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Chapter 68, Zombie Crisis!

Lovett is definitely not nearby at this moment. Although "not far", he is still at least 300,000 light-years away from Star-Lord and his party.

However, Thanos' power is not well hidden.

Even though there were only some branches of the soul network that could be extended, Lovett quickly locked onto the Asylum floating in the outer space of the desert planet.

"The only thing I can't get is the soul gem. Why do you want to grab the power gem?" Lovett shook his head.

There are only two ways for him to get the soul gem, either to collect the other five infinite gems and try to forcefully break through the soul gem's "exchange with a loved one"-like barrier; or to try to reshape a blank soul and instill memory, civet cat

Change the prince.

So after Death made his plan, he immediately gave up his original plan to collect all the Infinity Stones.

Both of these solutions require a lot of time to verify and implement, and there is no chance at all.

But the power gem is different. It is stored in the cosmic spirit ball and anyone can get it.


"You can't blame me, Lady Death."

After receiving the order, Leviathan accelerated again and leapt towards No Man's Sky.

"Hello? Hello? Damn it!"

The call was interrupted at this point, and Quill turned his head with a dark face: "Raccoon, what kind of modified thing did you make?! There was no signal in the middle of the call!"

"Hoho, if you can find me the latest model of satellite receiver, I guarantee that this won't happen." Rocket walked around behind a long strip of rock with a shotgun and turned around to sneer.

"Just shut up if you can't, stupid pig!"

"Stop arguing, they're attacking again!" Gamora shouted softly and raised her energy rifle.

The other two people ignored the quarrel, and Star-Lord took out his ray pistol "biubiu" and fired directly.

Looking out from the perspective of several people, black tide billows everywhere.

But that's not a real tide, but the indigenous inhabitants of this planet have all been infected and turned into some kind of zombies that can't feel pain and only know how to eat.

If that's all, it's fine. Killing them out with their fighting power won't be a problem.

However, there are some special individuals with amazing intelligence among those who cannot stand up to each other.

After they were chased all the way to the planet by Thanos, they immediately sent people to secretly destroy the spaceship. Without the spaceship and heavy firepower support, the three of them had no choice but to escape.

At the same time, things were not going well for the Asylum in space.

"Fire and defeat them!"

"For Thanos! For the master!"

One after another, the grotesque aliens shouted slogans and attacked the simple spacecraft that rushed towards them. Their technological advantages made the scene almost a one-sided massacre.

But even so, they did not dare to be careless. A spaceship that had been crashed before had been sunk by concentrated fire, because after being infected by the monsters on the ground, the people inside actually launched an attack on them!

Star-Lord and others had to admit that if Thanos hadn't been chasing behind them to help them attract the opponent's main combat force, and those who stayed on the planet to besiege them were civilians who lacked weapons, they would have been killed long ago.

At this moment, sitting on his throne, Thanos had complicated eyes.

"Unlogical massacre, senseless extermination... Is this what you want?"

The powerful planetary civilization has not heard of a formal zombie crisis, but Thanos is sure that since even these corner planets are infected, the other party will definitely not let go of those advanced civilizations with a population of over 100 million in one city.

If you don't do this, in addition to being unsure whether it can create irresistible suppression, the more important reason is probably to prevent the other party from leaking information and arouse the vigilance of others.

If I hadn't chased him all the way, I might have been kept in the dark as well.

"Compared with everything he did, what I did was really just."

Staring at the two battle lines of spaceships biting each other in the sky, Thanos rested his face on his hands and sighed tiredly.

"It turns out no one even understands this."

"Fortunately, I am not short of time. Once your plan is completed, no one can stop me from getting the Infinite Spirit Stone."

After getting the cosmic spirit ball, Thanos prepares to go to the nine realms to find the dwarves in the next battle.

The confrontation between the Supreme and the Supreme is the Supreme, and his own plan cannot be delayed. The earlier he gets the Infinity Stones, the sooner he can restore the balance of the universe.

Desert planet, ground.

"Quil, pass me the bullet!" Rocket shouted loudly before he could talk.

Star-Lord, who also had no time to argue with the other party, stretched out his hand and touched it. He was suddenly stunned and turned back with dull eyes.



"Running out of bullets!"


Rocket and Gamora turned their heads at the same time, and even Groot looked scared and leaned back with his hands on his chest.

The fighting stopped for a second.

Then it rang again.

Da da da da da!

While shooting rockets, I burst into tears: "Didn't you say there are at least ten magazines left? Why are they gone so quickly?"

Gamora took a deep breath: "With your shooting frequency, how dare you ask this question?"

As he said that, he took his rifle and killed them one by one.

The firepower was more than doubled than before, and the zombie army surrounding them suddenly pressed closer. The Gobi Desert where the three of them were was not a cliff, but a completely isolated island. They didn't have the capital to fight. Obviously, the opponent had already

Be prepared, lay an ambush in advance and force them here.

Then, the bullets were fired.

Rocket threw away the rifle with a red barrel and took out two machetes as long as its body from its back.


"Very good, Daddy Butcher is online! This was originally prepared for you, Star-Lord the Thief."

"Haha!" Star-Lord would sneer and throw a zombie out with a joint skill. Although it was not fatal, it knocked over a large group of zombies.

As a result of Ego's death, the seeds he left in Star-Lord's body could not be replenished and had long since depleted. However, his physical fitness as a demigod was still there. On the contrary, due to close contact with a power greater than that in the original work, the power was infected.

Developed to the point of being stronger than the original.

At this moment, Star-Lord is no longer the thief who can only run rampant on the battlefield with his combat uniform, but a warrior who is comparable to an Asgardian with his bare hands.


It's just delaying time.

Without weapons, they were quickly cornered by hand-to-hand combat and fought back to back to the death.

Just as Groot was being dragged away by zombies to save Rocket, suddenly, a buzz echoed on the noisy battlefield.


The harsh sound waves stimulated the three of them so much that they couldn't help but cover their ears, feeling fear in the pain.

The group of monsters opposite don't know what pain is.

They gave up resistance and their fate was foreseeable.

However, the expected feeling of being torn apart was not felt for a long time. When the buzzing gradually dissipated, Star-Lord was the first to straighten up, put his hands on his chest, and then froze.

"what's the situation?"

On the battlefield ahead, the dense black pressure of zombies was overwhelming. The monsters, who apparently did not waver even if their eyeballs were torn out, seemed to be unable to bear the stinging sound and fell to the ground in pain. Most of the zombies were bleeding from their orifices and fell to the ground twitching.

, only a few strong people covered their ears with their hands and fell to the ground, finally letting out a silent roar.


"Go to hell!" Rocket cut off the wound that was kneeling half a meter away in front of him, clearing Groot's body.

Then he looked back: "What happened now?!"

"I still want to know! Don't forget that you, bastard, hit my Milano and we landed here!"

But when he said this, Star-Lord suddenly noticed a standing figure in the distance and scratched his head.

"Uh... okay, I think I know what happened."

"It looks like you're having a great time, Mr. Quayle." Aka's clean tuxedo and white gloves don't match the corpse-strewn battlefield, but the strange thing is that no one feels out of place, as if he should be standing there,

Standing in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

As he spoke, he took out a box and shook it: "The price is 50 million, deal?"

"Another 30 million less!" At this time, Quayle shook his head.

In Aka's confused eyes, he said: "I have a companion who was captured by Thanos. Help me save her. I only charge 20 million!"

"That's it." Aka smiled.

"That would save trouble."

After that, a series of explosions suddenly erupted in space.

The orange fire illuminated the atmosphere, and the three of them looked up in shock. They saw a flesh-and-blood battleship comparable to the size of a planet slowly swimming out from behind the sun. Countless skeletal faces sprayed fire, sinking the ant-like spaceship.

Among them, including Thanos's Asylum!

This chapter has been completed!
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