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Chapter 592: Distributing food to the people

"Fuck, what do you want to do?"

When there is someone around, the little Taoist boy will naturally call him Master Chongyunzi.

But the two of them still called each other like that in private, which immediately made Chong Yunzi wary.

The so-called showing courtesy for nothing is either adultery or theft. Isn't this guy trying to murder himself?

The little Taoist boy quickly recounted the situation outside.

Chong Yunzi didn't believe it. He had told these people not to leak secrets before. In fact, he was encouraging them to leak secrets in disguise, and they must publicize their abilities.

Isn't this one of the tasks Bai Lian taught him?

Although Chongyun doesn't like the White Lotus Sect very much, he doesn't want to have too much entanglement with them.

However, in order to completely cut off the relationship with the White Lotus Sect, he still needed to do something for the Bailian Sect.

On the one hand, you can make money for yourself, and on the other hand, you can complete the tasks of the White Lotus Sect.

Isn’t this the best of both worlds?

But when Chong Yunzi and Xiao Daotong lay on the wall and carefully observed the situation outside,

He couldn't help but gasped.

"How come there are so many people here?"

The little Taoist boy gave him an annoyed look: "You ask me, who should I ask? If we don't handle this matter well today, no matter whether you are a living god or not, we will both be in trouble."

Ineffective results are a problem when promoting yourself, but if the results are too good, it seems to be a big trouble.

Anyway, when Chong Yunzi was working on chips before, he had never seen so many people.

Perhaps it was also because the magic secret book Bai Lian taught him was so effective.

Although the techniques here are all from the secret book of the White Lotus Sect, it was Chong Yunzi who figured out how to use these techniques.

This is just like the arrangement of magic competitions in later generations. Although everyone uses similar techniques, more subtle effects can be created by combining various magic tricks.

And Chong Yunzi is obviously a genius in this area.

I have to say that this guy is a genius who was born in the wrong child.

If he were born in later generations, he might be a great magician.

But in Ming Dynasty, he could just be a charlatan.

I have to say that Chong Yunzi, who has been cheating for half his life, has an unusually good mentality.

After the initial surprise, Chong Yunzi quickly calmed down.

Without delay, he began to deal with the ordinary people who came to him for fortune telling.

Perhaps it was due to the role of the outsider's character, although there were many people who met Chong Yunzi again, but these people behaved calmly, and there were no surprises at all because there were so many people.

Cong Yunzi also took his time and dealt with every problem.

This guy is very eloquent and can solve many things in just a few words without even using the spells he just learned.

Seeing that the people around him did not behave strangely, they were all waiting for Zhong Yunzi's summons.

After finding a companion, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, things did not develop to the worst extent he expected.

When Chong Yunzi and Xiao Daotong were fooling the ordinary people of Ming Dynasty,

Zhu Yuanzhang and Gao Fei indeed drove a carriage to the North City of Datong Prefecture.

Beicheng in Datong Prefecture should be regarded as a civilian area in the future.

The people who live here are basically the most ordinary people.

In normal times, although these people's lives are hard, they can barely survive.

After the drought came, their lives could be said to be in dire straits.

Now it's Gao Fei's turn to deliver relief to these ordinary people.

Gao Fei didn't want to come alone, so he just invited Zhu Yuanzhang.

Lao Zhu didn't want to agree at first. After all, the White Lotus Sect in Datong Mansion is making a lot of trouble now.

From the emergence of the White Lotus Sect to the present, the two sides have engaged in many overt and covert struggles.

Ordinary people did not know these things very clearly, but they were not hidden from Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes.

Although it seems now that the White Lotus Sect is so suppressed by his biological brother that he can hardly lift his head.

However, according to Zhu Yuanzhang's past experience, this kind of organization that can continue to grow and develop under the control of the imperial court cannot be eliminated so easily.

When doing something, if you suddenly find that it becomes particularly easy, then there is a high probability that your opponent may be planning something.

Although this was just Zhu Yuanzhang's premonition, Lao Zhu's premonition did not come out of thin air.

It is the experience accumulated in the process of conquering the world.

Now that he knew that the White Lotus Sect might have some conspiracy, Lao Zhu certainly didn't want to go out at this time to avoid any accidents.

How can we be afraid of the rebels of the White Lotus Sect?

It's just that he doesn't have many people around him now, so there is no need for him to reveal his true identity.

But Gao Fei tried to persuade him again and again, but if he kept refusing, it would be too deliberate.

If this arouses Gao Fei's suspicion, then the gain outweighs the loss.

So after Zhu Yuanzhang hesitated again and again, he and Gao Fei went to send warmth to the people in the north of the city.

Along the way, Scrap was still a little dissatisfied with Zhu Yuanzhang's previous rejection, and openly and secretly mocked Zhu Yuanzhang.

"I said, Lao Chang, we are all men. The so-called universal guideline is that the king is the guideline for the ministers, the father is the guideline for the son, and the husband is the guideline for the wife."

"You think we grown men can't just listen to our wives on everything?"

Gao Fei, this guy, was sitting on the side of the car looking very imageless, frothing at the mouth and talking nonsense.

The reason for this is that Zhu Yuanzhang just excused himself from going out because Queen Ma would not let him go out.

But in the end, considering not arousing Gao Fei's suspicion, Lao Zhu could only go out with him.

Of course, it would be too abrupt to agree directly, so Zhu Yuanzhang pretended to go back and ask his wife for permission.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! But in this scene, from Gao Fei's point of view, this old Chang simply has tracheitis.

So along the way, he often used these things to tease Zhu Yuanzhang.

Since Lao Zhu used this method, of course he knew what he would face.

He didn't take Gao Fei's teasing to heart, and just said with a smile: "My lord, you are not married yet, so naturally you don't understand the meaning of this."

Zhu Yuanzhang looked like he was here. I know everything, but I can’t explain it to someone like you who has never experienced it.

It made Gao Fei's teeth itch with hatred: "What don't you know? Although I'm not married, I haven't had a woman before. Why don't I know that? If I'm afraid of my wife, I just say I'm afraid of my wife, and I'm looking for those

Some or not.”

Zhu Yuanzhang smacked his lips: "Sir, you don't understand. This wife is completely different from the women outside."

As he spoke, he suddenly transformed into an elder urging the marriage, and gave a serious education to Gao Fei: "Sir, you are not young anymore. You should stop fooling around outside every day. You should find a good girl to get married as soon as possible. That way

Adult parents can also rest assured."

"When we were at the age of adults, our children were already able to run all over the floor."

Gao Fei quickly made a pause gesture and rubbed his eyebrows vigorously: "Okay, let's stop here. If you say these words again, do you believe that I will really fall out with you?"

He doesn't understand why these older people like to rush to get married so much?

It’s just that my parents are urging me to get married.

Now he can actually do it, and his subordinates are urging him to get married?

Gao Fei was still cowardly, and Dean Zhu did not continue to tease him.

Since he dares to say that he is a strict wife, if the other party does not know his identity, Zhu Yuanzhang will let the other party know, what is a flower and why is it so red?

The buildings here in Beicheng are low and shabby, but they look pretty good from a distance.

But as soon as you get closer, you will find that many of the walls here have peeled off and are covered with all kinds of moss.

The window paper on many windows has holes, but no one has taken care of it. The paint on the doors has also been severely peeled off, and many are even damaged so badly that even the wood has been ruined.

Gao Fei took the roster and found a dilapidated courtyard, picked up the door knocker and knocked hard on the door.

After just a few knocks, a voice that seemed a little excited sounded: "Who is it?"

He seemed very wary when he heard this person talking, but he still couldn't hide his excitement.

The relief delivery in Datong Prefecture is done at fixed times.

So basically during this time period, the stranger knocking on the door is most likely the person distributing relief in Fucheng.

The current price of food is so expensive that it is almost no different from directly robbing money.


It's so tiring to steal money, and you can't get much at one time. If you're caught quickly, you still have to fight for the key points.

In today's Datong Prefecture, selling food is much easier than robbing money.

And it’s still a reasonable and legal way to steal money.

Some people can barely afford such high food prices, while others really cannot afford it.

For this kind of people, sweating will certainly not give up on them easily.

He has already prepared to provide subsidies to these people.

Of course, all the people in Datong Prefecture actually have subsidies, but these subsidies are more or less.

As the saying goes, the wool comes from the sheep, and Zhu Han does not need to pay these subsidies himself.

Instead, let those grain merchants who sell grain in Datong Prefecture provide these subsidies.

If the family situation is relatively good, the subsidy will be slightly less. If the family situation is really poor, the subsidy will be larger.

For example, in the house they were visiting now, after Gao Fei knocked on the door, an old man of about fifty years old came out of the house.

This man was holding a cane in his hand and walking with a limp.

If you look closely, you will find that this man's other leg is no longer and is only replaced by a wooden stick.

Gao Fei looked at the roster and asked, "Are you Li Biao?"

"Sir, you are just a villain." This person looked at Gao Fei with a vaguely flattering attitude.

This is normal. After all, Gao Fei is here to deliver food to him. He can't just look cold and cold when someone has short hands.

Gao Fei compared Zhu Biao's appearance and looked at the mark on the household registration.

This person's image is quite unique, so of course you can't fake it.

So when he saw on the household registration that his left leg was broken at knee level, Gao Fei was basically able to confirm that there was nothing wrong with him.

After all, no matter how scarce food is, you wouldn't have to chop off your own legs just because someone wants to get some food.

"Old Chang, come here and help." A dentist took a bag of rice from the car, and Zhu Yuanzhang also took out five eggs from the frame next to him and handed them to Li Biao together.

The food was not particularly large, only about ten kilograms in total.

Although there is no way to completely fill their stomachs, there is no problem in letting them survive this drought.

In addition, there are five eggs, which they rarely eat often.

After delivering the food, Gao Fei also asked about Li Biao's situation.

For example, are there any difficulties, are you sick, etc.?

After confirming that there were no difficulties in each other's lives, Lao Zhu and Gao Fei had already set off for the next home.

After all, they have hundreds of households to take care of today. If the delay is too long, they may not be able to finish the job.

It's not a problem that they haven't finished their work. If the food distribution is not in place, they will be hungry.

Look at the smiles that come from the heart on the faces of these people.

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "As expected of Qi Wu, only this kid can come up with such a method."

Even if Lao Zhu personally came to Datong Mansion to take charge of the disaster relief work, he would definitely not be as good as Zhu Han.

After all, Zhu Han is a soul from later generations. He knows when and what ordinary people need most?

Only by combining the advanced disaster relief experience of later generations can most of the people in the disaster area be fed.

Even so, Zhu Han also received a lot of criticism in the court.

He recalled the memorials he saw impeaching Zhu Han when he was in Yingtian Mansion.

In their eyes, his brother seemed to have become a scumbag who would do anything to make money.

Raising food prices significantly during a drought is a perfect example of corrupt officials.

But only by coming to Datong Mansion in person and seeing what is going on here can we know how outstanding Zhu Han has done.

Just when Zhu Yuanzhang and Gao Fei were distributing subsidies to these people in Datong,

A beggar who had been lying in tatters in the corner, his eyes never left Zhang Zhang's body.

Now in Datong Prefecture, although the disaster has not passed yet, everyone's life has begun to get better.

As long as you have arms and legs, you will never go hungry.

Zhu Han's least worrying thing about those infrastructure projects is the large number of people.

In the past, whenever there were any natural or man-made disasters, beggars would be seen everywhere on the streets.

But this time, absolutely no one sympathized with the beggars.

No matter whether you have ability or not, as long as the teacher is willing to work, both the people of Datong Prefecture and the people who have escaped from other places can make a living.

Under the auspices of Zhu Han, the Datong government officials would never give up on any Ming people.

Under such circumstances, people who cannot afford to eat and are lying on the street begging for food basically have no other possibility except laziness.

This chapter has been completed!
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