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Chapter 380, Abolish Qiwuhai!

The abolition of the Shichibukai system, Aokiji leaving the Navy, and Lovett letting loose a smile. These three things seem to be unrelated, but in fact the cause and effect cycle is inextricably linked.

But no one except Lovett knew he had sent a time bomb.

Ordinary people on the sea and the navy still find it difficult to understand why Aokiji left the navy.

As the navy's anchor, Aoki's strength is obvious to all, and his status and power are astonishing. Within the navy, he has the most admirers among the three original generals.

However, at this moment when everyone is looking forward to the Navy regaining its strength, why should he leave?

Countless people expressed confusion about this.

But then, something even more incomprehensible happened.

Three things to be precise.

1. Vegapunk was assassinated again and his life was in danger!

Second, the World Government announced the abolition of the Imperial Shichibukai! All Shichibukai resumed bounties and no longer enjoyed the legal right to plunder!

3. When the former king came to the Shichibukai, "Fujitora" who was known as the "Benevolent Hero" was promoted to admiral under unusual circumstances. According to the government, this man was their spy who infiltrated the pirates. Now that Aokiji has left,

In order to make up for the loss of combat power, we take this opportunity to recall!

No matter what this is, people cannot understand it.

When they happen at the same time, it makes people even more confused.

Immediately, there was panic!

Because the world government said that it wants to abolish the Shichibukai system?!!

How can this be?!

The King's Shichibukai has existed for more than twenty years, longer than the era of great pirates. In this era, everyone has become accustomed to the existence of the King's Shichibukai, not to mention the importance of the existence of the King's Shichibukai, which deters ordinary pirates.


Even if they are called "government lackeys", they are still pirates.

Ambitious and powerful monsters!

The Shichibukai, who legally plundered the country and never allowed others to share the cake, killed many competitors who came to provoke them for fame or other reasons.

During the killings, it played an irreplaceable role in balancing the situation in the era of great pirates.

The Navy Headquarters, King Shichibukai, and the Four Emperors all worked together to maintain the balance of the sea. It can be said that this knowledge is engraved in the bones.

But now... the King's Shichibukai system is actually going to be cancelled?


"It's a waste of time and money!!"

One of the pirates cursed angrily.

"What else? I have already said that the World Government is unreliable, but there are people who are tempted by the legal power of plunder and do everything possible to join it."

Another pirate sneered and said: "The Black Earl is still smart. He has noticed this early. Look at him. After tricking the government a few years ago, he has become very prosperous. There is no need to worry about these things."

The pirate looked at him and frowned: "But I remember that you also wanted to become a Shichibukai, right? But you were defeated by Crocodile and all the crew members died, but you escaped."

"Nonsense... nonsense!"

The pirate blushed: "I just challenge him to become famous in the sea. Who wants to become a Shichibukai?"

"Ha! Then who knows!"

"Asshole, do you want to fight?!"

"Come just come, who is afraid of whom?"

Windless Zone, Amazon Lily Island.

"Pirate Empress" Hancock is standing on the top of the arrow tower in a bright red robe, with the plum blossom-striped pet python Salome behind him.

Looking at the crowded navy warships on the sea, Hancock had a cold look on his face: "You have blocked Newsbird?"

Otherwise, it is impossible for the old emperor Groliosa not to know about such a big matter, given his habit of reading newspapers.


In response, Stornobyl, who led the fleet, shook his head silently and pulled out his newly forged swords. The old weapons were smashed by "Diamond" Jozi in the battle in the New World.

"You have too few channels to understand the outside world, Hancock. Not everything can be published in the news... So, surrender!"


The sound of swords sounded, and the two swords were wrapped in a strong aura of armed domineering and pointed towards the crowded crowd in front.

"'Pirate Empress' Boya Hancock, we declare that you have been arrested for illegal robbery and attacking a naval warship. Put down your weapons and spare your life!"

"Aren't you guilty of violating the Shichibukai Treaty?"

Hancock was stunned for a moment, then smiled coldly: "I understand."

New world, uninhabited sea outside the Black Beast Federation.

On a deserted island, Jinbei performed the starting position of fish-man karate, his eyes silently scanning the navy surrounding him.



With a heavy foot step, the body that looks fat but is actually full of muscles gives off a tiger-like aura and strikes with a front fist.

Fishman Karate·Karate Sowa Shoken!

Bang bang! Bang!

A powerful 360° wave of air instantly knocked the surrounding navy away in panic. However, the special air cushions they were equipped with alleviated most of the impact. Except for a few people who broke their legs and felt tightness in their chests, the rest quickly

Get up and get back into the fight.

"Is this the customized equipment for you? The World Government has indeed been planning this for a long time!"

Jinbei's face looked ugly. Without liquid, he wouldn't be able to use many sharp attacks.

"Surrender, Jinbe!"

After the army, Lieutenant General Dalmesia crossed his arms and said: "The Shichibukai has ended, but the peace agreement between fish and humans has not. Don't continue to resist and cause trouble."

"It is precisely because I know that the peace agreement is not over that I have to break out!"

"Navy, you have gone too far!"

Watching Jinbei rushing left and right in the army, knocking away the soldiers one by one, even though he was protected by special equipment, he still couldn't stop him.

Dalmecia sighed and slowly rolled up her sleeves.

"In that case, I have no choice but to arrest you myself, Jinbe!"

The Grand Line, Kraikana Island.

On the burgundy throne, "The World's Greatest Swordsman" Mihawk crossed his legs, holding his knees with both hands, and his sharp golden eyes like an eagle under the brim of his hat slowly scanned the navy surrounding him.

Suddenly, the sailors felt as if they had a knife pressed against their throats, and their clothes were wet with cold sweat.

Ignoring this group of people, Mihawk looked at the figure in front of him.

"It's been a long time since I felt like I was wanted by the navy."

"But I didn't expect that you are one of theirs, Yixiaosang."

Compared with the cancellation of the Shichibukai system, what Mihawk couldn't understand even more was that the old blind man who once came to him to test his swordsmanship out of confusion has now transformed into a naval admiral!

"Should I feel honored to be personally visited by the Admiral?"

Even Mihawk, who was aloof from the world and indifferent to fame and fortune, rarely used a mocking tone at this moment.

For Yixiao, he appreciates it more than the fights between pirates.

Because maybe after Shanks, he will have another opponent soon.

For Mihawk, who is obsessed with swordsmanship, this is the most important thing in the world!

But now...

In response, standing on a floating rock as high as one person, wearing a purple bathrobe, a black belt around his waist, and a navy windbreaker, General "Fujitora" smiled and did not answer.

He just silently put his hand on the staff and sword: "Joracormi Mihawk, I announce that you have been arrested for killing innocent people indiscriminately and provoking swordsmen's disputes to harm the sea!"

"Oh, that's right."

As the ordinary soldiers retreated, Mihawk slowly lifted the black knife beside him and stood up from the throne.

"You have just left your identity as a pirate and become an admiral. You need a big victory to silence the world."

"Is there any better choice to convince the public than defeating me?"



The bright sword shadow, which is more than a thousand meters long, penetrates the sky with a green edge. The sword shadow is majestic, but it is bone-crushing and ice-cold.


He inserted the staff knife into the ground, and with a smile pulled out a ravine hundreds of meters long before he stopped and looked up. Mihawk had already pulled back the black knife in his right hand, with his left hand in front, and leaned over.

"I think you picked the wrong opponent, Fujitora!!"

At this time, a general carrying a big ax suddenly came out and shouted.

"Pacifist, enter!"


Noticing the burly human figure revealing his true form in the distance, Mihawk's pupils shrank and he pulled back the black knife and held it in front of him.


Bang bang bang!!

Not only these three, but at the same time, the Giant Pirates also encountered naval encirclement and suppression.

Relying on the destructive power of the Titan Soldiers, they managed to break through and return to Questra, forcing the navy to retreat.

Moreover, even the navy of Tenyaksha, who was far away in the New World, symbolically sent spies to attack Dressrosa. Although they were quickly suppressed by the Don Quixote family, it was enough to let the world understand the determination of the government this time!

The layout of such a large area cannot be completed in one or two days.

Even before the news was sent out, the government was ready to clear out this group of pirates!

At the same time, they also understood why the government had the confidence to abolish the Shichibukai system!


A war weapon with the power of General Kizaru's fruit transplanted from the "tyrant" bear as a sample!


Countless people took a breath.

Is this the real reason why Vegapunk was killed?!


Posted in the third update, please vote!

This chapter has been completed!
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