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I let go of Yuchen's hand and ran over.

As the distance got closer, I could clearly see the scenery behind Chengen.

As Chengen said, this is a city!

The cave we are in is above the city. This is a mountain. The city is backed by this mountain. The cave is halfway up the mountain. Standing at the exit of the cave and looking down, you can overlook the entire city.

The city is an ancient building with a square city wall. There are soldiers guarding the city wall and the city gate is closed. Inside the city wall is a lively town, where you can see vendors selling goods along the street and people coming and going.

The sun is just right above your head, and when you look up, you can see the dazzling sun.

I was so surprised, "How can there be a sun here?" Have we entered another dimension? Otherwise, how could there be a sun under the sea?

Chengen looked at me and said with a smile, "Sister Lin Xi, here, you only need to believe in one sentence. What you see may not be true. Also, don't use force. No force is allowed, and don't interact with it.

When people conflict, something bad will happen."

After hearing this, I asked Chengen, "Are you familiar with this place?"

Chengen smiled and replied to me, "Sister Lin Xi, I am Chijiu. Have you forgotten Chijiu's life-saving skills? I just ate some of the memories of the people here. Based on their memories, I have an understanding of this city.

A certain understanding. In short, I will not harm you and Third Master. You and Third Master just keep in mind the rules I mentioned."

As expected, she is from the same clan as Little Pearl, and lies come as soon as she opens her mouth.

She just said that she couldn't use any power here, but in the next sentence she said that she had eaten some of the memories of the people here. She couldn't use spiritual power. How did she activate her skills and eat the memories?

I knew she was lying, but I didn't ask her any more. Her lying meant that she didn't want to tell me the truth. If I asked again, it would at most be another lie. Furthermore, I believe Cheng'en's last sentence was

Really, she will not harm me and Yuchen.

Yuchen came over and asked, "Can we go in?"

The city gate is closed and guarded by soldiers, and power cannot be used yet.

Hearing Yuchen ask this, I also became worried. This place is so mysterious, can outsiders like us get in?

Chengen walked out of the cave and walked down the mountain while saying, "Third Master, as long as you don't use force here, there won't be any problems or troubles."

I glanced at Yuchen, who frowned slightly. It seemed that he wasn't too sure about where this place was and whether the trip would go smoothly.

I took Yuchen's hand.

Yuchen was startled for a moment, then he held my hand, looked sideways at me, smiled lightly, "Let's go down the mountain."

I nodded, "Yeah." No matter what the road ahead is, I will accompany him.

Looking from the mountain, the city gate is closed. But after going down the mountain, I found that this city has no city gate at all!

I was startled, but then I thought it was normal. There was even the sun here. Other strange things didn't seem so strange here.

The three of us walked generously through the city gate and arrived at the lively market.

The road is very wide, the ground is paved with neat bluestone tiles, the vendors on both sides are constantly shouting, and people are coming and going on the street. Everyone is wearing ancient costumes, similar to the costumes of the Tang Dynasty. It is a scene like a prosperous ancient capital.

But soon I discovered the strange thing about the market here, that is, all the vendors sold the same product, they were selling shells, but the shells were of different colors and packed in different containers.

Some are in glass bottles and some are in wooden boxes.

The seller will sell shells in different colors and containers according to the amount of money the buyer gives. And the money the buyer pays is also very strange, it is sand!

I was shocked when I saw someone taking out a handful of sand from the sachet and paying it to the seller.

Is this serious business?

Children who play house all know that leaves should be used as money, because it is easy to calculate the quantity and distinguish between more money and less money. But the currency in circulation here is actually sand! How can sand distinguish more money from less money? Is it possible to catch a few handfuls of sand?

Does it count?

The transactions here feel less rigorous than a child's play house, and the buyers and sellers act as if they are having fun.

"Chengen," I couldn't help but lower my voice and asked Chengen curiously, "Are these people playing games?" At first glance, it didn't look like they were doing serious business.

"No one is playing," Cheng'en said. "Sister Lin Xi, you have to accept the diversity of species and respect the differences in other people's customs."

As we talked, we walked through the downtown area. There were fewer people on the street, and the buildings on both sides of the street changed from small courtyards with small gates to large courtyards with blue bricks and white tiles. You can tell from the buildings that we are from

The slum area has moved into the rich area.

Chengen walked forward without looking back, but Yuchen stopped her, "Chengen, where are we going?"

Chengen stopped and looked back at Yuchen. She shrugged innocently, "I don't know either. Third Master, I only know that the good-hearted person's luck beads are in this city, but where exactly is it?

I don't know which person it is on. Also, God's people have also arrived. They are mixed among these people and are also looking for clues to the luck beads. When you look for clues, be careful and don't be alarmed.

Local people, please don’t alert others and offend God’s people.”

These words Cheng'en said gave me a familiar feeling.

Isn't this a werewolf killing? It's a werewolf killing in a large-scale immersive version! Yuchen and I are participating players, and the people of God are werewolves. We must complete the task and find the luck beads, but also not alert the werewolves. It is best to also

Find the werewolves and get rid of them.

The only difference is that in Werewolf, there are NPCs who will provide clues to the players, but Yuchen and I have no clues and rely entirely on ourselves.

At this time, a scream suddenly came from the side.

I turned around and looked over, and saw a middle-aged man pushing a cart sitting on the ground, holding his head in pain. The cart fell sideways to the ground, and there was a ball rolling next to the middle-aged man.

It looked like he was hit on the head by a ball.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the nearby house opened, and a fat man dressed in silk and satin walked out of the mansion quickly. The fat man frowned, followed by four servants wearing linen clothes and holding long sticks.

Several people quickly walked towards the middle-aged man who had his head smashed, looking like they were coming with bad intentions.

I frowned.

A middle-aged man was passing by and was hit on the head by a ball thrown from the wall. Now this group of people are still looking for trouble for him. Is there any way to do it?

Seeing that I was angry, Chengen reminded me in a low voice, "Sister Lin Xi, please be patient. Maybe what will happen next is different from what you think."

I glanced at Chengen.

Chengen smiled at me and told me never to use spiritual power.

I ignored her and turned to look at the member of staff and the middle-aged man.

The member of staff walked up to the middle-aged man with someone. He looked at the ball on the ground, then turned to look at the middle-aged man who was covering his head. "My son threw this ball. Did it hit you?"

The middle-aged man looked frightened and shook his head quickly, "To tell you what the big man is saying, it didn't hit the villain. It was the villain who accidentally fell. The injury on the little man's head has nothing to do with the big boss."

Isn't this too much of a deception? If you hit someone, not only will you not apologize, but you will also bring a group of people over to threaten them. Faced with such a posture, how can an honest person in decline dare to express his grievances?

The more I watched, the angrier I became. Just when I was about to speak, the young man suddenly knelt down to the middle-aged man with a thud!

I was shocked, what is going on?

While kowtowing to the middle-aged man, the foreigner begged, "It was the ball thrown by my son that hit you. It was my fault in raising my son that caused him to hurt someone. I will apologize to you on his behalf. Of course, he committed the crime."

You must take responsibility for such a big mistake. I have had him tied up. It is up to you to kill or behead him. As long as you can relieve your anger, you must not resent me for this. I will kowtow to you.

Please forgive me."


There must be something abnormal about the people here. What is this uncle doing?

This chapter has been completed!
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