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Chapter 401 Death Knell

"I, Amanda Belen, will respect the authority and laws of the Greybean Empire, maintain the dignity and credibility of the royal family, fulfill the duties and obligations entrusted to me by Her Majesty the Queen, voluntarily join the Velen Inspection Bureau, and serve for the mission of the empire.

Struggle and adhere to the basic principles of justice, fairness, integrity and responsibility under any circumstances. May God bless our country!"

So, what is justice?

Amanda recalled this oath she gave when she first joined the Velen Police Service.

Since she was a child, she has firmly believed that when she walks in the world, she must carry out the justice in her heart.

When she was seven years old, in order to protect her neighbor's livestock, she set fire to a litter of wolf cubs, but the fire eventually got out of control and ignited the shed of an old woman living alone...

When she was fifteen years old, she personally caught a thief who was stealing. She refused to seek leniency for him and refused to help him take care of his three-month-old daughter, causing her to starve to death.

At the age of twenty-five, one year before Amanda joined the Intelligence Bureau, she was working in the Velen Intelligence Bureau and handled a land dispute case, both large and small. The defendant's factory had thousands of employees. Once arrested, he would be arrested.

Thousands of families lost their income, but in the end, Amanda still ruthlessly sent him to prison in accordance with the law.

Justice means regardless of performance, no need to weigh the pros and cons, no matter what else is around, just focus on the current goal, and firmly believe that you are doing the right thing.

Justice is not a scale. No matter how heavy the other end is, it cannot weigh down the goose feather of truth.

Amanda firmly believes in her justice, so she joins Velen's Inspection Bureau. She must implement this belief, unswervingly protect the people of the empire, give an account to those innocent dead, and fulfill her duty to Her Majesty the Queen.

As long as it is justice, then the price she pays for her behavior and any consequences it causes are not important!

She will definitely catch Victor, the murderer, and her intuition tells her that this is justice, and that Victor is the culprit behind everything, and her intuitive judgment has never been "missed" since she was a child.

No matter how the other party hides his body, no matter whether he can do calculations and divination, Amanda is confident that her divination level must be above Victor's!

"This is for the people of Greybean! For the justice of this world! I must not let them be destroyed by the flames of war!"

Amanda made a shocking voice in her heart. Her divination skills had been fully positioned on Victor, and she planned to predict any of his actions, any action path, any attack method...

But no matter how she divined, she would never have imagined that what she perceived in the dark was not the future scenes she hoped to see, but a... huge finger!

The prediction method of divination operator is to infer some intentions through the hexagrams of the knuckles, and there are fixed routines in it.

The dream fortune teller does not have this. It is more direct. For example, the divining staff will directly point out the direction, and the pendulum will directly give the answer of "yes". Some other props directly simulate the future, or like Amanda.

, occasionally you will see some scenes that predict the future.

But that finger, the moment it appeared, made Amanda feel that it was something that should not appear in this world at all!

She used divination all the way to track Victor, and finally after Victor took out the finger, she was counterattacked by the delusional stump!

In fact, Victor really didn't know how to use this withered severed finger.

In the past, when Sullivan had mastered the delusion stump, he almost destroyed Victor's mental body directly, and actually shattered Joseph's mental body, causing him to become obsessed.

Victor knew that it could be used to deal with divination, but it didn't work when put on him... But now, his blood seemed to make this mysterious relic authenticate the genetic information. It squirmed and moved towards the person who was trying to divine the owner of the blood.

Launched a fatal counterattack!

Amanda saw that thing in a state of delusion. Her whole body and mind seemed to be shaken, and the joint between her brain and skull was detached. In the blink of an eye, her whole body wandered repeatedly at the intersection of secrets and reality.

"People are born by faith, destroyed by faith, and reborn in the ashes of faith. May God bless our king! God bless our country!"

The final oath emerged in the memory, and the scenes like a revolving door flashed by one by one. As the finger slammed down with a bang, the huge destructive power from the secret level directly crushed Amanda's mental body.

At the same time, her body left in the material world gradually became distorted, she screamed miserably, and her orifices began to bleed continuously.

"Ah~~! I want justice! I want to bring you to justice! I want to arrest you and bring you to justice, and I want you to admit the sins you have committed!!%¥@!@#!"

The ignorant woman went completely crazy under the mysterious blow, and her screams gradually became incoherent.

Her body was twisted, her mental body was shattered by delusional limbs, and only fragments of memories that she thought were justice were left in her mind.

Obsession is the catalyst for obsession. Now that Amanda has been treated like Joseph, she is about to turn into a twisted monster!

Just as she was scratching her body in pain, Victor's figure had appeared behind her.

"Justice that farts!"

While speaking, he grabbed the throwing knife in Amanda's hand and stabbed it directly into her neck!

Blood spurted out in an instant, splashing all over Victor like a fountain. Amanda's chaotic murmur turned into a whimper, and she spat out the scarlet substance from her mouth.

Victor's expression changed from serious to ferocious. He gritted his teeth and used strong and cruel force on his hands.

After the flying knife pierced Amanda's neck, Victor grabbed her head and ran wildly, cutting her neck hard while running, until her entire neck was cut, and he still didn't stop.

Finally, Victor stopped, cut through her bones with a knife, and tore out her head and spine!

Blood splashed all over Victor's body. He felt so happy bathing in this woman's blood!

The woman's head in the hand still retains its cold and beautiful appearance, with a ferocious spine attached to it. The headless body fell not far away, with a tall figure and a slender figure, fully demonstrating the charm of the owner in life.

But these external beauties are not enough to make Victor let her go! Because Victor knows that this woman is hopelessly paranoid in her heart. If the reverse is true, his end will definitely be even more miserable!

Kill her, kill her in the most cruel way, take away her spine, and take away her secret message, this is what Victor must do!

Implementing justice, protecting the people, and avoiding the suffering of war are all nonsense.

In order to find psychological comfort, this woman couldn't even see the recent disaster, and was driven by obsession to hunt down Victor. In the final analysis, it was just a psychosis that climaxed in self-fantasy!

Holding his head in hand, Victor gasped for breath.

At this moment, suddenly a woman with white hair came out of the bushes in front.

She walked carefully, with shock written all over her face when she saw the cruel scene in front of her.

"It turns out you have such a cruel side. I really misjudged you, little detective."

This chapter has been completed!
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