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Chapter three hundred and eighty first, Shuzi deficiency and strategy

Countless people instantly felt chills running down their spines!

"Ao Oni" Tori, one of the King's Seven Martial Arts, is an ally of the Black Earl. Under the control of the Golden Emperor, he has been prospering in the past two years, and no one knows about it.

Elbaf, who once had a difficult life due to lack of domestic resources, now has the energy to build more than a dozen giant iron-hulled ships dedicated to the giants, and his help is indispensable.

Many people know that the reason why such an incredible thing happened is not only because of the personal strength of the Black Earl and the Beasts, which prevent the government from taking action easily, but also because there are an incalculable number of nobles and royal families standing behind them, forming a huge

interest groups.

So the reason why this assassination happened is clear at a glance.

The abolition of the Shichibukai, especially Tori, touched the interests of those big shots.

So, they launched a counterattack!

"But the opponent is the world government?!"

When I think of this, I don't know how many people have numb scalps and heavy breathing.

Previously, countless people in the sea did not have a clear understanding of the Black Beast Federation's presence in the New World.

The ocean of the New World itself is a place where whoever has the biggest fist calls the shots.

The Black Beast Federation is just the new overlord of this era. No matter how glorious it is, it is no different from the heroes of hundreds of years.

However, as the news of Vegapunk's assassination spread, they realized that they were too naive.

This is not as simple as a pirate rebellion. The Black Beast Federation not only has the courage to ignore the world government, but also has the real ability to compete with the world government!

That suffocating and depressing atmosphere made them think of a term involuntarily.


"Has someone finally done it again?"

On the sea, the eyes of careerists flickered.

"The new force that carves up the dominion of the sea from the World Government!"

"In the first half, with the revolutionary army all over the world inciting oppressed civilians to stand up and resist, in the new world, the Black Beast Federation directly ended up confronting the world government... Such a chaotic era is really incredible!"

There is no doubt that even if they do not know the prophecy, the world at this moment can see that the world government is facing a huge challenge unprecedented in 800 years!

The hegemony that has never been shaken in the past 800 years is like a candle in the wind and may be extinguished at any time.


It’s not the moment of despair yet!

Reluctant to let go of any news, people came and went in various black markets, and countless pirates, nobles, and careerists tried every means to get information and want to know the outcome of the battle.

Faced with such a huge challenge, it is obvious that the world government did not wait for death like an ostrich, but made a desperate move and pinned its hope on the navy.

To what extent the navy can perform in this battle will determine the future direction of the sea.

Will it rise from the darkness or accelerate its demise?

However, unlike the rest of the world, the atmosphere in Auroville City at this moment is weird.

"I swear it wasn't us. The previous failed assassinations made the government strengthen its defenses. As a result, Xiao, Jiu, and the newcomer Rob Lucci were guarding Vegapunk 24 hours a day, without any chance of getting close!


Tezzolo said with a depressed look.

"Did someone succeed but have no chance to bring the news back?"

"No, I thought so at first, but the chance is not high."

An old voice came from the phone. If the Five Old Stars were here, they would recognize that this was an important official they promoted a few years ago and took over the post of supervising the inspection and acceptance of the amount of heavenly gold paid by the franchised countries every year.

As for the previous one...

Well, the grass on the grave is already three feet tall.


"Because there aren't enough people!"

The old man replied: "The previous failed assassinations resulted in the loss of too many chess pieces that had been buried for many years. To be on the safe side, we did not immediately arrange the next assassination. Now is a blank period."

"If it is really our people who did it, they must meet the two prerequisites of hiding the loyal dog Xiao and giving them an opportunity from Vegapunk... What do you think the chance of this is, Lord Kaido?"

Kaido: "..."


The previous temptations and threats were enough to make Vegapunk work hard and be careful. If he still found an opportunity for them carelessly, Kaido felt that there was either something wrong with him or there was something wrong with the world.

Even the "world's best scientist" is so stupid?

Not to mention the fact that there are people like Xiao Xiao for close protection, leaving them almost no room for maneuver.

After being speechless for a moment, the phone bug imitating Kaido spat.

"Bah! That's why I said that you people can't achieve great things. You have to keep fighting. Since you want to kill, you should go all out the first time! You promised me so much at the beginning, but now..."

The others were ashamed.

"Don't you think that if the Five Old Stars can't handle the pressure, they will give up the pacifist plan?"

Only in this way can everyone's interests be maximized.

But it adds risk.


Risk becomes reality!

Vegapunk failed to die before the news was announced, and the sea boiled because of the incident. They no longer had any reason to blackmail Wulaoxing into giving up this decision.

"The Black Earl is better!"

Inexplicably, Kaido sighed.

These people have been blinded by profit and made such mistakes. If he really wants to deal with them, he is afraid that they will knock on his door the next day.

What a bunch of idiots!

Lovett shares the same sentiment.

"There is no shortage of tricks and strategies..."

Looking at the phone bugs who were silent under Kaido's roar, he suddenly grinned: "Do you think what you think is correct?"

"The Five Old Stars... have been able to rule the world government for many years, so they are really ruthless!"

Since it wasn't their people who did it.

So with Vegapunk in critical condition after being attacked, are there any other possibilities?

"This is abandoning the car to protect the handsome man!"

A small voice echoed in the hall, attracting everyone's attention. Lovett said slowly: "We all know the importance of Vegapunk to the pacifist plan, and attention is a bargaining chip!"

"So Wulaoxing chose to use his life and death to send us a message."

"As for the abolition of the Shichibukai, if we agree, they will kill Vegapunk immediately. If we don't agree, do you believe there will be news tomorrow that Vegapunk is out of danger?"

Everyone was silent again.

What he said is right.


Hit the snake seven inches!

Now that we know that this is a conflict caused by interest groups on their side, of course we have to start from this aspect.

Wulaoxing has a good grasp of the mentality of this group of people. If you look at these big shots who have refused to repent, you will know that they don't even have the decisiveness to kill with one blow. Instead, they hope that everyone will "become harmonious and make money". Faced with this kind of situation,

The choice is almost a no-brainer.

Without Vegapunk, the pacifists have lost the possibility of continuing to improve. Compared with its current destructive power, the unknown future worries this group of people more.

So this situation is not unacceptable to them.

At least it's better than fighting to the death and losing both life and money, isn't it?

Silence means that there are things that cannot be said, and the unspeakable means that they have choices.

Kaido immediately sneered: "I will cut off the money you lose every year, and I will wait for it!"

Including Tezzolo's golden phone bug, fear suddenly appeared on the face of every phone bug.

Kaido, the "Hundred Beasts", always says the same thing!

Hanging up the phone angrily, the anger on Kaido's face instantly revealed, and he smiled: "Destiny is indeed on my side!"

"Without the Dongli line, Auroville's revenue has plummeted. It is all supported by the Black Earl's own industry, but we have other income!"

"Fire Disaster" Jin lowered his head slightly: "Lord Kaido is smart!"

This accident has interrupted one of the biggest interests of the entire alliance. As one of them, Kaido certainly has to express his anger.

But actually...

"By the way, Lord Kaido, there is good news from Vinsmoke Gaji. He has some ideas about artificial devil fruit technology."

"It is expected to be put into mass production by the end of this year at the latest."


Jin silently clenched his fist: "With the army of artificial ability users, our soldiers can also have the power to fight against the undead of the Black Earl!"

"Oh? This is really the icing on the cake! Hahahahahaha!"

Kaido gloated and said: "Who said ordinary undead can't fuse with Devil Fruit? Three just gave me an advantage!"

After saying that, Kaido's tone changed and his voice sounded like a ghost.

"Keep an eye on him!"

"Nothing can go wrong in this matter!"


Why did Kaido dare to threaten those representatives from all parties without scruples?

Because no one could come back after boarding this pirate ship.


Today's second update is a day off, and my colleagues dragged me to my house to drink on the weekend. Now I'm all numb, half a pound, two cups and four sips. These crazy dogs are so fucking crazy.

They were all suppressed at home.

This chapter has been completed!
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