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Chapter 1194 Strange events develop


I was surprised, "You teach me spells?"

Xiao Yuchen nodded, "During this period, I have carefully observed my sister. She seems to not know any other magic except flying.


I was stunned for a moment.

Has this been discovered?

Xiao Yuchen continued, "Besides, my sister has a problem with the spiritual power in her body. I can help her.


After listening to Xiao Yuchen's words, I immediately nodded and asked him to teach me the spell.

I have learned the spell now. When I wake up in the real world, I won’t have to learn it anymore and can use it directly.

Otherwise, if I fuse with Yu Ling, it will be a white fusion. Just like now, I am in Yu Ling's body. She has cultivation, but I don't know how to use it!

Seeing that I agreed, Xiao Yuchen slowly worked out a magic formula with his hands and showed it to me, "Sister Fairy, this is called fried golden flower. It compresses the spiritual power in your body and then releases it. At the moment of release,

, the spiritual power will cause an explosion.

This spell is very simple and easy to learn.

Sister, it's like this.


After saying that, Xiao Yuchen snapped his fingers.

Then, a bang was heard, and a ball of golden fire exploded not far away.

Xiao Yuchen controlled the power of the spell, so the fire that exploded was not big, but the sound was very loud, like the exploding kicks, and the sound echoed in the square.

I followed his example, made a seal and snapped my fingers.

Then there was silence all around, except for a small flame as big as a match lit not far away, and the flame was quickly extinguished.

Not to mention its power, it would take a lot of effort to cause a fire.

Xiao Yuchen was stunned, and then he seemed to suddenly react and started to clap his hands. While clapping, he praised me, "Sister Fairy, you are so awesome! There were sparks the first time, you are so awesome!"

His performance was so exaggerated that it made me feel that his praise was very fake!

I looked at him, "Am I stupid?"

Xiao Yuchen was stunned for a moment, then waved his hands in a hurry, "No, sister is really awesome, she succeeded the first time.


"Did it look like this the first time you exploded?"

As if he was afraid that I would be angry, Xiao Yuchen carefully looked at my expression and said in a small voice, "I am a little stronger than you, and I blew up a mountain at that time.


"That's called being stronger! You little Versailles!"

I reached over and pinched his face.

After feeding him for more than a month, he finally has some flesh on his face, and his skin is tender and smooth, like a boiled egg, and it feels great to the touch.

Xiao Yuchen cooperated and stretched his face over for me to pinch, while smiling at me, "But I really think sister is very powerful. Sister, don't worry, it doesn't matter even if you don't know magic, I will protect you from now on."


Yuchen was so well-behaved at the moment. In order to make it easier for me to pinch him, he even took the initiative to move his face towards me.

If Yuchen in reality was half as obedient as he is now, would it be so difficult for me to investigate the truth about grandma's death?

I casually said, "You are locked in a cage, how can you protect me?"

Hearing what I said, Xiao Yuchen raised his hand and held mine. He looked at me with his big eyes, "Sister, do you want me to come out?"

I was stunned.

Because he was so well-behaved, I even forgot how powerful he was.

Even though he is still a child, he has endured five years of torture by the demons and learned countless forbidden spells.

If he wanted to come out, this iron cage probably wouldn't be able to contain him.

I said, "I want you to come out, but not now.

Yuchen, if you wait for me, one day I will take you out of here.


"Sister, as long as you come to see me every day, I am willing to lock me in a cage for the rest of my life.


"Really?" I teased him, "You like me that much?"

Xiao Yuchen said seriously, "I like you the most!" After saying that, as if thinking of something, he quickly added, "I only like you.


It feels like he remembers everything I say.

I held his face and said, "I only like you too.


After saying this, I found that the tips of Xiao Yuchen's ears turned red.

I was stunned for a moment, then laughed at him, "Your ears are red, are you shy?"

When I smiled like this, not only his ears but also his face turned red.

He lowered his head, as if he was embarrassed to look at me.

But I don't know what he thought, and then he raised his head again.

Her cheeks were red, and her big eyes looked at me nervously, "I want to be with you forever."

Sister, we will be together forever, right?"

When he asked this question, his face was serious.

I also became serious and replied, "Of course..."

As soon as I said these two words, I suddenly heard someone calling me.

"Lin...Lin Xi? Lin Xi!"

The sound came from far away in the sky, slowly turning from vague to clear.

I felt happy, it was my name that was called, it seems I can get out from here!

I raised my head and looked at the sky.

Xiao Yuchen couldn't hear the sound and asked me doubtfully, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

I looked down at him and said happily, "I'm leaving.


Hearing what I said, Xiao Yuchen's expression froze, and his big eyes flickered uneasily, "Sister will come to see me in the evening, right?"

Although I know this is just a memory, even if I wake up, Yuling will still come every day in my memory.

But now when I hear Xiao Yuchen ask me this, I still feel guilty.

I looked at him and didn't know what to say.

Seeing my silence, Xiao Yuchen suddenly panicked. He grabbed the iron railing with both hands, looked at me and asked eagerly, "Sister, you will come, right? You won't want me, right?"


Because he was too anxious, the spiritual power in his body was unstable. The iron cage buzzed when he grabbed it, and the edges were raised, looking like it would be overturned by Xiao Yuchen at any time.

I grabbed his hand and said quickly, "Don't worry, I will come again in the evening and I will bring you your favorite chicken legs."


"Really? Sister Buqiao lied to me!"

I don’t know whether it’s because children are sensitive or because Xiao Yuchen’s senses are particularly sensitive. It was as if he could tell that I was about to leave this world. He grabbed my hand and his tone was almost pleading, “Sister, I won’t eat chicken drumsticks anymore.

Don't go, okay? I only have you, so don't go.


The voices calling me became more and more urgent, and I began to feel a suction pulling me upwards.

Seeing Xiao Yuchen like this, my heart ached and I was very reluctant to leave, but I had to go back.

This is just a memory, I want to return to reality!

I opened his hand and let the force pull me up to the sky.

I lowered my head and said to him, "Yuchen, be good, I will come again in the evening.

"Although the people who come will become Yu Ling, there is no difference to Xiao Yuchen. After all, in his eyes, I am Yu Ling.

Xiao Yuchen grabbed the iron cage and shouted to me, "Sister, I don't want you to leave, I don't want to wait until night, I want you to accompany me now, sister, please come back! It was you who told me that I can speak my mind,

I can make demands on you.

Sister, I want you back now. When you come back, you can’t lie to me! Sister... you can’t lie to me, sister..."

His voice became quieter and quieter until it was no longer audible.

Then, I heard Gu Han's voice, "Why isn't she awake yet? Didn't you say you could wake her up by doing this!"

"It stands to reason that he will wake up.

"Wan Shangyu's voice.

Gu Han was so angry that he cursed, "What does it mean to be reasonable! She is still asleep, what should we do now!"

"Yeah, think of a way quickly, Yuchen will be back soon! I have to leave before Yuchen comes back!"

When I heard this last voice, I was stunned.

The last person to speak turned out to be Long Yue!

Ever since she knew that she was part of Wu Jie and that Yuchen wanted to melt her into Wu Jie, she ran away.

Why is she here now, still with Gu Han!

I opened my eyes.

I was lying on the bed in the bedroom. Gu Han, Wan Shangyu and Long Yue stood beside the bed. Wan Shangyu was holding a compass in his hand and was closest to me.

Seeing that I was awake, Wan Shangyu put away the compass and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but before he could say anything, he was pushed aside by Gu Han.

Gu Han squeezed in front of me and asked me with concern, "Lin Xi, are you feeling uncomfortable in any way?"

I shook my head, sat up and looked at Long Yue, "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to save your life.

"Long Yue was dressed in plain white ancient clothes, and she looked like a fairy from heaven. But after seeing Yu Ling's beauty with my own eyes, and now looking at Long Yue, I think she looks just average.

With a beauty like Yu Ling in front of him, how could Yu Chen still like Long Ling!

I didn't speak.

Long Yue didn't mean to wait for me to speak, she continued, "Lin Xi, I'm pressed for time, so I won't be polite to you.

I know you don't believe what I say, but please listen to what I say first. After I leave, you will have plenty of time to verify whether what I say is true.


Gu Han nodded and advised me, "Lin Xi, you are smarter than me. What Long Yue said is very important. You must listen carefully.


Wan Shangyu stood aside and said, "Lin Xi, I won't suffer any loss if I listen.


The way they behaved meant that they already knew what Long Yue was going to say next.

Gu Han is simple and careless, so he believes in Long Yue and forgets it.

Wan Shangyu can read faces and is a good person. Why can he speak for Long Yue?

Wan Shangyu's attitude made me a little curious about what Long Yue had to say.

I asked Long Yue, "What do you want to say?"

"I know the reason why Yuchen destroyed the Dragon Clan and betrayed the Demon Kingdom.


This chapter has been completed!
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