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Chapter 223 The first victim

The Secred East-West General Railway Company is currently the main force in the construction of railway bridges in the eastern region. Regarding Urugus, Will mentioned it to Victor after attending the banquet, and the latter quickly remembered it.

Holding his chin up with his right hand, Victor continued: "What did you talk to him about?"

Will found a chair, sat down, and began to explain.

"We went to meet another insider of Rockefeller Ocean Trading, and he gave me an idea, which is this, Mr. Victor. Rockefeller Ocean Trading has many unfair phenomena in their transportation management, and not all franchisees

Merchants all owned their own ships, and some ships were jointly owned and managed by Rockefeller, so there were only differences and loopholes in the packing ratio."

"After the fleet arrives at the seaport in the western mainland, it will check the shipment status once. When it returns to Saigon, it will compare the data again to see if there is anything missing or smuggling."

Hearing this, Victor showed a puzzled expression: "Is there any need for smuggling in legal ocean-going trade?"

"This is the problem I just mentioned. The Rockefeller Company has many franchisees, and many ships belong to different factions within the company. However, their allocation of cargo is unreasonable, which will cause some people to lose profits."

"For example, the cargo capacity of Ship No. 1 is 30,000 tons, and it belongs to the franchisee 'Mr. John'. His competitor within the company, 'Mr. Tom', requires through certain means that he must free up 10,000 tons to carry goods related to him."

Items of interest, this will damage Mr. John’s hidden income. After all, he could have received 30,000 tons of kickbacks from Party B’s company, but now it has become 20,000 tons.”

The more Will talked about it, the more interesting it became. Victor also felt how chaotic the internal fighting in such a large company was.

Will continued: "The second possibility is that many ships are actually not full. Perhaps it is an internal struggle among the top management, or the Western Continent itself is out of stock, which will free up some space."

"And because all ships are under the unified management of Rockefeller, when they arrive in the Western Continent and find that they are not full, they will not trade unplanned products without authorization, so this gives us an opportunity!"

"Let's put it simply...what do you think?" Victor felt it was a bit confusing and urged Will to explain quickly.

"Okay sir!" Will swallowed and tried to organize his words, "If a ship secretly loads contraband on the Western Continent, and then disposes of the cargo directly before arriving at the port of Saiguo,

Then Rockefeller won't find out."

"Huh?" Victor's eyes swayed from side to side and he immediately reacted.

Will's plan was bold. He seemed to want to take advantage of the loopholes in Rockefeller's system to transship goods from the other party's ships.

But the question is, the people on the ship must know what is being transported, and why should they cooperate with Will?

"Do you know who the man Urugus took me to see?" Will responded immediately, "He is the captain and owns half of the ship."

Victor suddenly said: "I see, have you found your partner?"

"Not yet." Will jumped in embarrassment, "Don't worry, Mr. Urugus has a very good relationship with the captain. I will continue to discuss with them how to carry out this plan."

After the communication tonight, Victor did not pursue the issue of Will's concealment of his itinerary.

However, he had a question in his mind, which was what Mr. Jurugus of the East-West Railway Company had planned.

The profits of steel are indeed good, and Victor has also thought about it. The price in Sai country is almost equal to that of precious metals, so it is well worth taking some risks.

Will only wants to make money and join the upper class, and Victor understands this.

As long as he sticks to the agreement with him, Victor will support the other party's entrepreneurial work. After all, success will be beneficial to Victor and he can share dividends.

But there is a problem. Will's ambition may be exploited by some people.

As a member of the East-West Railway Company, does Urugus have any benefit to himself by helping Will?

The steel materials of the East-West Railway Company were originally purchased through Rockefeller's ocean trade. Did they think they were expensive and wanted to buy cheaper goods from Will?

"Anyway, we need to find out the background of this Eurugus."

Victor muttered to himself before going to bed.

The next day, news came from the Inspection Bureau that Dilio's wife seemed to have been arrested by them.

Victor quickly ran over to check the situation.

I saw that it was still the specially treated interrogation room, and agents from the Inspection Bureau were interrogating the lady inside.

"What's going on?" Victor asked Henry.

Henry explained: "It's a trivial matter. This lady has sold a lot of family property. We need her to provide clues."

De Gaulle once said before that after Di Leo's death, the things in Dilio's house were rummaged through, and his wife later dug out a lot of things and sold them, as if she was looking for something.

De Gaulle knew these clues, and of course the police station also knew them, so the Intelligence Bureau also knew them.

They suspected that the lady was involved in her husband's death, so they "invited" her to the Police Prosecution Bureau to cooperate with the investigation.

Looking at her angry look, she probably felt very bad inside.

At this moment, Victor suddenly thought that De Gaulle's employer had already entered the Inspection Bureau, and that guy might cause something to happen, so he quickly put on a disguise and went to the Smart Eye Detective Agency.

As expected, De Gaulle was now quite angry.

"I just said that this matter is not as simple as those idiots said, but the Prosecution Bureau still intervened! This must be murder!"

De Gaulle, with messy hair, kept walking around the office room, thinking about what to do next.

Victor stood watching from the side and said nothing.

"I'm sure that lady is innocent, but she does have something to hide, such as what her husband is hiding and his husband's biological brother."

Then, de Gaulle told Victor about Bilbo Konova.

Of course, the Intelligence and Inspection Bureau had told Victor this information early on, and it was even more detailed than what De Gaulle knew.

"What exactly did his brother leave for Mr. DiLeo? The relic... was stolen... Will Evans..."

Unconsciously, de Gaulle read out Will's name casually.

He observed Victor's reaction, but the latter was unmoved.

"Anyway, we have to find a way to fish out the lady." De Gaulle added.

Victor comforted him: "Since you are convinced that the lady is innocent, I believe it won't take long for the Inspectorate to release her, but I still suggest you not to participate in this case..."

As Victor expected, the Inspectorate released Dilio's wife only one day later without obtaining any useful clues from her.

However, another sudden accident brought a big trouble to Victor.

- Will Evans, arrested on murder charges.

This chapter has been completed!
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