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Chapter 1195


I was shocked.

The destruction of the dragon clan was a big deal. If people knew that this matter was related to Yuchen, then Yuchen would probably get into trouble.

So when I heard Long Yue say this, my first reaction was that she was trying to trick me.

Yuchen killed her whole family, how could she not want to take revenge!

I looked at her warily and said nothing.

But Long Yue didn't seem to have calculated my thoughts. She didn't pay attention to my reaction at all, but continued, "Thousands of years ago, Yu Ling, your previous life, founded the Kingdom of Demons..."

Demons are considered evil.

Since ancient times, there has been no coexistence between good and evil. Immortals and human ascetics will hunt and kill demons when they encounter them.

Therefore, it was difficult for demons to survive at that time.

Yu Ling established the kingdom of monsters to provide a place for these monsters to survive.

The Kingdom of Demons is built in the mountains and has a barrier. It is difficult to find the entrance to the Kingdom of Demons without guidance. Moreover, Yu Ling does not allow Qiao Yao to leave the Kingdom of Demons without authorization. She cuts off the connection between the Kingdom of Demons and the outside world.


Without contact, there is no conflict.

She thought this would keep the country of monsters safe.

But in fact, humans and immortals often come to the mountains to look for the entrance to the Kingdom of Demons, and sometimes they find it by mistake. Once the entrance is found, Yu Ling will lead people to repel the enemy.

Then rearrange the boundary and change the location of the entrance.

As time went by, the changes in the location of the entrance were recorded one by one by humans, and some people even guessed where the entrance would be after the change based on the records.

"So, Yu Ling realized that the Kingdom of Demons is not safe," Long Yue said to me, "Humans and immortals simply do not allow the existence of the Kingdom of Demons. It is only a matter of time before they destroy the Kingdom of Demons.

Yu Ling urgently needs to find a way to ensure that the Kingdom of Demons can continue to exist.

At this moment, the Dragon Clan threw an olive branch to Yu Ling..."

Long Yue said that at that time, dragons were already powerful men in the world. They were the source of all laws. However, they were so powerful that they could not even go to heaven and could only live in a small dragon tribe.

The leader of the Dragon Clan found Yu Ling and told him that the Emperor of Heaven was unfair and that the Dragon Clan wanted to negotiate with the Emperor of Heaven.

In order to expand their influence and achieve the purpose of putting pressure on the Emperor of Heaven, the leader of the Dragon Clan hopes that the Kingdom of Demons can join forces with the Dragon Clan.

Of course, as a partner of the Dragon Clan, once the negotiation is successful, the situation and status of the Demon Country will immediately undergo earth-shaking changes.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but feel strange, "The Dragon Clan is really just going to negotiate?"

The country of demons is full of demons and is in opposition to the immortal family and heaven.

The Dragon Clan is negotiating with the Kingdom of Demons to cooperate. This is really weird!

This is just like if you think your salary is low and want to ask your boss for a raise, then you should talk to people from your own company instead of looking for cooperation with a competing company.

If you cooperate with a competing company, doesn't that mean you are telling your boss that you are rebellious?

Hearing my question, Long Yue smiled and said, "Lin Xi, you are smarter than you were a thousand years ago.

Of course the Dragon Clan doesn’t just want to negotiate, they are eyeing the position of the Emperor of Heaven…”

Long Yue said that although the dragon clan felt that they were powerful, the Emperor of Heaven was the master of the world after all, and no one knew how strong he was.

The Dragon Clan is also afraid that the rebellion will fail and end up being exterminated.

So the Dragon Clan approached the Kingdom of Demons for cooperation.

If the rebellion fails, the Dragon Clan can blame the whole blame on the Kingdom of Demons, saying that they were deceived and beguiled by the Kingdom of Demons, so they made the mistake.

Dragons are ancient mythical beasts. If someone takes the blame, the Emperor of Heaven will not be able to kill the dragons again.

Moreover, even if the rebellion succeeds, the Dragon Clan still needs a scapegoat. The Dragon Clan can be said to have been killed by the Kingdom of Demons. After killing the Kingdom of Demons, the Dragon Clan can legitimately ascend to the position of Emperor of Heaven.

Anyway, regardless of success or failure, the end of the Demon Kingdom is death.

Gu Han has a straightforward temper. Even after hearing it for the second time, she was still so angry that she couldn't help cursing, "What's wrong with the country of demons? They are all demons. Are they demons? So they should take the blame for them and die for them! The Dragon Clan deserves to be exterminated."

, they brought it all on themselves!”

Long Yue seemed to think Gu Han was rude, frowned, and then continued to say to me, "Lin Xi, you should have guessed what happened next.

Before the rebellion, the dragon clan was destroyed, and then the kingdom of demons was betrayed by Yuchen. The small demons fled in all directions, and all the big demons were granted the title of god.


Knowing the cause and effect, and saying that Yuchen was betraying the country of demons, it was a bit too heartless.

It was obviously him who protected the Demon Kingdom!

The strength of the Kingdom of Demons cannot be compared with that of the Dragon Clan. That group of people can kill all the Dragon Clan overnight, so destroying the Kingdom of Demons is just a piece of cake for them.

But the reality is that all the great demons in the Demon Country, including Yu Ling, survived.

The gods may seem cruel, but compared to death, they are already very lucky.

After listening to what Long Yue said, many things that I couldn't understand before can now be explained.

Yuchen was still a young man back then. Where did he have the connections to gather so many masters and wipe out the Dragon Clan overnight? That's because those people didn't need him to assemble them at all, and he was just one of the participants.

The extermination of the dragon clan shocked the three realms, but in the end nothing was found. Is it really because the investigating gods were incompetent? I'm afraid they didn't dare to investigate one by one.

This is why Yuchen told me that he knew this matter would be dangerous.

No matter who was involved or the person behind the scenes, they must be kept secret and must not be made public.

Although it makes sense logically, I still remain skeptical about Long Yue's words. After all, it is not an exaggeration to say that these things are confidential. How did she know it?

I asked her, "How do you know so much?"

"Shizicheng told me.


Shizi City?

This name sounds familiar.

Before I could remember where I had heard it, Long Yue said again, "Shi Zicheng was the military advisor among the eight demon gods back then, and he was also the only one who knew the truth, so he was willing to be canonized by the gods.


I remembered.

I heard this name from Aunt Hong. At that time, we were being chased by gods. Aunt Hong thought she was going to die, so she told me that if she died, I would go to Fenghuang Mountain to find a man named Shizicheng.

Listening to what Long Yue said, this person named Shi Zicheng must have been unblocked.

I asked Long Yue, "Where is Shizi City?" He had unblocked it, why didn't he come to me? Was he controlled by Long Yue?

Seeing me looking at her warily, Long Yue smiled disdainfully, "Lin Xi, don't think too well of yourself, and don't think too bad of others.

Shi Zicheng doesn't come to you because he doesn't want to die.

You are the reincarnation of Yu Ling, the person who wanted to murder the Emperor of Heaven. Do you think the Emperor of Heaven will let you go when he finds out that you are still alive? Yuchen is a member of the Emperor of Heaven, and you will die in Yuchen's hands sooner or later.

Shizicheng asked me to come to you just because he wanted me to tell you that if you still care about the friendship we had together back then, then let Hong Gu and the others go, and don't let them follow you to death.


"Damn! You didn't say these words just now!" Gu Han cursed.

Long Yue sneered, "If I had told the truth just now, would you still let me see Lin Xi?"

"You...you are despicable!" Gu Han was stupid and held it in for a long time to say this.

She was so angry that she wanted to fight with Long Yue. Wan Shangyu hugged Gu Han, then raised his head and said to Long Yue, "After that, you can leave.


Long Yue turned to look at me and said with a mocking smile, "Lin Xi, you are better than me.

Yuchen loves you or doesn't love me, but so what? He forced you to death in the last life, and you will die in his hands in this life as well.

Neither of you will end well!"

"Long Yue, shut up!" After scolding, Gu Han raised his hand to hit Wan Shangyu, "Let me go, why are you holding me!"

Long Yue ignored Gu Han's yelling. After speaking, his body turned into a ghostly aura and disappeared.

After Long Yue left, Wan Shangyu let go of Gu Han.

Gu Han glared at Wan Shangyu fiercely, then walked to the bed and said to me, "Lin Xi, don't listen to Long Yue's nonsense. Killing the Emperor of Heaven happened in your previous life, and it has nothing to do with you now.


Third Master will not kill you for such a thing.


I comforted Gu Han for a few words, saying I was fine, and then sent her out to help me pour water.

After Gu Han went out, I looked at Wan Shangyu and asked in a low voice, "Is this the fate of my death you mentioned?"

Wan Shangyu looked at me hesitantly, and after writing for a long time, he said, "Lin Xi, your death is over.


I was shocked, "What?!" I just knew why Yuchen wanted to kill me, but nothing happened yet. My death was passed safely?

I can't believe it.

"I can't say any more," Wan Shangyu frowned and said to me as if he was telling me, "Lin Xi, in the following days, stay with the third master and don't make trouble with him.

He...he really loves you.


This chapter has been completed!
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