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Chapter 261 The Power of the Mongolian Navy

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Pedro's little trick was not enough in Wang Baobao's eyes.

He will not kill anyone, and can completely rely on the cannon to continue the attack.

Boom boom boom!

As bursts of artillery sounded, the Mongols raised the artillery half an inch and aimed directly at the second main city wall of Kaffa.

I have to say that the quality of the second city wall is really good, and it can be regarded as the ceiling level of city wall defense.

The terrifying Mongolian cannon blasted away, but it could only leave a few small white spots and a pile of small gravel.


The defenders of Kaffa City were still frightened.

Because the Mongolian artillery was so accurate, it was able to hit accurately even through half of the city wall in front.

"Oh, God!"

"Kaffa City is really in danger!"

Pedro secretly screamed something bad, no matter how strong the city wall was, it couldn't withstand the continuous artillery bombardment!

Now, Pedro and his men can only pray that the Mongols don't have too much gunpowder reserves, hoping that they will be used up before the Kaffa wall is destroyed!

Three hours later.

It was already dark, and the Mongolian camp outside Kaffa City was already silent.

After three hours of bombardment, Kaffa City was in dilapidated condition. Although it had not completely collapsed, it could no longer sustain it for long.

"Grand Master, why not continue the bombardment while the night is dark? One night will be enough to destroy the city wall, and we can enter the city early tomorrow morning!"

Hao Hai, the general of the Meng Yuan Dynasty, persuaded him in the camp.

Not long ago, Haohai led the Oara cavalry to defeat the Kingdom of Poland and killed King Kami III of Poland. He surpassed Temur Timur and became the number one general under Wang Baobao.

It has to be said that Hao Hai's strategy and courage are far beyond those of Tamerlane.

Wang Baobao did not rush to launch a surprise attack at night, but continued to attack the Kaffa city wall with artillery from the next day.

Your army has already taken the initiative on the battlefield, so Wang Baobao will naturally not take any more risks.

After two days of artillery bombardment of the city walls of Kaffa, two huge gaps appeared.

Wang Baobao immediately ordered Hao Hai to serve as the vanguard and lead his troops to attack the city.

The Mongolian and Yuan troops led by Hao Hai invaded through the gap in the city wall and started a fierce street battle with the Genoese army in the city.

Pedro, the commander of the Genoese army, personally led his men to use street cover to resist the attacks of the Mongolian soldiers.

"Damn Mongols, God bless us!" Pedro, wearing a red turban and armor, threw his spear and stabbed down several Mongolian soldiers who were rushing at the front. He cursed loudly, and his

His face turned red with anger, and his eyes became as bloody as wild beasts.

"General, we can no longer stop the enemy. The city gate has been broken down by the Mongolian soldiers!" The adjutant standing next to him looked at the enemy getting closer and closer and replied nervously: "In addition, the opponent has a large number of people.


"Bastard!" Pedro yelled angrily, raised the knight's sword in his hand, and slashed at the Mongolian Slavic soldiers who were rushing toward him. Blood spattered, and with a scream, a corpse fell to the ground.

He raised his blood-stained arms and wiped the sweat from his forehead and cheeks, turned around and asked the adjutant behind him: "Can brothers still hold on?"

"General, I think it's no longer possible and we must retreat!" The adjutant took a few breaths and said intermittently: "If this continues, everyone will die!"

"Okay, then retreat." Pedro nodded and ordered the soldiers behind him: "Prepare the crossbow, hit me hard, and destroy all the enemies that come up!"

When the Mongolian people saw that the Genoese army began to retreat, they took advantage of the victory and pursued them. They chased and killed the fleeing Genoese soldiers like crazy, and soon occupied the entire square and drove the Genoese army to the corner.

"Damn it!"

Pedro, wearing a red turban, silver-gray armor, and holding a short bow in his left hand, was very conspicuous in the crowd, and a large number of Genoese soldiers gathered towards him.

Pedro saw the enemy troops coming up from a distance and knew that if the enemy was allowed to complete the encirclement, no one would survive today.

"Brothers, follow me and fight out!"

Pedro raised his sword high and shouted at the surrounding Genoese soldiers.

Now that the entire city of Kaffa has been captured by the Mongols, if Pedro and other Genoese people want to escape, they must rush to the port south of the city, where there are ships to escape.

Pedro led the remaining Genoese soldiers to fight hard and ran towards the streets south of the city of Caffa.

However, since the city had fallen and the streets were already blocked, they could not run fast at all. Instead, they were intercepted by the rushing enemies. After paying more than ten lives, Pedro finally broke through the enemy's defense line and led his Genoese soldiers to run towards


At this time, ten sailboats were docked on the plain outside the port.

Pedro boarded the top deck of one of the sailboats and shouted below: "Quick, get on the boat, let's leave the city immediately!"

"As you command!"

More than 300 remaining soldiers from Genoa jumped on the deck, climbed up the rope ladder into the cabin, and under Pedro's command, quickly raised the sailboat and sailed south.

"Haha, we escaped successfully!" Pedro clenched his fists excitedly and cheered to the soldiers around him.

Just when everyone was cheering and rejoicing that they had escaped, suddenly a fleet of more than 20 warships appeared on the sea ahead.

This team that suddenly appeared was flying a white flag with a black border and a golden cross. It was obviously the Mongolian navy.

"God, how is this possible? Do the Mongols still have such a powerful navy?" Pedro was startled by the sudden appearance of the warship.

Of course, what shocked him even more was that the fleet on the opposite side actually launched an offensive.

"Winter, winter, winter..."

A dense burst of shells hit the sailboat where Pedro and others were, and the shock wave generated by the sea water knocked them to the ground.

"General, hide quickly, be careful!" The adjutant beside him desperately dragged Pedro to the other side of the deck.

As soon as Pedro lay down, he heard a continuous roar in his ears, and then countless wood chips and iron pieces flew towards him, hitting his body and causing unbearable pain.

Under such circumstances, even the elite soldiers did not dare to stay on the sailboat. They could only jump to the shore and flee in all directions.

At the same time that the Mongolian warship launched the attack, a fifty-man Mongolian cavalry ran out from the city to the east and galloped forward quickly along the road.


"Protect the general!"

The Genoese soldiers yelled in panic, but they were no match for the Mongolian cavalry. They dropped their weapons and ran away holding their heads.

"Catch them alive!"

The Mongolian cavalry raised their sabers high, roared and rushed over, chopping melons and vegetables, and killed all the Genoese soldiers.

Pedro was also surrounded by Mongolian cavalry. Faced with a certain death situation, Pedro had no intention of continuing to resist, threw down his weapon and surrendered.

The Mongolian cavalry tied up Pedro.

At this time, the city of Kaffa had been completely occupied by the Mongolian and Yuan forces, and the ships in the port could not escape at all.

Pedro was escorted to the Mongolian commander-in-chief Wang Baobao.

It must be said that Pedro is indeed a well-known brave man among the Genoese troops. After seeing Wang Baobao, he was not afraid at all.

"Are you John Tamerlane?" Pedro stared at the young Mongolian general and asked through gritted teeth.

"I just heard that you were very brave in the battle." Wang Baobao, the Mongolian commander, nodded: "In the previous battle, you also claimed to capture me, and now I am standing in front of you, what are you going to do?


"Humph! I will never give in to you!" Pedro puffed out his chest and glared at the Mongolian commander without any sign of weakness: "If you want me to bow to you, you have to step over my corpse!"

"I really admire your courage, but I don't think this kind of thing needs to go to the point of life and death." Wang Baobao said with a smile: "You are not my opponent. I advise you not to resist stubbornly. You won't

If you are willing to surrender, I can give you two choices. One is that I kill you and then slaughter all your subordinates; the other is that you surrender to me and help me persuade the navy in the dock to surrender!"

Although the Mongolian navy blocked the ports out to sea, it only symbolically destroyed a warship with artillery.

The rest of the Genoese navy was still in the port. They were unable to break out and were unwilling to go ashore.

"Bah!" Pedro spat and cursed: "Mongolia, you don't want me to betray my hometown and surrender to you villains."

"Okay, if that's the case, then you die."

Wang Baobao looked at Pedro coldly and said: "Send this guy who dares to insult me ​​to the hanging!"

Wang Baobao knew that for these European barbarians, only nobles could enjoy the treatment of beheading, and painful hangings were more suitable for them.

Several Mongolian warriors rushed over and dragged Pedro to a nearby gallows.

Pedro struggled and cursed the Mongols, but there was no way to prevent this tragedy from happening.

When the terrible rope was put around his neck, Pedro finally became afraid.

"No, I promise to surrender!" Pedro hurriedly begged for mercy.

"What did you say? You said you wanted to surrender?!"

"Yes, I said I surrender!" Pedro hurriedly added: "I can persuade the navy in my mouth to let you do whatever you want. Please give me a chance to redeem myself and make meritorious deeds!"

"Oh, well, I can give you a chance." Wang Baobao showed an expression of success, and a smile appeared on his face.

Pedro breathed a sigh of relief, finally saving his life.

Wang Baobao offered an extremely generous purchase fee for the Genoa Navy.

And the demands he made were not too excessive.

Wang Baobao only asked the Genoese navy to hand over its ships and slave sailors. If other soldiers did not want to serve the Mongols, they could leave with the money given to them without having to fight against their own country on the battlefield.

Pedro successfully persuaded the Genoese naval soldiers on the battleship to abandon their ships and surrender to the Mongols.

After Wang Baobao obtained these warships from the Genoa Navy, his strength immediately increased greatly. Now the Mongolian Navy has forty warships of various sizes.

Wang Wubao immediately ordered these warships to be modified, and many new types of artillery unique to the Mongolian Yuan were added to the upper decks.

After conquering the city of Kaffa and forcing the surrender of Pedro and other Genoese troops.

Wang Bao retained thousands of Slavs to guard Kafacheng, and then he led the fleet towards Constantinople in a mighty killing spree.

When there were still dozens of miles away from Constantinople, Wang Baobao issued an order to advance slowly.

Alexius, the Patriarch of the Eastern Roman Empire, originally promised to have a ship to pick up Wang Baobao.

But now there were no Orthodox people on the sea, and Wang Baobao immediately became cautious.

As the order was issued, the fleet slowly moved closer to Constantinople.

When the fleet was about ten miles away from Constantinople, dozens of warships suddenly rushed out of a hidden port ahead.

"Everyone is ready to fight!"

"Report, there are many sail shadows on the sea, and the flag of Genoa is flying."

"Report, there is a ship moving on the sea, it's a Venetian!"

The lookouts of the Mongolian navy issued various warnings one after another.

The fleet that came to intercept was the combined fleet composed of Venice, Genoa and Pisa.

Venice, Genoa and Pisa were maritime trade powers with large fleets.

Sailing on the Mediterranean Sea can be said to be smooth and smooth.

John V, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, had arrived outside Constantinople under the escort of the combined fleet.

However, the Orthodox Patriarch Alexius and the Roman citizens in the city refused to allow John V to enter the city because they had declared John V a traitor.

Now the French, Savoy, Venetian, Genoese, Pisa and Papal States armies escorting John V have surrounded Constantinople.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After their combined fleet detected the approach of the Mongolian navy, they made preparations for this ambush.

On a huge battleship, Wang Baobao stood on the plywood, looking at the combined fleet appearing in front, with a disdainful smile on his face.

"A barbarian country with only so many warships dares to claim to be invincible at sea?"

The combined fleet of these three maritime powers has more than 100 warships.

Most of them were galleys using slave oars, and there were also a few fast arson boats using triangular sails.

The Mongolian navy under Wang Baobao has undergone some improvements.

The Mongolian and Yuan navy moved many artillery pieces onto battleships.

These cannons, made of precious brass, can sink any warship that dares to approach at a distance of nearly a hundred steps.

The combined fleet on the opposite side did not know this situation.

"Raise the battle flag, I want these barbaric Easterners to see what a real navy is!"

In the Union fleet opposite, a battleship flying the flag of St. John raised the battle flag.

This battleship is the "Honor" of the Venetian Navy. The commander of the battleship, Verratti, is the soul of the Venetian Navy. He once led the Venetian fleet to defeat the Egyptian Mamluk dynasty's warships many times in the Mediterranean.


After the two sides got closer, Verratti quickly recognized several warships of the Mongolian Navy. They were all Genoese warships.

It is obvious that the Mongols must have captured the city of Kaffa before capturing these Genoese warships.

"Prepare to fight immediately and avenge our Catholic brothers!"

Verratti immediately issued the order.

The Catholic Navy of the Combined Fleet formed a very large semicircle.

They will take advantage of their numerical advantage to surround the Mongolian navy from three directions, and then engage in fierce hand-to-hand combat.

But as the distance between the two sides got closer to less than a hundred steps, the Mongolian navy's warship suddenly made a gesture that surprised everyone.

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