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Chapter 262 Daming Sea Trade [Please order the full version]

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I saw these Mongolian warships facing the combined fleet with their vulnerable sides.

Verratti and other masters of naval warfare who traveled all over the Mediterranean knew that this kind of behavior would bring them a dreamy and tragic ending.

"God bless, are these barbaric Mongolians crazy?" Verratti said with a smile on his face.

But before he could finish his words, he heard a sudden roar on the sea.

Boom, boom, boom.

The artillery of the Mongolian navy opened fire in sequence.

These magically modified artillery battleships are far less powerful than the real gunships of the sailing battleship era, but they are far more than enough to deal with the medieval navies of the Venetians and Genoese.

The artillery of the Mongolian and Yuan Navy was like a god of death, firing high-speed projectiles and hitting the warships of the combined fleet to pieces.

Countless wood chips scattered on the deck of the combined fleet.

Many sailors and soldiers of the United Fleet were killed on the spot.

As the commander of the fleet, Verratti's battleship was at the forefront and naturally became the key target of Mongolian artillery.

A broken wood splinter penetrated deeply into Verratti's arm, and the blood that poured out made Verratti pale in horror.

None of the medieval navies in the United Fleet thought that artillery could have such power at sea.

The Mongolian and Yuan navy took advantage of the victory to pursue it and fired the artillery on the battleship again as quickly as possible.

All the combined fleet warships at the forefront were subjected to terrible artillery attacks.

Several brave warships desperately moved forward, and when they were less than twenty steps away from the Mongolian and Yuan naval warships, they suffered a second round of terrible artillery attacks.

The results of artillery bombardment at such a close range were devastating.

Not just artillery.

At such a close distance, the Menghuo oil tanks placed on the battleships by the Mongolian and Yuan navy also exerted their power.

The flames ejected from these high-fire oil tanks spread along the sea water to the battleships of the United Fleet.

The raging fire immediately engulfed all the wooden warships.

"God, this is the devil!"

"The Mongols actually have Greek fire!"

Under the double blow of artillery and fire oil tanks, the combined fleet lost more than 20 warships to the invaders.

The remaining ships no longer had the courage to continue fighting.

Verratti was seriously injured and knew that there was no possibility of winning this battle.

Verratti immediately issued a signal for a full retreat in the name of the commander.

The defeat and escape of the combined fleet caught everyone by surprise.

Among them were Patriarch Alexius and Roman citizens who were watching the battle on the top of the city of Constantinople.

"God, God bless, John Tamerlane is here!" Patriarch Alexius' voice trembled with excitement.

Constantinople has a tall city wall. Looking down towards the sea from the top, it can be said that you can have a clear view of the battle just now.

Although the Mongolian navy was far behind the combined fleet in terms of numbers, it easily repelled the enemy with their excellent artillery and Greek fire.

All the Roman citizens on the walls of Constantinople also cheered.

Before this, these Roman citizens had a very arrogant mentality and were unwilling to accept a Mongolian coming to Constantinople and becoming the emperor of the Roman Empire.

But now these Mongols single-handedly defeated the powerful combined fleet, which made all Roman citizens feel happy from the bottom of their hearts.

Because to these Roman citizens, the Venetian Genoese and other Catholic countries in Europe were a group of greedy vampires and robbers.

A hundred years ago, Constantinople was looted by them.

However, the weak Eastern Roman Empire was unable to seek justice from them, so the Roman citizens naturally had no choice but to swallow their anger.

it's good now.

The Mongols who came from the east became Orthodox Christians like them, and they were also Orthodox Christians with powerful military force.

All Roman citizens felt that from now on they could be proud and proud with the help of the Mongols and restore the prestige of the Roman Empire.

Of course, the most important thing is that after the empire becomes strong, as citizens, they can enjoy endless wine and loot.

The whole city of Constantinople was cheering.

But among the Catholic coalition forces outside the city, there was panic and mourning.

The loss of more than twenty warships was a tragic defeat that no commercial country could bear.

"Without the support of the fleet, we should withdraw our troops quickly!"

"The Mongols are really terrifying. Their weapons are like nothing we have ever seen before..."

"We must retreat towards Arethesburg, where we have to wait for the armies of the Holy Roman Empire and Hungary. Only together can we resist the Mongols!"

"Yes, Constantinople, with reinforcements, it is no longer possible for us to attack it, and we must retreat immediately!"

Whether it was Frank, Savoy, or the generals of Venice and Genoa, they all reached a unanimous recommendation to withdraw their troops immediately.

The Mongols have taken the initiative on the sea, so they can land on land at any time.

The Catholic coalition forces were scared to death of the Mongols' strong fighting power on land.

The armies of Genoa, Pisa and Venice are all famous for their navies. Their armies are not very strong and they dare not confront the Mongols head-on.

Everyone unanimously agreed to retreat to the rear and wait for the arrival of the Holy Roman Empire and the Hungarians with powerful armies.

But one person objected excitedly.

This man was John V, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire.

"For the sake of God, do not retreat. As long as we are on guard on the shore, we can prevent these Mongols from coming ashore!" John V shouted loudly.

But his words didn't attract the slightest attention from others.

For the Catholic coalition, supporting John V was nothing more than a pretense, and ultimately it was their own interests that were safeguarded.

Now a powerful enemy appears in front of them, and they are not willing to die in vain.

John V tried hard to no avail. Looking at Constantinople in the distance, he couldn't help but shed tears of sadness.

Because John V knew that as long as the Catholic coalition retreated, the Mongols would enter Constantinople unimpeded.

Things were just as John V envisioned. After the Catholic fleet and the allied forces retreated in panic, Wang Baobao led his Mongol and Yuan armies to land outside Constantinople.

Patriarch Alexius sent people out of the city to greet him.

Amidst the cheers of all the people.

Wang Baobao led the Mongolian soldiers into Constantinople.

At this time, there were less than 20,000 soldiers in the Eastern Roman capital, and most of them lacked training, armor and weapons.

Now after the Mongolian and Yuan troops entered the city, they quickly took over the city defense.

In order to appease the residents of the city, Wang Baobao ordered the treasury to be opened and all the gold and silver treasures inside were rewarded to the residents of the city.

Although the Eastern Roman Empire was extremely poor, there were still some valuable old objects, which made the citizens of Eastern Rome even happier.

Wang Baobao then made three chapters of law to the citizens of Eastern Rome.

"Always uphold the legitimacy and uniqueness of Orthodoxy!"

"Always safeguard the honor and interests of the Roman Empire!"

"Cruel against heretics and heretics!"

The Eastern Roman Empire had its own perfect laws, so there was no need for Wang Baobao to agree on the punishment for murder and arson.

The Eastern Roman Empire had been bullied by its neighboring countries for hundreds of years. What they lacked was a chance to revenge and regain their dignity.

The three items proposed by Wang Baobao now all stimulated the sensitive sense of honor of the Roman citizens and made their blood boil instantly.

Amid the cheers of the people, Patriarch Alexius, in the name of God, proclaimed John Tamerlane to be Caesar of the Roman Empire, protector of Orthodoxy, Grand Duke of Rus, Patriarch of Bulgaria, Trebizond and

Guardian of Armenia, Antioch and Anatolia.

In short, after a long series of titles were added to Wang Baobao, this Mongolian from the east became the emperor of the Roman Empire.

Wang Baobao naturally reciprocated the favor and made a promise to the Orthodox Patriarch Alex.

He would use force to bring Pope Innos VI of Rome to heel at the feet of the Orthodox Church.

However, as a glorious empire with a history of thousands of years, many people are still unwilling to accept a Mongolian as the Roman emperor.

Facing these opponents, Wang Baobao also used his ruthless iron fist.

All the opponents were taken to the top of the city and beheaded in public, and their heads were hung on the city wall.

The property and land of these opponents were all confiscated and rewarded to Roman citizens who supported them.

After hundreds of years of development, the Eastern Roman Empire already had a huge gap between rich and poor. Many upper-class nobles were opposed to Wang Baobao.

These upper-class nobles were chopped down and knocked to the ground, which naturally allowed the middle- and lower-class citizens to gain many benefits.

In less than ten days, Wang Baobao took complete control of the entire situation in Constantinople.

at the same time.

The Catholic coalition forces that retreated to the rear finally waited for their reinforcements.

The Northern Route Army, composed of the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary, finally arrived belatedly.

After the two armies joined together, their strength reached a terrifying one hundred thousand.

Among them were more than 20,000 Holy Roman Empire troops and 15,000 Hungarian cavalry.

They are the absolute main force of the coalition forces.

At this time, the Catholic coalition forces had also received information that the Mongols who entered Constantinople had less than 40,000 troops.

One hundred thousand people versus forty thousand people.

In any case, Catholicism has an absolute advantage.

"In the name of God, kill those heretics and barbarians in Constantinople!"

Count Frick of the Holy Roman Empire, as commander of the coalition forces, issued the order to advance to Constantinople.

A war to determine the status of the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church is about to begin.

Ming Dynasty, Yingtian Mansion.

In Zhu Han's palace, a large group of court officials stood in the hall.

Although Zhu Han was no longer willing to get involved in the internal affairs management of the imperial court.

But when elder brother Zhu Yuanzhang encountered some difficult problems, he would directly ask officials to come to the palace to consult Zhu Han.

"Your Highness, now the imperial court has increased the expenditure on compulsory education in various places, and the Ministry of Revenue does not have enough money!" the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue said to Zhu Han.

"If the silver is not enough, then order the Japanese country to produce more silver. Anyway, the scale of the silver mines there can continue to expand!" Zhu Han said lazily.

However, this proposal was immediately questioned by the Minister of Industry.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid it's not possible to expand the silver mines in the Japanese country. The Japanese people there are suffering from a bionic plague. I heard that many people have died and there are no workers at all!" Li Yan, Minister of Industry, said.

"The plague should be over soon. If it's not over yet, then send people to Nanyang to capture more slaves and let them dig silver mines!" Zhu Han said nonchalantly.

Ming Dynasty's rule over the Japanese archipelago has been put on the right track according to Zhu Han's suggestions.

The real goal of Ming Dynasty's rule was to remove people and leave land.

In layman's terms, it means to eliminate all the Japanese people in the traditional sense, leaving only the land.

For Japanese men, those who could fight as soldiers were recruited to join the Ming army and go to Nanyang and other places to fight through life and death.

If you are an honest farmer from Badajiao, then recruit them into the silver mines of the Ming Dynasty as workers. Anyway, they will be well-paid and have three meals a day. However, the population is too dense and prone to plague and accidents, which will consume a large number of people.

of the Japanese population.

As for the women of the Japanese country, they used the strong financial resources of the Ming Dynasty to make them willing to sacrifice their lives for the Ming Dynasty. Anyway, there are tens of thousands of foreign women in Yingtian Mansion now engaged in the business of slaves and brothels.

Therefore, Zhu Han did not care about the number of Japanese casualties.

"Your Highness, Ming Dynasty's merchant ships have been attacked by pirates in the southern waters of Tianzhu. We have reported it three times this month alone!"

Another official reported to Zhu Hanhan.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "These pirates in Tianzhu are really looking for death. It seems that we need to organize an operation to eliminate pirates!" Zhu Han said coldly.

The forces in various parts of the Tianzhu continent are divided, especially in the southern region, where there are at least hundreds of states going their own way.

When the Ming Dynasty did trade with them, it would often involve them in conflicts and wars.

These small countries in Tianzhu are all arrogant and arrogant.

Seeing that Ming merchants were very wealthy, they repeatedly engaged in extortion and even used force to engage in piracy and plunder.

Now that the East India Company established by the Ming Dynasty in the mainland of Tianzhu has temporarily established a firm foothold, it is time to teach these Asan a lesson.

1371 AD.

February, the eighth year of Hongwu reign in the Ming Dynasty.

A fleet set off from Quanzhou and headed south of the sea.

This is the Ming Dynasty Expeditionary Fleet formed by Zhu Han. Its main mission is to attack those feudal states in the southern part of the Tianzhu continent that support pirates.

The entire fleet consists of ten double-deck gun battleships, five Ming Galen ships, ten mixed-sail clipper ships, and five Hongwu-type armed merchant ships.

There are a total of thirty ships, all of which are the latest models of Ming Dynasty's ocean-going warships.

Now the merchant ships of the Ming Dynasty have a mature trade route.

The merchant ships of the Ming Dynasty first set off from ports such as Quanzhou, Mingzhou or Guangzhou, carrying special products of the Ming Dynasty, mainly pig iron pots, tea, sugar, rhubarb, porcelain, medicines, etc.

In the second step, the merchant ships of the Ming Dynasty will first arrive in Nanyang, replenish supplies in Nanyang, and sell some of the goods. The most popular goods in Nanyang are mainly pig iron pots and medicines.

Among them, an iron pot that costs three cents of silver can be sold to the Nanyang natives for three taels of silver. Of course, most of the Nanyang natives will replace it with spices, ivory and other items.

As for medicines, they were also the most popular products in Nanyang during the Ming Dynasty. Zhuge Xingjun Powder, Baiyao, Rendan, and various home-made oxytetracycline developed by Zhu Han's people were all highly praised miraculous medicines in Nanyang.

In particular, the native oxytetracycline obtained by Zhu Han's signature has become a miracle drug that is hard to find.

A small pill of oxytetracycline can be exchanged for a South Sea pearl.

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