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Chapter 405 Where is the commander?

Everything seems to be silent, and the biggest threat to this land has been eliminated.

However, for Victor, his crisis has not been resolved.

The mysterious mahogany sword can sense the source of all invisible arts. It hangs high in the sky, bathed in black matter, washing away all the evil spirits in the world with its golden mysterious power, and then rushes towards Victor with thunderous force.


At the moment of lightning and flint, the heaven and earth froze for an instant, and the long-lost call came from the cliff again.

"Suppress evil..."

That sound stopped the mahogany sword that was about to kill Victor, causing the object to hang in the sky.

Different from the first time, the Taomu Sword did not stay for too long and suddenly flew towards the sky until it disappeared among the clouds and never returned to the God's Punishment Canyon.

It left?

Victor stared at the top of his head, clearly feeling that it was different this time.

The years on his body no longer passed, but they did not return to Victor's body. This was after Sullivan, and Victor once again realized that his life span had been shortened.

That mahogany sword absorbs people's lifespan, seals the invisible art under the Knower, and attacks the source of the invisible art. It is difficult to judge what kind of prop it is. Is it a mythical or awakening-level relic?

The peaks on both sides began to collapse violently, and just when Victor was about to be buried, the wild hunting dust fell from the sky, sweeping up everything from the bottom of the valley, and Victor flew into the air with this sandstorm.

He fell into a coma and woke up after a long time.

After opening his eyes, he found that he was lying on the grass. The dark land in the distance was shocking, and the ruins of Rilcui in the center of the darkness were like wounds on the earth.

The whistle sounded, and the remaining Serbian army set up camp in the open space in front. The quartermaster was running up and down busy. A square table was placed in the tattered canvas tent in the center, and several officers sat around the table.

Before them was William Marshall.

Victor struggled to get up and immediately heard their conversation. The content of the discussion was roughly the finishing work of this war.

He was standing outside the tent and did not eavesdrop intentionally. The people inside were talking loudly, and it did not sound like a secret meeting.

From their exchanges, Victor learned that this dispatch of the army was a secret operation by the federal government, bypassing the National Security Council.

In fact, from the very beginning, the president's order to the Inspection Bureau not to interfere was just a cover, and it was regarded as false news, used to confuse the informants of the eastern forces in the White Crown.

In fact, Victor's team is equivalent to a bait, covering up the true purpose of the White Crown.

In fact, the secret channel from the north to the south of the São Doango area has long been detected, and many years ago, the Intelligence Bureau planted a spy in Rilcuy, that is, the policeman Ben Bourgeois Wayne.


The guy hid so deeply that he even became the security captain in Lilcui. It wasn't until Latomond held a wedding that he relaxed his vigilance and was exposed, sending a telegram to the army of the country of Serbia asking them to attack.

He did not die in Lilcuy, but was now in the tent, sitting with the officers.

As for the Army, White Crown contacted Colonel Azold to perform a secret mission. The behavior of bypassing the National Security Council was against regulations, but as long as the casualties were within a controllable range, the matter could be covered up.

The reason for arranging the secret military operation was, firstly, not to irritate the entangled forces in the east, and secondly, to avoid leaks and put the Davis family on guard.

However, the emergence of the seeds of corruption completely disrupted this plan, and the casualties it caused were already horrific.

There are tens of thousands of people living in the entire town of Lilcui, and now at least half of them have died due to the erosion of the black substances released by the seeds of corruption. The army has almost more than 5,000 people. It is estimated that there are only a few soldiers left in the camp.

It’s five or six hundred.

Those officers were clamoring about the consequences of this operation, and most of them were trying to blame the blame, trying to pass the problem to the Inspection Bureau and the Anti-Suppression Department.

"When we arrived here, we dealt with the seers and all kinds of terrible monsters. In fact, that is the responsibility of your Inspection Bureau."

The other party's question was very reasonable, and William could not refute it, but he raised another question: "So, what about your command errors?"

After hearing this, the other party unanimously refused to admit it.

"We accomplished our strategic objectives, captured Rircuay, and attacked Fort Turbulence. I don't think there were any mistakes in command."

"That's right! You are not the commander, so you are not qualified to comment."

"The citizens of Lilqua were quickly suppressed by us, and they did not dare to make any resistance."

After listening to their quarrels, William only answered one sentence: "So, where is your commander now?"

As soon as these words fell, the movement in the entire tent was instantly stopped.

William crossed his legs, tapped the table with his fingers, then took out a cigar from his pocket and lit it: "Although the army suffered heavy casualties, it is still there, but your colonel is missing. So, who has the right to explain?"

The officers looked at each other, not knowing how to answer this question.

Finally, someone hesitated and said: "We...we will get the colonel back."

"I'll give you a piece of advice!" William's face gradually became serious, "Confirm whether your commander is himself!"

After saying that, he suddenly stood up and was about to leave the tent.

Victor was slightly startled and hurried away.

Because of Amanda's incident, he didn't want to face William, although it was possible that William had saved him before.

However, when he was under a water spell and thought he could sneak out of the military camp, William's voice came directly into his mind.

"Agent No. 99, if you wake up, come here. We have something to discuss."

Victor's expression suddenly changed. He seemed to have forgotten one thing, that is, William had some kind of ability to "transmit messages into secrets".

Before he could answer, William appeared strangely behind him.

"I know you heard it just now." He said the first sentence.

Victor pretended to be calm and turned to look at him: "Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop."

"It doesn't matter, it's not a secret meeting. In fact, I'm going to tell you a lot of things after it's over." William sighed, called Victor and stood up high.

He looked at the destroyed town and never mentioned Amanda's name.

"Please report the process of your operation!"

Hearing this, Victor frowned and kept organizing words in his mind, telling William what happened along the way in the most favorable way.

He revised the truth about his separation from Amanda, saying that he was attacked by a large group of bat-winged demons in the cave of Scourge Canyon and got separated.

Now that Amanda's body has been burned and the spine was hidden somewhere by Victor before stealing the horse, he can only bet that the woman did not tell the truth to William.

After hearing this, William thought deeply, took a long puff of cigar and blew out the smoke ring: "In order to seize other people's qualifications to understand, Latomond did so many shocking things... but he failed."

"Yes." Victor stared at William's back, "I don't know why he failed. After all, I witnessed you becoming a knower."

This chapter has been completed!
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