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Chapter 426: Driving towards silence

The first mate did not give the order to fire, but someone on the top terrace had already fired at the lifeboat.

They were targeting the hull of the ship rather than the people, and seemed to want to destroy the ship and force them all to drown, forcing them to seek help from the cruise ship.

Victor saw the young man hiding under the dining car. He was on the first lifeboat, constantly splashing water to point out the direction to his fallen companions and letting them swim over.

At this time, someone suddenly screamed and fell into the water, and soon there was no movement.

Then came the second person, the third person...

To be honest, the number of thieves in the gang was twice as large as the first mate had guessed. There were at least thirty people on the sea, but in just a few seconds, ten floating figures disappeared.

"Don't shoot! No! Please!"

The boy who had been hiding under the dining car stood up and waved his arms in the direction of the cruise ship. All the adjustable lights on the ship were illuminated.

Victor stared at the young man's face, feeling a familiar sense of déjà vu, as if he had seen an old friend.

At first, people thought it was bullets that killed those people, but there was no blood floating on the sea level.

In the dark night, a suspicious fear filled the entire underwater world.

There are still two lifeboats that have not rolled over, and on average there are seven or eight people on board each one.

After hearing the boy's cry, there was no more shooting on the cruise ship.

But the danger did not stop. Suddenly, the boat next to it was overturned by something underwater, and all the people on the boat fell into the sea.

The boy screamed, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying. He shouted urgently, begging his companions to row away quickly.

At first, he tried his best to save his companions who fell into the water, but after the boat next to him was overturned, the boy could no longer suppress his panic and just wanted to escape.

Those who fell into the water were all dragged underwater silently, just like before.

The people on the boat seemed to have discovered some kind of strange thing in the sea and shouted loudly. After the first mate heard it, he ordered everyone to shoot underwater.

The boy's lifeboat rowed farther and farther, but in the end it was knocked over by something.

Now everyone fell into the water. Victor saw the young man struggling to climb up the overturned belly of the boat. His hat fell off and his long hair spread out. He turned out to be a girl disguised as a woman!

However, the moment the other party's gender was confirmed, the lifeboat suddenly sank beneath the sea level, and the girl disappeared in an instant!

Victor thought he was dazzled, but he had no time to confirm. Finally, a sailor shouted in panic: "First Officer Clark! We...we are still sailing to the Sea of ​​Tranquility!"

His voice seemed very weak amid the messy gunfire, but some people still heard it.

Then the gunshots died down, and the worry quickly spread among the ship's crew like an infectious disease.

"First mate!"

Someone seriously asked his superiors for instructions.

First Officer Clark's face was ashen. He immediately calmed down and told everyone not to panic.

Only then did he notice Victor who was silent at the side.

"Sir, please go back to your room immediately!"

Victor's invisibility had long since worn off. He yawned, told him he heard everything, and asked to see the captain.

"This is not your business, it is our business..." First Officer Clark refused.

Victor said disapprovingly: "Sailing to the Sea of ​​Tranquility is no small matter, and you don't want me to spread it everywhere. After all, most passengers are still in the dark."

Unexpectedly, the other party actually threatened him. First Officer Clark's face was very ugly, and he had to doubt Victor's motives.

Fortunately, the latter did not continue to confront the shipping staff. Victor waved his hand and said: "Okay! I won't hinder your work, so as not to be forced to jump into the sea like those thieves."

After speaking, he pretended to obey the instructions and was led back to his room by a security guard.

It will definitely be a sleepless night tonight, and Victor knows the current situation of the ship.

The route was modified, and there must be some problems with the captain. He speculated that the first mate would go to Captain Morgan to inquire about the situation, and then the others would try their best to maintain order on the cruise ship. After all, the gunshots and screams just now must have been disturbed by many passengers.

I heard it.

On the other side, as expected, First Officer Clark went to the captain's office.

However, he did not see Morgan there. The top commander of the ship disappeared at this critical moment.

"Have you seen Morgan?" the first mate asked when meeting people along the way.

Some people said they saw it on the rear deck, some said they saw it in the engine room, and some said they saw it in the kitchen...

But these statements were made earlier. The Northern Faith was so big that it would be difficult to find someone deliberately hiding him in a short time.

The first mate couldn't wait any longer and hurried to the cab, brewing ten thousand curse words in his heart.

The helmsman did not dare to move the steering wheel without the captain's order to adjust the course. The first mate had already noticed the problem.

However, he still did not find the helmsman in the bridge, and even the lookout was missing.

"Did you see where the two of them went?" the first mate shouted to his subordinate who was following behind him, who looked confused.

First Officer Clark gritted his teeth and prepared to take the helm himself. No matter what the reason was, the cruise ship could not sail directly to the Sea of ​​Tranquility.

But when he got closer to the helm, he was horrified to find that the helm was covered with thick iron chains, and a lock directly locked the iron chains.

"Glow! Who did all this shit!?"

First Officer Clark couldn't hold his anger any longer and cursed the gods directly.

It seemed that someone had already planned to sail the ship to the quiet sea. He couldn't help but think of the gang of thieves who jumped into the sea just now.

What was the purpose of that group of people? If they really wanted to sail the ship to the western sea, why did they steal the guests' belongings and expose themselves?

"We must find those two people, the helmsman and the lookout! Mobilize all the staff to find them for me, pry open every room, and no one can stop them, no matter who they are..."

The first mate made up his mind to find the helmsman even at the risk of offending the dignitaries on the ship!

After returning to the room, Victor continued to think about what to do next.

At this time, the commotion in the corridor occurred again, and was even more intense than before.

He opened the door and saw the passenger next door arguing with the crew, who insisted on entering the room to search carefully.

Previous investigations only required people to show their ferry tickets and verify their identity, but this time the search was quite rough and would certainly arouse the disgust of many decent people.

"What's wrong?" Victor asked.

The two ship stewards who searched had serious faces. They did not explain to Victor, but said that all consequences would be borne by the cruise ship, but that all passengers could not refuse the search, otherwise tough measures would be taken.

Finally, the passengers next door were controlled, and all the places in the room were searched, and then they came to Victor's door.

Victor himself didn’t have much luggage, and Pickman’s belongings were under martial law before they could even be brought in, so he stepped aside indifferently and allowed the staff to investigate.

In the end, the other party gained nothing, so he thanked him and left.

This chapter has been completed!
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