join the cabinet, which was equivalent to removing the last fig leaf from the scholars of the Ming Dynasty.

This fig leaf was torn off by Zhang Juzheng himself.

Maybe Zhang Juzheng just can't stand it anymore, and what he means is, you all should stop acting, instead of secretly doing those shady and dark things of conveying benefits to others.

Why don't you just take it openly?

The Prime Minister doesn't care how greedy or corrupt you are, as long as you can solve the problem and bring financial revenue to the court.

It's better than being rotten all the time.

If you eat meat, you can always leave some soup for the court!

But now.

Zhang Siwei's face became uncertain for a while, and he began to weigh in his mind who was behind what Shen Lie did.

"Is it him?"

Could it be.

Have your thoughts been discovered?

For a while.

Zhang Siwei was a little confused.

"That's all."

With a wave of Zhang Siwei's long sleeves, he no longer thought about these troublesome things, but after a moment of pondering, he waved his hand and asked the dozen or so maids to retreat.

After asking the nursing home to look around, Mr. Zhang Ge cheered up again and gave some instructions to the family members. For Zhang Siwei.

This was just a small scene in his colorful life.

What kind of storms and waves has he never seen?

at this time.

Zhang Siwei felt that there was no need to hold back any longer. Zhang Juzheng had only one breath left. What kind of trouble could his son-in-law stir up?


The chief minister of the Ming Dynasty let out a cold snort and began to teach the accountant and the family members a lesson, no matter who instigated that Shen Lie.

It’s for him, for the Shanxi Guild Hall, for the people from Puzhou...

They all need to be dealt with severely!

Otherwise, how can we convince the public?

"Stubborn people!"

As Zhang Siwei's face darkened, he mentally reviewed the list of students, Hanlins, and imperial censors he had cultivated over the years.

Soon his expression brightened, and he felt that he had a chance to win.

“Get Benge’s post!”


Zhang Siwei's face turned gloomy and he shouted: "Go tell them... to build momentum!"

The next day.

Morning meeting.

When the first ray of dawn in the morning illuminated the Forbidden City and the spotless Jinshui Bridge, the weather was hot and cloudless.

When the adults in luxurious crimson clothes walked squarely, holding wat tablets in their hands and carrying ammunition, they walked into the Meridian Gate in high spirits.

The palace maids and eunuchs who were cleaning quickly lowered their heads, and the forest guards holding pumpkins and axes also seemed to smell an unusual smell.

Generally speaking.

When adults are particularly excited, it means...

There's going to be a quarrel again at this big court meeting.

The time has come.

The civil and military ministers divided into two groups and stood up.

When the great eunuch Feng Bao and a group of great inner eunuchs, accompanied by the bright yellow royal chariot of Lord Long Live, descended, the ministers shouted long live.

The expected counterattack came immediately.

As the etiquette officer sang loudly: "If you have something to do, come early; if nothing happens, leave the court!"


In the six subjects that were willing to serve as Zhangge's pawns, the censors who patrolled the city stepped forward one after another and took out the splendid memorials from their sleeves.

He started shouting at the top of his lungs.

"I have this memorial."

"I also want to play!"

"I participated in the impeachment of thousands of households in Dongchang. The commander of the Jinyi Guards also knew Shen Lie's eight major sins. One of them was to monopolize power and disrupt government, deceive the emperor and defy the law, be lawless, betray the divine grace, violate the ancestral system, and disrupt the dynasty..."

"I am entrusted with the responsibility of household affairs, inheriting the order of the late emperor, and assisting the emperor to be the king of Yao and Shun. I am proud of my original intention to be loyal and upright, and to control the rules... Please your majesty to punish Shen Lie for his crime, and he should be punished for the disaster he caused!"

"I second the proposal."


For a moment, the censor Yan Guan was filled with murderous intent.

Wu Xun frowned.

The emperor lost his voice.

But after playing for a long time, there was no response from the Wu Xun team.


The British Duke Zhang Xun, the leader of martial arts, did not look here at all. The atmosphere seemed a bit strange, as if something was not right.

So the officials looked around and looked at the queue in Wu Xun's team that should have belonged to the factory guards.

Follow the rules.

Shen Lie has now graduated from the third-grade military position and is qualified to go to court.

But after taking a closer look, the officials were stunned. They saw that Shen Lie was not seen in the Wu Xun team, next to the commander Zhang Jianxiu.

Where are people?

Didn't come to court?

Until the military commanders in the military ranks, led by the British Duke Zhang Xun, chuckled a few times, and the murderous officials turned dark again.

Only then did I realize that my group was too impatient.

I was in a hurry to play before anyone came.

It's early.

To punish the crime.

We still have to make a solid case.

Then why don't we have a confrontation on the spot? No one is here, what kind of show is this?

"Bastard thing!"

After an uproar, the officials were furious. They dared to waste so much time talking and the real person was not present.

This time it was too much force.

The adults became angry and cursed one after another: "How dare you not come to the imperial meeting!"

"Your Majesty, please punish Shen Lie for the crime of disrespect!"

There was a lot of hustle and bustle for a while.

This time.

Another crime has been added to Shen Lie's case.

Absent from the court meeting for no reason!

This crime is really not a small one.

After all, in this age of party strife, it was such a trivial thing that someone secretly drank alcohol at home during the national mourning period ten years ago.

It can also be used to make a fuss!

After the commotion.


The emperor, who was sitting on the imperial chariot, bowed and spoke to Zhang Jianxiu: "Ai Qing, you are Shen Lie's superior officer. I ask you... As a third-grade military officer, why doesn't Shen Lie come to court?"

But all I saw was.

Zhang Jianxiu, the commander of the Jinyi Guards, calmly stepped forward and said loudly to the emperor on the imperial chariot: "Your Majesty, Shen Lie has been ordered to provide disaster relief and is currently busy transporting food outside the city."

The decree was issued by His Majesty himself.

How come you forgot?

This chapter has been completed!
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