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Chapter 363: Rebirth

The mantras of righteous thoughts enter the secret place, while the incantations of reverse thoughts enter the mysterious and unpredictable "virtual realm"...

In fact, this spell was confiscated along with the sheep skull statue. At that time, Abigail was still working as a reporter and cooperated with Velen's police station to eliminate a cultist's den.

Now think about it, are those cultists also worshipers of the past?

The object in her hand was still twisting strangely, and the fear in Abigail's heart still did not fade.

But this kind of fear and despair are needed to come into contact with the mysterious virtual realm.

She recited the incantation backwards, just like when she used the sheep skull statue to enter the secret place.

Then, she came to a chilling place.

It was a dark and boundless world. There were thick dark colors in the sky, blending together to form one ferocious vortex after another. Time and space seemed to be swallowed up by those vortices, similar to a black hole, but when they were far apart, they would

Think of these endless vortexes as stars filling the sky.

Underfoot are viscous unknown substances. They are shapeless and do not have any laws of movement. Even if gravity can be felt, these substances sometimes float and sometimes stand still, as if they have independent consciousness.

There are many sharp and clustered rocks in the distance, growing out of strange materials and pointing towards the terrifying sky.

The obscene language from the past vaguely sounded, and Abigail's emotions became more and more extreme. She seemed to be affected by that language. The painful memories of the past kept resurfacing, and the despair at that time also hit her nerves again.

She saw those distant vortices converging, the whole world twisting, the vortices colliding with each other and merging, becoming a new huge black hole.

Everything around her was being pulled by the black hole, and even Abigail herself was twisted into strange shapes.

She screamed in pain, unable to break free and leave this world, until something appeared in the black hole.

It was a squirming polymer, covered with eyes. The tentacles floating around it struggled to squeeze the whole body out of the black hole, and a thick lower limb that looked like a sheep's hoof stretched the entire world.

Countless eyes stared at Abigail below. Her twisted body and twisted spirit were small and helpless under their gaze. Her spiritual body was contaminated, stirred, and finally broke through her consciousness.

When she reached the peak of her panic, Abigail was also letting her studied secret transmission respond to her panic.

After an unknown amount of time, a sense of ascension that broke through the shackles appeared. Abigail could clearly feel that the upper limit of fear had been raised, and some kind of wonderful power gathered into his spirit.

Her body began to undergo changes, her hands were stretched, endless floating tentacles sprouted from her face and body, her legs became thick and powerful, and more than a dozen mouths full of fangs appeared all over her body.


Abigail felt strength in fear, turning despair into anger in her own ugly state.

She woke up, opened her eyes again, and immediately glanced at Swift's home and Sabrina, who had been protecting her.

When she raised her wrist, there was no hand there, but several tentacles.

Standing up, the huge and thick sheep's hooves seemed to crack the floor.

Walking to the floor-length mirror, the species inside were ferocious and twisted, with bloody mouths opening and closing all over their bodies.

Abigail looked at herself who had turned into a monster and roared in horror, but the roaring sound came from all the mouthparts and shook the entire apartment building.

However, just after she vented her anger, she suddenly felt that she could control the deformation of her body and take back those tentacles and sheep's hooves?

Her fair arms reappeared, along with her delicate face, her body skin became smooth and moist, and there were no scars left by the Blackwater Disaster.

She stood naked in front of the mirror, staring blankly at her flawless self inside.

Her hand gently touched her cheek. Abigail couldn't believe it, thinking that it was all a dream.

Her condition became even more beautiful than before the Blackwater Disaster. Even some of the superficial birthmarks left after birth on her body had disappeared, and her whole body seemed to have been carefully carved.

"Is this a dream?"

Abigail asked with a trembling voice.

Her voice was as beautiful as before, and no longer had that hoarse and unpleasant tone.

Sabrina leaned behind her and gently hugged Abigail's waist.

"This is the power from the virtual realm, the power of the pillar, and you, our priest, you have successfully been promoted to the second secret."

Got promoted...?

Abigail doesn't know much about the invisible arts. In the past, she didn't even fully understand the use of the secret vision. She only knew that it could see other people's emotions and physical conditions.

But now, she can actually use the power of this second secret.

For example, she can change the mutation of her body at will, turning her arms into terrifying tentacles in front of the mirror, with terrifying bloody mouths growing on the tentacles...

Frightened again by her own appearance, Abigail immediately transformed her form back into her perfect limbs.

She realized that she was no longer what she used to be...

There was a violent coughing sound, and it turned out that Swift, who she had "strangled" to death, was not dead, but fainted.

After some time, the criminal police chief woke up and kept trying to breathe air.

"See, your first prey..." Sabrina asked Abigail to pay attention to the person behind her.

Abigail turned around and looked down at him coldly.

Swift felt a look of hatred, cold and biting.

He turned around and looked over, only to find a flawless woman standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror...

There was not a single strand of hair on her body, and she was as delicate as a white jade sculpture, which made the man stunned for a moment.

However, this flawlessness only lasted for a moment, and the arms of the woman in front of him turned into several terrifying tentacles, wrapped directly around his neck.

Amidst the police chief's panic shouting, Abigail suddenly discovered that she seemed to be able to adjust the ether around the other party's body at will.

The etheric body is something that ordinary people cannot see, but Abigail, as a "clairvoyant", can see it.

Moreover, after becoming the second secret "distortioner", she discovered that she seemed to be able to control the other party's ether...

Swift's mental body has been destroyed, and now he is an out-and-out madman, and Abigail has brutally changed all the ether that affects Swift's health into the worst colors.


As a result, a corpse with physical disease, loss of limb vitality, incontinence of urine and feces, bleeding from all orifices, eyes bursting and a miserable death condition was thrown to the ceiling by her and fell hard.


Taking a long breath, at this moment, this moment worth remembering, Abigail finally felt a sense of relief.

The depression of the past disappeared, and she welcomed this chaotic and cruel world like a new life just emerging from her mother's womb.

"Then...what do we need to do next? Priest."

Hearing Sabrina's subtle voice, Abigail turned to look at the floor-to-ceiling mirror reflecting her body.

"Destroy the Greybean Empire!"

This chapter has been completed!
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