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Chapter 375: What do you want to do?

The Secret Passion of Flesh and Nature III? The purple-robed priest of the Blood Rose?

Victor's shocked expression was the same as that of the other guests.

The third secret is the pinnacle of the seers. He has met several of them. If he fights alone, he thinks that he has almost no chance of winning and can only rely on trickery.

This Ratomund actually imprisoned a seer from the Third Secret in the front tower, who was also the priest of Blood Rose. If what he said was true, why didn't Blood Rose come to trouble him?

Even if Victor doesn't know what the position of the purple-robed priest is, he can compare it with the Realm of Brilliant Light. At least Isabel, who is also the third secret messenger, is a bishop, and her position is not low.

"But it seems to have collapsed over there. Do we want to go there?"

Someone called and asked.

Rathomond did not answer, but the independent tower suddenly rotated on the spot, making a huge noise.

"Oh my goodness!"

In the exclamation, the tower turned ninety degrees and aimed at the platform where they were.

Then, the mechanical structure operated, and a long bridge in the air extended over and connected to the other end.

"This is a miracle!" the mayor of Lilcuy boasted loudly, "Have you seen it? You can't see such a wonderful structure in the so-called industrialized cities in Ghana or even the West Coast."

He was right, at least the industrial areas Victor saw in Renekton were relatively rigid, not such large-scale automated devices.

It has to be said that the industrialization level of Turbulent Castle is far higher than that of the entire Sai country.

Rathomond still said nothing and led everyone across the long bridge of birth, while Victor followed behind to look for the wandering traveler.

He looked at almost every guest's back, but could not find the person who had appeared at the lunch party before.

The wandering traveler seemed to disappear out of thin air.

It's outrageous...

The guests entered the tower and came to a heavy black door.

However, Latomond did not push the door open. Instead, he went up the stairs next to him, went up to a higher level, and pushed open a slightly smaller side door above.

The guests poured in closely behind. Because there were so many people, the aisles seemed a bit crowded. A woman couldn't help but started to complain, but was stopped by her male companion.

Before entering the door, Victor suddenly felt that the back of an old man in front of him looked familiar.

That was not a wandering traveler, but another acquaintance...

Surprised, he quickly squeezed past, but after the other person entered first, he followed and found that the person was also missing.

There was a circular theater inside. They appeared in the VIP seats on the second floor. Victor walked around the second floor and looked at the other guests. He saw neither the wandering traveler nor the familiar old man from before.

Just when he was wondering, the scene in the center of the stage below immediately attracted his attention.

It was a naked man, chained up by some thick iron chains. He was as skinny as a stick, his eyes were blank, and he was drooling, as if he had been drained of his energy, looking like a consumption ghost.

There were many women's underwear scattered on the ground around him. They were dirty and looked like they were worn by slaves, but there were no slaves in sight.

The center of the stage was chaotic, as if it had experienced a "war", and it was difficult not to think of what had happened below.

"This is the purple-robed priest of Blood Rose."

Rathomond stood in the center of the VIP seats on the second floor, looking down at the skinny man below.

In an instant, people kept exclaiming. Everyone knew what the priest of Blood Rose meant, and they were mentally prepared, but they didn't expect that the other party would be tortured like this by Ratomond.

The seer of the Third Secret Tradition is a prisoner here, rendered inhuman form by the king of the dead kingdom, miserable as an animal.

"He is the most important slave in the Kingdom of Death, not only because he is the Third Secret Transmitter, but the most important point is that he is the Third Secret Transmitter of the physical form, and he is also the path to understanding that I need!"

Rathomonde talked about the knowledge of invisible arts and sexual phenomena, but most people didn't understand it, and their expressions looked very confused. However, he didn't care and still explained it to ordinary guests without reservation.

"What I am leading everyone to witness is the enlightenment ceremony performed by this physical seer. His serial name is 'Playboy', which means endless desire and possession, and the enlightenment ceremony he is about to perform

, it’s the pinnacle that you can’t imagine...the most passionate joy!”

"Did you see those clothes? You should be able to guess what happened here. For a long time, I will send young female slaves here to help them complete the enlightenment ceremony instead of having fun."

"At present, no less than three thousand slaves have participated, and today, you will also see a special ceremony."

Having said this, Rathomond clapped his hands, and a woman slowly walked out from under the shadow of the balcony on the second floor.

The woman was very tall, wearing a very gorgeous backless dress, her body was stiff, and she walked forward step by step.

When people saw the woman's appearance, they all whispered to each other. Many people were discussing her tall figure. Only Victor looked shocked.

Isn't this woman... the female orangutan Isabel?

Why is she here?

Victor stared, and suddenly discovered that there was a red mark on Isabel's neck, as if a shackle had locked her neck.

"This Lord Bishop, who was in the Realm of Brilliance in the past, was also the seer of the Third Secret Sect, but now, she has still become an eternal slave of the Kingdom of Death!"

Following Ratomond's introduction, the guest seats were filled with excitement. The Blood Rose's power in the Kingdom of Sai was far inferior to that of the Realm of Bright Light, especially the Purity Sect in the north.

Latomonde actually dared to kidnap the Purist bishop? What on earth did he want to do? Was he really going to go to war with the North?

Amidst the strong noise, the tall woman downstairs moved forward stiffly again, and Victor noticed that the red mark on her neck shimmered for a few seconds.

"In order to complete the priest's enlightenment ceremony, I decided to let this female bishop of the Realm of Bright Light cooperate with him! This is a wonder you have never witnessed! So everyone, let us observe with our own eyes and watch a

How does a seer reach the door through the ritual of understanding!"

Amidst Ratomond's words and the endless noise of all the guests on the second floor, Isabel couldn't control herself. As if she was possessed, she slowly walked towards the priest and took off her gorgeous dress...

After some time.

At the end of this "absurd performance", the entire audience was silent, as if they had been mentally shocked.

When the movement downstairs stopped, Isabel collapsed to the side, and the priest foamed at the mouth, Ratomond sighed and said: "How could this be? Even if I give you a secret third bishop of the Realm of Bright Light,

Are you still unable to meet the conditions for the Mastery Ceremony?"

Victor's whole body was numb, and his head turned around mechanically, staring at Ratomund standing in the brightest light in the middle of the second floor.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

This chapter has been completed!
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