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Chapter 406 He is in the atmosphere

"He's missing something..."

William replied calmly, the smoke lingering around him, getting thicker and thicker, as if the cigar in his hand could never be finished.

"Really? What should I prepare before learning?" Victor pretended to be nonchalant in gathering information.

William saw through his thoughts and did not answer. He just said that it was still early and it would be useless to know.

Victor muttered in his heart, he wanted to run away, but he couldn't show his anxiety and fear.

"Elrod informed me to come here." William explained the reason why he arrived at Turbulent Castle in person.

"Um... So you actually didn't know the White Crown's plan at the beginning?" Victor asked cautiously.

William frowned but did not answer.

Victor got in touch with the weapon that killed the purple-robed priest before, and heard William mention Elode, and wondered if it was really that guy who did it?

"What killed that thing?" William changed the subject and talked about something else.

Victor knew that he was referring to the Seed of Corruption, and after thinking for a while, he replied: "I don't know, I just know that it is a very dangerous thing. It is hidden in the Canyon of Scourge, maybe it is a relic?"

"You deliberately led the monster to the direction of the canyon to prove that you have seen its power before?" William squinted at Victor's face.

Victor smiled naturally: "Of course!"

"When I came back after rescuing you, I didn't see anything."

"Because that thing flew away after killing the monster."

Victor shrugged. The wound on his shoulder had scarred and stopped bleeding. It must be said that the healing effect of the wooden curse was very significant.

"By the way, do you know what that monster is?" Victor asked William curiously.

William blew out a puff of smoke and paused, with an extremely serious expression on his face.

"I have no idea……"

His answer was very straightforward, without any detours or speculations.

"Such a huge body, after being killed, there is not even a trace of residue, only some substances that corrode the ground..."

William's doubts made Victor even more curious.

"Substances that corrode the ground?" he asked.

William hummed, and then pointed to the darkness ahead: "This kind of thing is very similar to the third secret of the hermit path. The third secret of the hermit path is called the withering secret. It can make the seer secrete from the body.

Create something that accelerates the passage of time for everything that touches them, so as to achieve the result of instantaneous decay and decay, but... the abilities of the Wither Mysteries are closer to their own bodies, and are basically colorless, so they will not be so dark.


Halfway through the words, William remembered something and added: "Do you remember the disaster of Jotun? I suspect that these things are the same as those that appeared in the disaster of Jotun. They corrupted the earth and killed all life. Only time will dilute this kind of thing."

The effect... maybe we can wait until the effect wears off, collect some soil, and compare it with the researchers at Greybean."

After saying nothing, William suddenly turned his face back and stared into Victor's eyes.

His expression was cold, his eyes were like a hawk, and he was as sharp as a knife, which made Victor tremble.

He just heard him ask: "There are three of you in total. Elold sneaked back to report to me and asked for support from the Anti-Suppression Department. And you are here now, so where is Amanda?"

He really doesn't know Amanda's true plan!

Victor couldn't help but shed a little sweat on his forehead, but he shook off his bangs to cover it up before William noticed.

"The last time I saw her, she was fighting Rathomund, and at the same time there was Rathomond's bride, Miria Lilith, who claimed to be a high blood descendant."

After calming down and giving an answer, Victor's heart was beating wildly, but his expression didn't change at all.

"Miriya is not a high-level blood descendant. She deceived Ratomond." William pinched his chin. "When I came, I didn't see Amanda. I secretly used the invisibility technique to call her several times, but she didn't respond.

Answer, I didn’t feel that Amanda was dead until I saw you attracting that huge monster on the plain..."

William's words shocked Victor. He didn't expect that the minister could actually feel Amanda's death.

Clenching his fists, Victor's mind was a little confused.

"You really haven't seen her again?"

William's words woke him up, and Victor came to his senses and replied bravely: "No, Latomond summoned some kind of creature from the painting. That creature can travel through space and abduct me. From now on, there is no

See her again."

"In this way..." William took a deep breath, "She may have had her own plans, but...but she died in the hands of Ratomond."

Looking at the large piece of dark land that spread from the original site of Turbulent Castle to the direction of the Scourge Canyon, Ratomund shook his head: "If she died at the feet of the Seed of Corruption, then I wouldn't even be able to find her body.


Amanda, this woman, concealed her true plan to deal with Victor from William in order to carry out the self-righteous justice in her heart and to so-called protect the people of the Greybean Empire.

This led to William's "message transmission" to her after arriving in the Santo Toango area, but he still received no answer.

However, precisely because of this, Victor was able to conceal the truth about his murder of Amanda. He could not guarantee that William would still stand by him in the face of such a thing.

"White Crown hopes that the troubles caused by the Davis family can be resolved at the lowest cost and the consequences they have caused can be dealt with quickly, but it is obvious that this operation cannot be covered up... This land will show its consequences for decades.

Such a dark scene."

William stared at the ruins on the horizon, and behind him there was the sound of someone stepping on the grass.

Victor looked back and his face suddenly became more gloomy.

That was Elode. He had changed into a gray and black tight-fitting top, and his hair style had been re-fixed into a trendy style.

"I got it back. I'm very lucky."

He said something incomprehensible to William, and William only nodded in response.

Victor's face was filled with questions.

Elold then said: "Can that thing be used as a reward for my action?"

"If you have successfully solved the threshold problem of Secret Transmission 2 and are ready to face the accountability of Blood Rose, I agree with you to take it." William replied calmly.

After hearing this, Victor's mind suddenly came to his senses.

Wait, are they talking about the priest's secret message?

The purple-robed priest of Blood Rose has a physical aspect, and so does Elode.

The priest is the third secret agent, and Elode is the second secret agent, which can help him get promoted!

Coming to this conclusion was completely unacceptable to Victor. He was dealing with the Davis family through life and death. Elold, the old man, was the first to escape, and then turned back halfway, so he could confidently pick the fruits of victory?

The key is that William seems to have agreed, believing that he is qualified to receive the secret transmission from the purple-robed priest...

Good guy, it looks like that weapon was thrown in by Elode to kill the priest. He had planned it from the very beginning. When the fighting between the two parties was at its fiercest, he used some method to collect the priest's spine.


What is this wave called?

This wave is called Elode in the atmosphere...

After receiving the recognition, Elold bowed his head to William with great satisfaction, and gave Victor a meaningful look before leaving.

Victor's face was very ugly, and his heart was filled with resentment.

However, when Elold walked away, William said to him: "Amanda is dead, and I have lost a considerate assistant to the minister. So Agent 99, what do you think?"

This chapter has been completed!
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