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Chapter 67, Spread Death! (Two Chapters in One)

By the time Nick Fury, who had faked his death and escaped, received the news from his agents, more than half an hour had passed.

"What did you say?" In the dark basement, Lu Dan's face was covered with black question marks.

"That's it!" The white agent on the other end of the phone shrugged.

He knew how baffling it was, so he explained it again.

"Loki suddenly rushed to the scene and turned all the Hydra agents into undead. The enemy's vitality was completely wiped out. The captain and Natasha quickly decided to fight back. They are probably almost at the headquarters now."

"But they can't stop the process!" Luo Dan cursed secretly, and hurriedly picked up his coat and put it on.

"Contact Falcon for me, they need help!"

Insight planning is not a human-determined goal.

They used the algorithm left behind by the captured Hydra scientist Arnim Zola to screen criminals just like Hydra screens people who pose a threat to Hydra. This is something that exists in the program settings.

, destroying the hardware does not prevent it.


I don’t want to destroy the braised eggs either.

That’s all money!

In order to build the aircraft carrier, he almost forgot how many times he asked the World Security Council for funding. If all the efforts were in vain, his responsibility would definitely be far heavier than the New York War or the London War!

Capitalism is so willful.


"I hope you won't do anything irrational, captain!" Leaving the basement, Luodan quickly got into an SUV parked in the parking lot that had been illegally modified to emit excessive emissions, and stepped on the accelerator.

There's something he didn't tell Captain America.

That is, the person who attacked him was an old acquaintance of his.

Hydra Agents, Winter Soldier, Bucky!

Meanwhile, Cliff Villa.

Lovett, who was sitting on the balcony and chatting with the "honorary principal" over a glass of wine, turned around and smiled slightly: "It seems that your plan was completed well, Loki."

Tony looked in the direction of his gaze, but all he saw were walls and glass.

But as Lovett finished speaking, a group of soldiers emerged from stealth.


Pepper was startled. At some point, the room was filled with ugly undead soldiers. They were still wearing the combat uniforms they had in life, holding assault rifles in their hands, and pistols hanging on their waists. One of them was less than a foot away from Pepper.

Mi, after revealing themselves, the two of them directly looked at each other.

Tony also broke out in a cold sweat.

The defense system he deployed was completely ineffective against these guys. The whole villa was densely surrounded by undead soldiers and even the roof was full of undead soldiers. If these guys were hostile to him, he might not even know how he died.

"The power of magic?"

Noticing the arm-length scepter emitting black smoke in Loki's hand, Tony glanced at Lovett.

If I remember correctly, this was a prop handed to him by Loki before he left.

Loki appeared directly behind the two of them at this moment. Hearing the words, he bowed and saluted: "Fortunately, my lord."

"There are 348 people in the first batch of Death Messengers, all of them are here."

"Well, then let's take them on board." Lovett nodded casually, waved his hand, and a line of fire entangled a circle in the air, posting a different scene behind him like a photo.

Ancient Yi can also open the space channel without relying on the hanging ring, but he can't do it as smoothly as he does.

The interplay of light and darkness, transformation of spirit and flesh, and space distortion are the three powers he is most proficient in. Even the Lord is probably not familiar with him.

Even compared to the Great Emperor, his attainments in darkness are still ahead.

Seeing the undead marching into the space door in order, Tony couldn't help but ask: "Sir, it seems that these guys still retain their wisdom?"

"Huh? Of course." Lovett looked strange.

"Otherwise, why do you think I specifically want to trouble Hydra? Although the brainwashing they experienced is simple, it is more than enough to solidify their souls and consciousness. It only needs a little modification to form undead with self-awareness."

"Otherwise why wouldn't I start with the braised eggs?"

Tony: "..."

Then... I really appreciate your mercy.

He moved his mouth and suppressed the words.

On this planet, there are only two beings who can make the evil necromancer in front of him even slightly interested: one is the ancient mage, the relationship between the two is not deep but there is a transaction; the other is Odin, the god king who rules the nine realms.


But now that Odin is dead and the Asgardians are forced into exile, if the other party lets go and acts randomly, Gu Yi alone cannot resist it.

Tony looked at the Hydra soldiers sympathetically.

You say you have nothing to do and why are you brainwashing your own people?

Doesn’t this mean you are being targeted?

He could see that Lovett had no interest in lying to him. In other words, the brainwashing methods experienced by Hydra soldiers can really solidify a person's soul and consciousness!

Let the other party easily take advantage of this and seal their souls in their bodies for him to drive.

"Animals that grow too fat will be slaughtered for meat, and the same goes for people."

At this time, Lovett said to him pointedly: "In the eyes of the Necromancer, the more rigorously trained a warrior is, the less threatening they are with the power they possess."

"I hope we can meet again one day, big baby."

Tony frowned and thought about what this sentence meant.

Could someone be eyeing his body?

Then he noticed that Lovett turned around and walked towards the space passage, and suddenly woke up.

"Wait, Mr. Black Earl, where are you going?"

Lovett turned his head and said with a smile: "Go and conquer the universe."

On Xandar, "Golden Knight" Mohawk was standing on the balcony of the outer wall of the Central Council Hall, frowning silently as he looked at the peaceful and peaceful city.

The old general who had met on the battlefield with the Cree came over and patted his waist.

"What's wrong? Today is a happy day, isn't it? Why are you looking so sad?"

Death's arrival not only stopped the Mistress' sinister plan, but also prevented the war between the Kree Empire and Xandar.

The supreme wisdom was completely reduced to a tool and was controlled by the mistress. Of course, she, who was afraid of death, would not allow the war to continue with the Xandarians, or the Great Emperor.

Peace came so suddenly.

So much so that the Shandar people have not formally established a post-war reconstruction plan until today.

"Nothing." Mohawk turned his head and looked at the old officer who only reached his waist, and smiled to himself.

"I just feel like I forgot something, something very important."

"What exactly happened that day?"

"I'm afraid you're asking the wrong person when you ask me." The old general pointed to the bandage on his head.

"I fainted not long after the battle between you and Carl Heartseeker. The cabin was damaged and I was almost sucked into space. It was the soldiers who were not afraid of sacrifices who saved me."

"Well, I have an impression of this." Mohawk touched his chin without thinking.

Old general: "..."

Then he took out a volume of documents printed in larger fonts from his arms. In the highly technologically advanced Xandar planet, being able to take out paper documents means that the documents are extremely confidential and would rather be burned than take any risks.

"I originally planned to tell you the bad news in the evening, but since you are in such a good mood, I might as well tell you now." Under Mohawk's wildly twitching eyelids, the old general explained.

"We were deeply involved in the war before, so we didn't have time to investigate clearly. In fact, the fruit you ate has been spread throughout the entire river system, and the quantity is countless."

Mohawk's expression became serious: "In other words, there are countless other beings who have mastered special powers like me and Karl?"

"That's not true." The old general shook his head.

"That's the weird thing! We are almost certain that there has never been a second fruit here. Your abilities are unique! And the known fruit-powered users are very weak. Except for those with weird abilities, which are more difficult to deal with, most of them are dispatched to law enforcement.

The team can subdue it...only you have the terrifying power to fight Thanos!"

"So the researchers boldly made a hypothesis that these fruits were formed by the combination of some unknown energy source and fruits, but the process was random dispersion... However, in our case it did not disperse into plural numbers for some unknown reasons.

, but are gathered together, which results in the power you gain being unprecedentedly powerful, and we cannot generate a second fruit here."

Speaking of this, the old general teased him and said: "How is it? Do you feel that you are unique and excited?"

"Yes." In response, Mohawk raised his hand and clenched his fist.

"I feel a kind of pressure and a kind of responsibility!"

"If I am the only one with abilities in our race, then the hope of the whole race lies in me... Carl is not dead, I can feel that he will definitely come back."

The old general looked at him with relief and said, "But not now. You should give yourself a holiday, soldier."

"Do you remember the last day you slept?"

"758 hours, 45 minutes and 25 seconds. I can now calculate time based on the particle fluctuations on my body. I am very sensitive to time."

Old general: "..."

Then Mohawk left.

First, as the old general said, at least not now, he needs to relax for a while and adjust his condition.

Second, he is somewhat uncomfortable with the way his compatriots look at him.

Transforming into a muscular man five to six meters tall is far more troublesome than it seems. Although most people see no malice but only curiosity, Mohawk himself feels like a monster.

And as he left, a flesh and blood spacecraft suddenly docked in the outer space of Xandar.

Watching the light disappear into the depths of the universe, Lovett shrugged.

"So why don't you just deprive them of their consciousness? I'm here to invade, not to hide and seek!"

"Deprive them of their consciousness, and their souls will no longer be defenseless, and we will be exposed to the eyes of death." The emperor sent a divine message.

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

"Well, forget it then." Lovett shook his head decisively.

Although the main function of the mark on the back of his left hand is to monitor the energy fluctuations when he uses the god's left arm, allowing Death to control the rhythm of his actions, once the Emperor leaks his aura, it's strange that Death won't notice.


"Numbers 1 to 10 are up to you."

Turning his head slightly, 10 transformed Death Messengers stepped out from the Hydra undead army behind him, saluting enthusiastically.


The "bringers of death" that Loki calls himself is just a title. These guys are the real messengers of death, a special kind of undead that spreads the undead plague and masters psychic spells.

Mages have always valued efficiency.

It is of course easier and more efficient to kill enemies with red dots from behind than to kill enemies with posture bars from the front. This is a very simple reason.

Whoosh whoosh!

Three small spaceships disguised as civilian spacecraft quickly detached from the flesh and blood battleship. Leviathan secretly glued a piece of his own flesh and blood to the tail of the spacecraft on the tail. The white-bone man's face was filled with anticipation.

Fortunately, this time there was no need to worry so much. Lovett glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

After being cooped up in this world for so long, it’s good to let your children indulge once in a while.

Anyway, when the undead plague breaks out, who will care about a husky?

Subsequently, the flesh-and-blood battleship entered camouflage mode, activated the divine engine learned from Igona, and jumped into space.

If time permits, Lovett estimates that he will take a leisurely vacation on Earth, see how SHIELD solves the threat of Hydra, and wait for Star-Lord to obtain the cosmic spirit ball.

Unfortunately it's not possible.

Being targeted by death, both parties know exactly what the other is going to do, so every second they waste is adding strength to the other.



It’s still his efficiency!

Except for Xandar, he quickly dropped the remaining 338 dead on the civilized planets of the galaxy overlords. The zombie crisis is not terrible. What is terrible is that these zombies have self-awareness.

By borrowing the technology of these civilizations themselves, they can continue to spread the plague at a faster speed, and then form a chain reaction by analogy, like a toppled domino, which will be out of control after the outbreak!

So isn’t it true that Lovett boasted that it would be really difficult to destroy the world?

There is Ancient One on Earth and the transaction between him can be ignored for the time being, but other civilizations will suffer.

Until this day, Lovett suddenly received a distress call from Star-Lord.

"Hey, Quill, have you found the cosmic spirit ball?" Lovett greeted casually after taking the communicator from Aka.

But the person on the other side didn't have that time. After getting through, he said hurriedly: "I found it, but now I have two questions."

"Hmm, tell me."

An unknown planet, on a Gobi desert.

Groot, Rocket and Gamora guarded the left and right sides, repelling the endless stream of screaming zombies. Star-Lord knelt on one knee behind the three (?) and spoke quickly using what looked like a makeshift communicator.


"One, we are surrounded now, a monster that cannot be killed."

Lovett: "..."

Using his spiritual thoughts, he quickly saw Quill and his party struggling to support themselves on a desert planet through the soul network that now covered half of the universe.

"And the second point is more troublesome!"

"Thanos? Right?" Before he could finish speaking, Lovett raised his eyebrows.

"You really know how to negotiate prices with me, Mr. Quayle."

"The fixed price is 50 million, will the transaction be completed?"

Quill looked confused and bargained the price from 4 billion to 50 million. This was too cruel!

Wait, that’s not right!

He suddenly woke up, raised his head and looked around: "Are you nearby too?!"


Yesterday I drank with that boss Sun Xin, and I called you over in the middle of the night. I'm sorry.

These 4,000 words are from yesterday, Dashu will add one more for today.

This chapter has been completed!
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