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Chapter 376 The Birth of the Undead

What does this mean?

Is there something wrong with his brain or something? There is something wrong with Rathomond! Bringing guests here to see this?

He was still familiar with the ritual, but apparently nothing happened. Victor felt that he had been mentally polluted, especially when he saw the female orangutan...

Rathomond over there was frowning all the time, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Most people are like Victor, there is no curiosity or novelty, and most people are disgusted and disgusted.

"Perhaps we have to wait a little longer." Rathomond looked at Albert standing behind him, "Continue to bring all the female slaves over."

Albert nodded slightly: "Okay, I will make arrangements, father."

Having said that, he made no move, but stared at Rathomond.

The King of Death's eyes moved: "Do you have anything to say to me?"

Albert touched his hanging right elbow: "Many guests want to witness your power. They want to see how those untouchables are born."

Rathomond's eyes narrowed, he glanced at the guests behind him, and then nodded to Albert: "I will lead them down first, and you will send them back later."

After Albert agreed, he left everyone's sight.

He walked away from the other side first, not getting close to where Victor was.

Afterwards, Rathomond greeted the guests and left the small theater.

When they heard that they were going somewhere else, some people began to complain.

After receiving Latomond's instructions, the mayor of Lilquay quickly reassured everyone: "Everyone, there is still insufficient time to prepare for the priest's enlightenment ceremony. We can wait a little longer. Now Mr. Latomond will lead everyone."

Go to the industrial area and show you how to transform slaves into untouchables."

Victor was slightly startled, thinking that he might have to go underground again.

As it turned out, his guess was correct. Ratomond took everyone to a larger elevator again and asked people to ride it in batches to go underground.

Arriving at the terrifying living dead production line again, Victor felt a wave of heat rushing toward his face, making him very uncomfortable.

Many of the guests came here for the first time, and they all exclaimed.

Ratomond led everyone to the edge of the huge pool, and the waterfall above them poured down, once again causing the crowd to scream.

The zombie workers on the narrow passage transported minerals at a fixed distance, without any reaction to the gazes of the guests.

"Oh my God! This is simply a miracle!" The distinguished guests who witnessed the production line of the Dead Country began to sigh with emotion, while those who had come down with Albert earlier were not so surprised.

Rathomond walked to the edge of the waterhole and waited with his hands behind his back. Then, his son Albert appeared from behind the crowd.

He brought two untouchables whose bodies were wrapped in bandages, and these two living corpses led five or six living slaves tied together with ropes.

The heads of these slaves were covered with sacks. They were escorted in front of Latomonde, and then they were forced to press their shoulders and ordered them to kneel down collectively.

The first slave's hood was untied. He was a man with black hair and a beard. He looked around blankly and saw countless pairs of eyes staring at him. He was immediately frightened and broke into a sweat.

Rathomond walked over, patted his shoulder, and helped him up.

"Wait... wait a minute!"

The slave screamed in panic.

"Isn't this the wonderful Lilcui? Isn't it a place where we can work and live happily?"

Looking at his helpless and worried expression, Rathomond stroked his dirty face and replied: "Yes, I will get you out of trouble right away."

As soon as he finished speaking, a sharp stabbing sword was inserted into the slave's chest.

Rathomond drew the weapon from his side thigh and directly gave the man a fatal blow.

The opponent spat out blood in pain, and then was grabbed by Ratomond's arm and thrown into the huge tumbling pool.

The pool was like a small lake, and a body falling in would barely create any splash.

Opening his hands, Ratomund took a deep breath of the rising water vapor, then turned around again and untied the second slave's hood.

After a few simple exchanges, the other party's questions were similar to those of the deceased just now. They all thought that the place he was sent to was a paradise where he could live in peace.

Then, the stabbing sword still pierced him, and his body was thrown into the rolling waves from above.

Then came the third, fourth, and fifth.

Rathomond quickly killed all five slaves and threw their bodies into the huge pool.

"Please witness the birth of the residents of the Dead Country!"

He put away his rapier and directed everyone's gaze towards the pool.

There are living dead waiting in the low-lying areas.

Victor saw some floating corpses appearing in the rolling waves, but soon the corpses started to move.

The living dead waiting on the shore threw out the fishing net, fished out all the tumbling things on the shore, and then hurried over and cut their ropes.

The chests of these newly dead slaves were still bleeding, but their eyes were lifeless. Like the things that were salvaged, they had become resurrected living dead.

Amidst the exclamations of the guests watching, Rathomond pointed to the dead group of people transporting the coal mine, and arranged the jobs and identities for the five "new employees".

The dead people showed no resistance and let out some low sobs to each other, then walked into the production line and started working.

What was outrageous was that when we witnessed this cruel phenomenon of disregarding human life with our own eyes, the guests actually burst into warm applause!


"Is this the invisible art?"

"These dead people are tireless and work day and night."

"Even if we move them to plantations, we can save a lot of costs and create multiple benefits."

"Mr. Rathomonde deserves his reputation!"

Amid the bursts of applause, Rathomond closed his eyes slightly and showed no reaction.

But his successor, Albert Davis, enjoyed this atmosphere very much. He stood in the middle of the crowd and accepted people's "praise" for his father.

Then he walked behind his father and whispered something into his father's ear.

Rathomond frowned, but nodded.

Albert clapped his hands twice, and an untouchable person picked up Eredin's armor and linen-lined clothes and stood a few meters away from the two of them.

Then, the other two untouchables carried the exhausted Eredin to the front of all the guests.

Victor stared at the woman, still in a powerless state. It is estimated that the effect of the potion has not worn off yet.

The bra wrap she was wearing was somewhat torn, and the skin inside was exposed and almost bare. Her legs were dragged along the ground, the cloth on her knees was frayed, and her calves were covered in blood.

"Everyone, have you ever heard of a demon hunter?" Albert asked proudly.

The guests looked at each other, most of them didn't know, and few knew.

"They died out after the witch-hunting movement. They used to be a very famous organization, and their home base was in Mogu Mountain in the Western Continent."

As he spoke, Albert grabbed Eredin's hair and dragged her all the way to Rathomund.

"The bodies of these freaks have undergone mutations, which means that they are not actually human beings. They have physical abilities and perceptions beyond ordinary people. It would be a waste if such power is not included in our country of death..."

This chapter has been completed!
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