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When the middle-aged man saw Grandpa Yuan kneeling down for him, he looked panicked and quickly got up, not caring about the wound on his head. He knelt down opposite Grandpa Yuan and kowtowed to Grandpa Yuan, "

Old man, the little man is fine. Old man, let the young master go as soon as possible. The little man's injury has nothing to do with the noble man. He accidentally knocked himself. The little man dare not feel resentful. The little man is happy now.

It's very, not unpleasant at all."

In order to make Grandpa Yuan believe that he was really happy, he raised his head and showed a bright smile to Grandpa Yuan.

There was nothing wrong with his smile, but he had a big blue bump on his forehead from the ball, and he kowtowed so hard that his face was covered in dirt, and his forehead was bruised and bleeding. Paired with this miserable look and his expression, it was just right.

There is a sense of dissonance.

At this time, a servant came out of the mansion carrying a five or six-year-old boy tied with a rope. The little boy was knocked unconscious, and his head was dripping with blood. As he walked over, blood dripped all the way.


The five or six-year-old child's head was broken and was bleeding all the time. This was considered a serious injury, but the people here were as if they were collectively blind. No one was worried about the life or death of the little boy. Everyone looked indifferent.

It seemed as if the little boy had nothing to do with them.

"Master, the young master has brought it." The servant walked up to the member's side and said.

The foreigner did not even look at the little boy. He only said to the middle-aged man who was hit, "Sir, it was the kid who threw the ball that hit you and you were injured. The kid should bear the responsibility. Don't be angry. Although I am richer than you.

I have a higher status than you, but I am a person who knows etiquette and distinguishes right from wrong, so I will let my son apologize to you."

"No... no!" As if he thought of something terrible, the middle-aged man refused with a look of horror. He stopped kowtowing, got up on his hands and knees and wanted to run away.

With a look from Mr. Yuan, two servants immediately walked over and caught the middle-aged man who was about to escape.

The middle-aged man was held up by one side and stood in front of Yuan Yeye. Yuan Yeye was kneeling, but looking at the expressions on the two people's faces, the middle-aged man looked pleading, and he looked more like he was begging for help.

that one.

He cried bitterly and begged, "Master, please do me a favor and spare the little man. I have no resentment in my heart. I just accidentally fell down. It has nothing to do with the young master."

Old man, please let me go. I am a senior and a young child. If something happens to me, my old mother and children will not be able to survive. Grand master, I beg you..."

The foreign master ignored the middle-aged man's plea. He knelt on the ground, looked calmly at the servant carrying the child, and then ordered, "Go ahead and let the child make amends to him."

The servant responded.

I am very curious. The child has passed out and has no consciousness. How can he apologize to the middle-aged man? Do we need to pour cold water on him to wake him up and then let him say sorry to the middle-aged man?

I think my idea is serious and weird enough, but the reality is far more unacceptable than I thought!

After receiving the order from the uncle, the servant lifted the boy up, then threw it to the ground with both hands.

If he throws it with all his strength, this child will be thrown to death! Just because he was playful and accidentally hit someone on the head with the ball, this child should die?!

I couldn't understand the thoughts of the people here, and I couldn't accept such a thing. I subconsciously wanted to use my strength and rush over to save the little boy.

But before I could take action, Yuchen grabbed my hand.

I was slightly startled and looked at him.

Yuchen shook his head at me, signaling me not to act rashly.

If I don't move, the little boy will be thrown to death!

I remember the purpose of our trip, but for our purpose, do we have to watch an innocent little life being killed in front of us?

I can not do it!

If Yuchen doesn't let me rush over, I will use my strength to pull the child over.

I raised my other hand and made a grabbing motion towards the fallen boy, while at the same time channeling my spiritual energy.

This power made me stupid. Not only did the power in my body not listen to my words, it was used by me. My body felt like an electric shock, and a sudden numbness spread throughout my body.

I suddenly lost all strength and fell into Yuchen's arms.

Yuchen protected me, "Lin Xi, calm down, don't be impulsive."

I looked up at him.

Is this the real reason why he fed me his essence beads? He expected that I would be disobedient, so he fed me his luck beads, firstly to protect me, and secondly to control me.

I glared at him angrily.

Can you please stop using his evil thoughts on me?


There was a muffled sound.

It felt like a sack was thrown on the ground, but I knew clearly that it was not a sack, but a young and living life!

I turned around and looked over.

The little boy was thrown to the ground hard, his body bounced up slightly, and then fell down again. He only cried out in pain, and then became completely silent.

Blood flowed from his young features, staining his young face red.

My heart ached, my eyes swelled, and tears welled up.

I don't understand, why does this little boy have to die?

A cry suddenly came, a cry of despair.

It was he who gave the order to let the servant throw the child to death. Now that the child is dead, he is crying! A cat cries like a mouse...

Before I could finish cursing in my heart, I felt stupid again. Because the person who cried bitterly was not Mr. Yuan, but a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man cried like a father who had lost his son, with a look of despair on his face, as if he had lost all hope of living.

Looking at Grandpa Yuan again, the tension and worry on his face disappeared.

He raised his hand, and a servant immediately walked over and helped him up. He stood in front of the middle-aged man with a big belly, and his previous humility was wiped away. His fat face looked at the middle-aged man with disdain, "

You forced my son to death, and now I want to report it to the official."

"Sir, please forgive me..." the middle-aged man cried bitterly, "I have an old mother and young children in this little family. If something happens to me, they will not be able to survive..."

"Don't worry, I will tell the officials truthfully and let them destroy your entire family. This way, your family will not be separated and you can go to hell together."

The foreigner raised his lower lip disdainfully, and then took out a piece of white paper from his puffy sleeves. He held the white paper between his fingers and swung it left and right. The white paper spontaneously ignited and turned into a piece of paper ash that flew up and floated far away.

Whether it was their reaction or their conversation, I found it very strange and completely unreasonable. Why did Yuan Waiye feel confident after throwing his son to death?

It turned out that he was begging the middle-aged man, but now he was threatening the middle-aged man. Moreover, he was the one who wanted to throw his son to death. Why did he threaten the middle-aged man with this, and why did he think that the middle-aged man and

Will all his family members be buried with him?

I couldn’t understand the middle-aged man’s reaction. He was in a state of panic and fear from the beginning to the end. He was obviously the victim at the beginning. Why did he kowtow to the uncle? At that time, he started to beg the uncle for mercy.

He died.

I watched the incident from the beginning, but I didn’t understand it.

I looked at Yuchen confused.

As if aware of my gaze, Yuchen lowered his head and looked at me, "The rules here are different from the world we live in. Don't worry, when the officials come, we should be able to figure out what the rules here are.


Not long after the white paper was burned, a group of soldiers came running.

This chapter has been completed!
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