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Chapter 593 The Suspicious Beggar

After all, even if you are really disabled, you may even be powerless.

You can also find some relatively easy jobs in refugee camps.

For those people with physical problems, the yamen will also provide corresponding care.

Of course, taking care of you is taking care of you, and it is absolutely impossible to make a living.

Any other problem can be solved by sweating.

Zhu Han would never look at those who wanted to do nothing but enjoy the fruits of other people's labor as a matter of course.

Because of this, the people around them would not sympathize with them, but would stay away from them.

When Gao Fei and Zhu Yuanzhang were distributing grain, their eyes were filled with contempt when they saw the beggar.

Of course, there are still some people who can't bear it, so I will give them some food.

Otherwise, these beggars would have starved to death long ago.

Perhaps it was precisely because of his disgust that Zhu Yuanzhang didn't even look at the beggar.

Naturally, it was impossible to detect the abnormal behavior of this beggar.

Under the beggar's messy hair, there is a pair of dark eyes.

These eyes, with a cold glow, were staring at Zhu Yuanzhang.

"That's right, you can't be wrong."

"This guy must be that stinky beggar Zhu Chongba."

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that I would meet you here."

"The people above issued an order before, saying that you came to Datong Mansion, but I still didn't believe it."

"I just didn't expect it, Zhou Chongba, you idiot is still the same as before."

If Zhu Yuanzhang was not with him, there would be Gao Fei and several government officials following him.

The dead might be able to take action directly and assassinate Zhu Yuanzhang on the spot.

But in the end, he didn't act rashly. After all, Zhu Yuanzhang was also the emperor, so he seemed to have no defense.

But if you really think that Zhu Yuanzhang has no defense, then you are a bit too naive.

Zhu Yuanzhang is not an easy person to meet.

After hesitating for a long time, the beggar made no move after all. Like many half-dead beggars, he just lay on the ground waiting to die.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang didn't want to deal with this kind of person, he couldn't hold it back in the end.

Don't look at Lao Zhu when he kills officials, it's like killing a demon with red eyes, with the knife in his hand and the heads rolling down.

There will be absolutely no mercy at all.

But when facing ordinary people, our Majesty Zhu Yuanzhang is not so cold-blooded and ruthless.

After distributing food to all the residents on the street, Zhu Yuanzhang bought a cooking pancake with his own money, handed it to a government servant next to him, and pointed to the beggar lying on the ground.

"Give him this cake."

When the yamen servant took the cake, he was a little surprised.

"Sir, that kind of guy has hands and feet, but doesn't know how to find a job. He has to lie here begging. He is a hopeless rotten person. You don't have to give him anything to eat. This is just

It will fuel his arrogance."

Zhu Yuanzhang glared at my dentist angrily: "Go if you are told. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Touching Zhu Yuanzhang's gaze, the Yamen servant suddenly felt a sense of fear from the inside out.

In the blink of an eye, a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

But soon the feeling of terror disappeared without a trace.

This made the dentist couldn't help but feel a little confused. Could it be that he had some misunderstanding just now?

He raised his head again and looked at Zhu Yuanzhang, who still looked as careless as usual.

"No matter what, it's still a human life. It doesn't have to starve to death. It's okay if we didn't see it. Since we saw the stutter, it's not a big deal."

Gao Fei laughed and patted Zhu Yuanzhang on the shoulder: "Not bad, Lao Chang. He is indeed the person I like, Gao Fei, and his consciousness is high."

While praising him, his hand patted Zhu Yuanzhang's shoulder with extra force.

It's as if I'm not photographing people, but bricks.


This guy Gao Fei is definitely Hong Guoguo’s revenge.

It was just that I had urged him to get married, so this boy was treating me so harshly now.

The beggar who was secretly observing Zhu Yuanzhang found that Zhu Yuanzhang and others were pointing fingers at him, and thought that his identity was exposed.

And soon there was a yamen servant, holding a piece of music in his hand and slowly walking towards him.

The beggar's heart almost fell out of his throat.

But after all, he was also a veteran on the battlefield before. Although he was extremely nervous, he was still able to calm down.

He just lowered his head slightly, letting his dirty hair cover most of his face.

After that, he lay motionless on the ground, breathing evenly, and even snoring.

Pretend that you are already asleep, so you don't react when someone approaches you.

After the other party got closer to him, the beggar closed his eyes directly to prevent the other party from noticing his sight.

Footsteps quickly approached him.

The yamen servant looked at the beggar in rags and cursed angrily: "You incompetent guys, the prince has arranged so many jobs for you so that you can support yourself, but there are still people like you who hope to get something for nothing.


"This is because the prince is kind and doesn't do anything to you people?"

"If it were me, I would have kicked you lazy fellows out long ago."

After cursing a few words, the yamen officer casually threw the cooking cake Zhu Yuanzhang handed him to the beggar: "This is what our masters rewarded you to save you from starving to death in a place like this."

Although this yamen official said he was rude, he was actually a kind-hearted person.

This can be seen from the way he threw the cooking cakes.

Instead of throwing it directly on the ground, he threw it on the beggar's chest to avoid getting the cake dirty.

After the beggar was scolded a few times, he pretended to be confused and opened his eyes.

He raised his head and looked at the yamen servant innocently, as if he didn't understand why he suddenly scolded him.

Listening to the government servant complaining about why he didn't go to work, the beggar scorned in his heart: "I won't do any work for the dog court."

Just when he didn't know what to do, he saw the yamen servant raised his hand and threw something over.

At first, the beggar thought it was some kind of hidden weapon, and subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

But then I thought, this is a busy street, and there are countless people watching them.

More importantly, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't seem to care, but in fact his eyes never left their bodies.

If you take action, even if you do something to avoid it.

It will also let people around him know that he is a practicing practitioner.

It's a bit strange for a person who has practiced martial arts to lie here like a beggar, eating and waiting to die.

Especially for a suspicious person like Zhu Yuanzhang, he might rather kill someone by mistake than let him go.

He didn't care much about his own life and death, but he was afraid that his actions would expose the White Lotus Sect's intentions, thus affecting the leader's next plans.

Then he will definitely be blamed for his death.

Therefore, the beggar has already planned to fight to his death without revealing his identity.

But when the hidden weapon was photographed on his body, the beggar was surprised to find out

This is not a hidden weapon at all, but a piece of cake.

The moment he realized what the other person was throwing, the beggar had already reacted.

He is an old man from the martial arts world. When he worked under Chen Youliang, he also did this kind of work carefully, and his experience is not very rich.

He is now pretending to be a beggar. If a beggar sees food, he will not react at all.

Isn't that the same as telling people directly, you should quickly doubt me, I am just a fake beggar?

So when he saw the cooking cake, the beggar grabbed the handle of the blower with both hands and ate it fiercely like a hungry tiger pouncing on food.

His ferocious appearance frightened the government servants who came to pay him to deliver cakes.

This yamen servant is not very old, so I am afraid he has not experienced the period of complaining. What kind of life do ordinary people live?

It is clear that after this period of recuperation, the lives of most people are much better than before.

The number of beggars on the streets has been decreasing, so he probably doesn't know what a real beggar looks like.

A piece of cooking cake, this guy didn't even need to drink water, he ate it up in a few mouthfuls.

After eating, he raised his head a few times and looked at the yamen servant eagerly, as if he was still waiting for him to give him another piece of cake.

The yamen servant couldn't help but get angry: "I think you are a grown man after all. If you want to have enough to eat, go find a job on the construction site. It's better than being here begging for food every day."

He didn't know whether the beggar listened to what he said.

The other party just blinked a few times, and after realizing that he didn't get any more cake, he just lay down.

Continue to sleep.

Go to sleep……


The yamen servant was almost going crazy.

I have seen trash, but I have never seen such trash.

Even those bastards in the refugee camp will eventually react a little when they are scolded like this.

But the guy in front of me didn't seem to care about anything.

For a moment, the officer even had the urge to take out a knife and cut this guy into pieces.

He wanted to see if this guy was so indifferent to everything?

But in the end, he didn't really do it.

He just spat and gave the beggar a moderate kick on the butt: "It's useless, trash."

Then he turned around and left.

"What? What's wrong with that person?" Gao Fei suddenly came to Zhu Yuanzhang's side and asked with a smile.

Zhu Yuanzhang was originally observing the beggar. When he was handing out food, he felt that someone was observing him.

But now the Datong Fubai industry is in a slump, especially in such a relatively poor place, and there are even fewer people on the streets.

So he immediately targeted the beggar huddled in the corner.

I bought a piece of cake and asked the government servant to test the beggar.

In the end, it was proved that Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to be overthinking, and the beggar didn't seem to have any problems.

Gao Fei touched his chin and pondered for a while: "Old Chang, are you a little too redundant? How can there be so many remnants of the White Lotus Sect in this world?"

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't see anything wrong with the beggar. Whether it was his reaction when he was woken up or when he saw the cake, they were all normal beggars' reactions.

Any other emperor would certainly not see anything wrong with this beggar.

Don't forget, Zhu Yuanzhang had been a beggar before he started his army.

What a real beggar looks like cannot be hidden from his eyes.

No problem was found, so Zhu Yuanzhang could only think that it was his own illusion.

After all, they are here to distribute food, so it is normal for them to be stared at by people who are short of food.

Lao Zhu slowly shook his head: "It's nothing, just to confirm."

Gao Fei usually seems to be quite slow, but he is actually an extremely sensitive person.

Just now, Lao Zhu thought he had hidden it very well and did not reveal his true thoughts at all.

But this guy Gao Fei can actually see it.

Later, on the way to the second street to distribute food, Zhu Yuanzhang tested it openly and secretly, wanting to see if Gao Fei had discovered anything?

The final conclusion was intuitive.

Gao Fei swore to explain to Zhu Yuanzhang: "What's that look in your eyes? You don't believe in this hero's ability, do you?"

Seeing Gao Fei so excited, Zhu Yuanzhang smiled faintly and apologized: "We dare not doubt your ability, sir."

He said that he had no doubts, but the deep sarcasm on his face could not be removed at all.

Gao Fei was so angry that he gritted his teeth: "Do you think I am the same as you? I practiced dancing at the age of three, and started fighting with life and death at the age of seven. At the age of twelve, I was appointed to the imperial court as a bandit killer.

The reward.”

"Let me tell you that my master's abilities have been honed through countless life and death crises."

"It is precisely because of my intuition, which is far beyond ordinary people, that I am able to avoid danger time and time again. Do you understand?"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded repeatedly: "I understand, I understand, sir, you are not an ordinary person."

"Go away, I think you don't believe me at all."

The two of them were arguing with each other, and slowly left in the carriage to go to the next street.

After they left, the beggar still showed no intention of moving.

He continued to lie on the ground, breathing evenly, snoring from time to time, as if he was really asleep.

After waiting for two cups of tea, a figure flashed past on the street in the distance.

After seeing this figure, the beggar breathed a long sigh of relief.

"I know Zhu Chongba, that beggar is not that easy to deal with."

"Even when dealing with a beggar on the street, this guy is so careful."

After the monitors left, the knee still didn't move.

He was not sure whether the exposed manpower was a deception by Zhu Yuanzhang's subordinates.

The purpose is to expose the flaw after he finds out.

Regarding the news about Zhu Yuanzhang, this information is really too important.

The beggar did not dare to take the slightest risk. After getting enough sleep, he got up and knelt on the ground. He said in a weak voice: "Everyone, please do me a favor. I haven't eaten in three days."

Most people were afraid of the beggar, but there were some who were kind-hearted and gave him something to eat.

This chapter has been completed!
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