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Chapter 402 What is a Vampire?

His whole body was bathed in blood, and he was holding the head and spine of a beautiful woman.

If such behavior had occurred hundreds of years ago, Victor would definitely have been labeled a devil by the Realm of Brilliance.

Facing Eredin who suddenly appeared, Victor was slightly startled and said in surprise: "It's you? Didn't you run away? How long have you been hiding in the dark?"

Eredin frowned and glanced at the miserable deceased. Even she couldn't bear to look directly at it, and returned her gaze to Victor's face: "No, I just hid in and saw you killing people."

Victor blocked the head behind him: "I have my own reasons."

"Stealing someone else's secret message?"

Unexpectedly, Eredin also knew that the secret characteristics were contained in the human spine.

Victor smiled bitterly and shook his head: "That's not entirely true. I have to get rid of this woman. Her secret message is a trophy incidentally, and it belongs to me and has nothing to do with you."

Looking at Victor's movements, Eredin knew that he was on guard against her, so she shrugged: "Okay! I'm not very interested in invisible arts. After all, my own body has undergone a mutation, and everything is different."

After she finished speaking, a deafening sound echoed across the sky, and the seeds of corruption hovering over the town of Rilcui completely turned the city into a pitch-black hell.

The wild sand kept wrapping the monster's body, constantly causing damage to it, but there was no way to completely kill it. Instead, the falling blood further eroded the earth.

Eredin pushed aside the bushes and walked out of the woodland, staring at the scary thing.

"Did you see it? Wherever that thing stepped, the earth withered and annihilated. No living life could touch those black substances, and no one could stop it."

While she was speaking, Victor tore off the cloth from Amanda's body, pulled out her spine and wrapped it in the cloth, then used a fire spell to light her body, and threw the head in and burned it together.

"Do you recognize that kind of thing?" Victor asked.

"I don't know." Eredin replied, then sighed and looked back at the burning fire, "She should be your companion, but you are killing each other."

"In history, human beings have always killed each other." Victor looked at his right hand that had stopped bleeding, touched his scarred shoulder, and walked to Eredin's side.

"Don't worry, I won't go out and talk nonsense. Reporting you will do me no good." Eredin expressed his position simply.

"After all, you are considered a wanted criminal yourself, and the mercenary's hands are stained with blood." Victor responded to her.

The two of them were speechless for a moment. At this time, the monster began to move away from Lilcui, and the wild sand followed closely behind, constantly scratching wounds on its body.

"Turbulent Castle was destroyed, where did Rathomund go?" Eredin still didn't know about the battle that took place in the Red Room. In her impression, the corruption seeds suddenly emerged from the ground.

However, Victor had seen Rathomund on the monster's back, so he calmly and briefly explained it.

"That's Rathomonde."

Eredin gasped, seemingly surprised: "So that's it, that sandstorm has been blocking this thing, but to no avail. What kind of power can drive this kind of natural disaster? Is it a seer?"

"To be precise...it's the Knower." Victor stared ahead seriously.

Eredin was slightly startled: "The Master? This is so surprising. In my more than one hundred years of memory, I have never seen the Master."

After saying that, she lowered her head and pinched her chin to think about other things, and then said: "So, the army, including this knower... In fact, the Saiguo government knew what Ratomond was doing secretly early on, and then sent them here

Destroy the dead kingdom.”

"I thought you knew our plan." Victor tilted his neck, "After all, you attacked our team on the train before."

Eredin chuckled: "No, at that time I didn't think you were capable of destroying Turbulent Castle, just the three of you?"

After saying that, she took a deep breath and thought of another person: "Where is Ratomund's marriage partner? I heard that she is a high-level blood descendant. Where are those bat-winged demons?"

"She is not a high-level blood descendant. In fact, she took advantage of Ratomond and wanted to compete with him for the qualification of mastery." Victor replied.

Eredin suddenly sat down on the ground, and the light in the sky was blocked by a huge shadow, making the scar on her face dimmed a lot.

"Yes, even I have only heard about the deeds of the high-level blood demons, and have only dealt with the inferior blood demons they produced in my life... After all, they are the last demi-gods. There are no real vampires in this world according to the rumors.

So many vampires."

Eredin smiled lightly as she spoke, but Victor did not agree with her statement.

"Miria is not a vampire, but there are 'vampires' here, and there are quite a few of them." Under the surprised expression of the female witcher, Victor pointed to the dark ruins of Rilcui, "There are people living there.

Aren’t they all vampires?”

He meant something, and Eredin was smart enough to understand immediately.

In this era, there was no precise definition of oppressor and exploiter, but Victor's words still reminded her of this metaphor.

She continued to smile lightly, watching the Corruption Seed move forward without any hindrance, heading in an unknown direction.

The place where it sets its foot is a dark and corroded earth, where no plants will grow and no life will survive.

"Hey, if even the knowledgeable one can't stop this thing, it will destroy the entire Yindong Continent."

After saying that, she stood up, holding her chin and thinking about the plan: "We have to escape early, lest that thing comes this way."

Indeed, Victor also saw that this seed of corruption was destroying everything in the material world indiscriminately. If even William, who became the Master, could not stop it, then when it entered a real big city and wreaked havoc, it would immediately evolve into

A disaster more terrifying than the Blackwater Disaster.

By then, everyone on the Indong Continent will be in danger, and will have to avoid this weird creature for the rest of their lives, and will not dare to set foot on the land it has walked on. Sooner or later, Secred will be finished, and hundreds of millions of people will turn into decay.

"Coming this way..." Victor murmured to himself. He turned back and looked at the ridge behind the woods, where a familiar address attracted his attention.

Damn Canyon!

He thought of that land of death and that weird peach wood sword!

If even William, the wise man, cannot kill the Corruption Seed, what will happen if he leads it to the Scourge Canyon?

This may be the only chance to deal with the seeds of corruption now!

Victor's eyes suddenly became extremely determined.

"I have to find a horse."

he said.

"Are you ready to run away?!" Eredin clapped her hands, "It's true, you can't run very far with your legs alone."

On the other side, the deserters from the Sai Kingdom began to gather somewhere after discovering that the Seed of Corruption did not pursue them.

The officers counted the casualties and gathered all the rescued weapons and equipment together.

"Colonel Azold!" The famous cavalryman with a broken arm rushed in front of the short colonel, jumped off his horse and reported to him.

"Our losses are too heavy. There is no way to hide this level of casualties from the National Security Council."

Looking at the remnants of the defeated soldiers below, Colonel Azold didn't feel anything at all. He gave the order firmly, telling them to stand at attention quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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