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Chapter 425: The Escape Plan of the Theft Gang

When the door was opened, the commotion in the corridor came from the shipping staff responsible for checking the room.

Victor saw a bearded man, and he remembered that he was the first mate of the Northern Faith.

The first mate was accompanied by two subordinates, who were verifying the guests' tickets and identities in the next room, and told them to be careful about protecting their property because there were thieves on board.

I originally thought that people from the passenger ferry company would not dare to check passengers in VIP cabins at will, but now they did so, which surprised Victor.

When the first mate came to Victor's side, the two parties made eye contact, and then the first mate immediately stretched out his hand and began to introduce himself.

"Ah, I forgot your address, sir. I am Clark Hugo, first mate of this ship."

Victor shook hands with the other party naturally, and could clearly feel the rough skin on the first mate's palm.

"Any questions?" he asked.

The first mate replied: "Actually, it was also your question. At first we thought there were only one or two thieves who got on the ship, but then we checked the whole ship and caught two guys, and found that they were actually a gang.

, there may be more than ten people.”

"More than ten people?" Victor's eyes suddenly narrowed.

"Yes, we were also shocked. The person who was caught pretended to be a staff member on the ship. There may be other thieves pretending to be passengers or mingling among the slovenly people below the deck. The captain issued an order. Today

Ballrooms and restaurants are not allowed to open in the evening, so all passengers are asked to stay in their rooms while we verify their identities one by one."

It seems that Captain Morgan resisted the pressure and chose to protect the name of the steamship company.

However, Victor was a little concerned about the scenery outside the window. He asked: "Wait a moment, I can't see the coastline of the Indong Continent outside the window. Have you confirmed the route of this ship?"

First Mate Clark frowned, looked at the subordinates beside him, and then replied to Victor confidently: "Don't worry, our captain has forty years of sailing experience, nothing will go wrong."

After saying that, the first mate led his subordinates to leave.

Of course they would not check Victor's ticket and identity. After all, he was the first to report the crime and had already produced the ticket at that time.

The door to the room was closed tightly, and Victor sat back down, looking at the darkening sky, feeling a bad feeling in his heart.

The sea was not calm, but there were no rough waves either.

In the darkness under the water, there seemed to be some strange shadows stirring.

On a whim, he stretched out his hand to make fortune-telling, and the hexagram soon stabilized at "Chikou".

"Pedestrians are in panic, there are many chickens and dogs causing mischief, and when sick people go out to the west, they must beware of curses, for fear of contracting diseases..."

After muttering to himself, Victor's face became more and more gloomy.

He obviously made a hexagram before setting off. It was auspicious at that time, but now it has become unfavorable... Is it because the time period has passed?

The word "speed" lies in the word "speed". A day has passed from morning to night, and the fortune may have changed accordingly.

Pedestrians? This whole boat is full of "pedestrians". "Chickens and dogs" may indicate that strange creatures are causing trouble, and the curse refers to invisible magic...

Whenever the evil hexagram Chikou is calculated, Victor knows that he is about to encounter something dangerous related to the invisible technique.

He is just taking a boat to Sanfern and has not conflicted with any important people on the ship. There should not be any seers targeting him, unless the news leaks out like the last time he went to Lilcui?

However, he did not take the cruise ship that William bought the ticket for. He bought the ticket by himself and set off in advance. He was on the road alone without a companion. How could the news leak out?

Victor held his chin and thought. He cleared the above inferences, reorganized the logic, and suddenly came to another conclusion.

Perhaps the threat from the invisible technique was not just for him, but for the entire ship?

Although the divination operator cannot give the results as directly as the fortune teller, his hexagrams always make people think about it, and they can use it to deduce more extensive information.

Now that he knew that the threat might come, Victor would not sit still and wait for death. He thought for a while and decided to walk around the ship to see if he could find anything unusual.

The coastline can't be seen outside the window, and Captain Morgan ordered martial law at this moment, locking the passengers in their rooms and not letting them out. Is there any connection between this?

Thinking of this, Victor put on his coat and secretly opened the door. After finding no one in the corridor, he took a step out.

He met the patrolling shipping staff at the corner, and immediately drew a water spell to make himself invisible, easily avoiding the other party.

"Go to the wheelhouse and ask for Captain Morgan."

As he was thinking this, suddenly, a pair of sneaky figures in front of him attracted his attention.

Victor, who was in the invisible state, saw a guy dressed as a chef pushing a dining cart walking outside a utility room, and then another short boy jumped out of the room.

The young man hid directly under the dining car covered with white cloth, and then was pushed to the end of the corridor by the "chef".

The security officer who appeared later passed by the chef and just glanced at him and let him go without noticing anything unusual.

Victor remained invisible and followed behind. He knew that there was something wrong with the chef in front and the boy hiding below. He was just out of curiosity and wanted to see where the other party was going.

The chef pushed the dining cart out of the ship's building and placed it on the edge of the platform. Then he took off his coat and pulled a rope from the railing next to it.

The young man hiding under the dining car also jumped out, and together they climbed along the rope to the uppermost terrace of the ship.

Victor stood on the edge of the deck, unable to see the scene above.

Looking at the swaying rope, he lamented how courageous these thieves were. If he accidentally fell down, he would be killed on the deck even if he didn't fall into the sea.

Hesitating about whether to find a way to the rooftop terrace, Victor was hesitating when he suddenly heard the shouts of the shipping staff coming from above.

They must have discovered the two suspicious men and were surrounding them on the terrace to arrest them.


Something heavy fell from the highest point next to it and fell directly into the sea.

Victor was startled. He leaned over and held on to the railing to look down, and found that it turned out to be a lifeboat.

Those boats were usually hung on the edge of the uppermost deck. Victor suddenly understood that the two suspicious men he saw just now ran up to launch the lifeboats!


Another small boat was put into the sea. Victor didn't know how this group of thieves did it, but it was obvious that they were not using the correct method. The boat fell into the water and turned over directly, and the people on top screamed.

, they all fell into the water and swam toward the first boat.

As the third boat was violently put into the sea, several crew members rushed over from behind Victor, including Chief Mate Clark.

The other party had no time to ask why Victor didn't stay in the room. One of them still had a gun in his hand, and it seemed that he was preparing to shoot at the people on the lifeboat.

"Give me the order, First Officer Clark!" The guy with the gun was already aiming at the lifeboat, but at this time, he was stunned.

This chapter has been completed!
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