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Chapter 60: Escape from Heaven

 Just now, I was still crying over my lover's tragic experience, so I took out a gun and shot her to death.

Thomas is a person who interprets capriciousness to the extreme.

Moreover, he did not feel at all how magical his performance was.

Tonight's crisis allowed Victor to truly see what kind of person this Eastern Emperor was.

The blood stopped flowing, the cup gradually lost its luster, becoming more ordinary than before, and the strange patterns on the ground gradually faded.

It looks like the ceremony was really ruined.

"Is it that simple?" Victor looked around at the others, trying to get some kind of reply, success or failure.

The entire engine room was silent, and everyone was quietly waiting for the results.

I don’t know how long it took, but no one was burning anymore. The mysterious night finally took a turn for the better tonight.

"The more mysterious and unpredictable it is, the more fragile it is."

Although Josh doesn't agree with this, he has to admit that Thomas's method is very simple and straightforward.

In one night, it was actually quite difficult to discover the opponent's conspiracy, eliminate the monsters in the engine room and destroy the ceremony. Many people died in the process. If Victor hadn't noticed the key, most of them would have been killed.

In the dark.

"What are your plans next? Mr. Chief Inspector." Thomas is now alone, and all the thugs at his disposal are dead.

Speaking of which, this ceremony did not burn any important people on the ship.

But if you think about it carefully, Victor can actually figure it out.

He didn't have dinner himself, and Henry, who was asked by him to deal with Mrs. Jennifer, didn't have dinner either.

Although Josh was sitting at the dining table, Victor had observed that his plate had not been moved. He probably just drank some wine. The wine was stored in the wine cabinet and had not been opened when it was served. The chefs should not have

I tampered with the wine.

Then there are Whedon and Pierce. I don’t know if these two guys had dinner or not, but they did toast to Thomas the whole time.

Thomas's men should have eaten secretly during their shift, otherwise they wouldn't have been burned to death.

His son probably didn't eat, because the little kid didn't seem to be able to eat within the prescribed time.

From this point of view, only about half of the survivors present were actually threatened by the ritual.


Next, everyone left the engine room, and Josh began to make a plan: "The ship is now safe. We can continue to stay and wait for Dandelion's rescue. However, I don't believe that the people from the Conor Gang will remain unmoved.

, they will probably do something before dawn."

"The biggest possibility is to blow up the ship, or board the ship to deal with the people who were lucky enough not to be burned to death." Victor added.

Josh agrees with this guess.

Henry then added: "They can't blow up the huge Kaleidoscope without boarding the ship."

"Yes!" Josh continued, "With the nature of the Conor Gang, they will definitely get on board to clean up the mess."

"Kill them when the time comes!" Thomas was eager to do it cruelly.

"We will lose." Josh looked at the only remaining personnel, and he was obviously at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

Victor glanced at the corpses on the deck and suddenly had an idea.

"Listen, I have an idea."

After speaking, he pointed in the direction of the deck with a conspiratorial smile on his face.


The phenomenon of self-immolation on the gambling boat finally stopped, and the people who were still alive were all rejoicing. However, because there were boats from the Conor Gang watching eagerly outside, no one dared to rush to the deck and lower the lifeboat.

But gradually, the people of the Conor Gang also discovered that the ceremony had stopped, and as expected, the small boats gradually gathered towards the Kaleidoscope just before dawn.

The hook with a rope attached to it was thrown onto the deck, and black figures climbed up one after another.

Soon, dozens of Conor Gang gangsters appeared on the deck.

Although they were dressed in mixed clothes, they looked too country bumpkin compared to the respectable people on the gambling boats who were spending money like water, and it was easy to tell who the villains were.

Gunshots continued to be heard, and the first thing these people did when they boarded the ship was to shoot everyone who was still alive.

There were screams everywhere on the ship, and the ground in the corridor was covered with scarlet blood.

After everyone was almost dead, half of the gang went to various rooms to search for property and removed the safes and cash inside, while the other half traveled around to place detonators and explosives.

There were seven or eight people who arranged the explosives and were assigned to the VIP box. They wanted to blow up the Kaleidoscope before dawn to cover up the traces of the invisible technique, and then leave quickly.

If the speed slows down, Dandelion will definitely find out about the gambling problem, and a large number of police will arrive by boat.

After opening a private room, as soon as these gangsters stepped into it, they found several corpses lying on the ground.

The blood all over the floor smells very unpleasant.

"Why did these guys die here?"

A villain lit a cigarette and glanced at the corpses on the ground.

"Those who die early will not be burned to death in the ceremony, so these guys must be having internal strife." Another person has already taken off his backpack and started to find a corner to place explosives.

"Where's the boss? Isn't he on the boat?"

"That Thomas is so vicious, maybe the boss has been discovered and killed, hahaha!"

"I wish I could, maybe I can still sit in his position."

This group of people teased each other without the slightest bit of vigilance.

But suddenly, the door of the box closed strangely, and the room suddenly became dark, and the next moment, someone kept making painful groans.

There was no big noise, their mouths seemed to be covered by something, and they fell to the ground and died one after another. After a few minutes, the lights were turned on, and the corpses on the ground had been replaced by the group of robbers.

Henry wiped the blood from his face with a handkerchief, and he still held a dagger to wipe his neck.

"It's all solved, please keep your voices down, everyone."

The people still standing around were Thomas and the people from the Inspection Bureau. They were lying on the ground and pretending to be dead, waiting for the robbers to come in to check the room and kill them all.

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These people all died with their throats cut, which shows that the agents of the Inspection Bureau are very knowledgeable about killing people.

Victor came up with the plan. Since dead people don't burn, they could easily be mistaken by the Conor Gang as dead people by pretending to be dead. After all, there was a lot of chaos on the ship.

"Change your clothes and go find my son!" Thomas changed out of his expensive suit, took off the robber's country bumpkin coat and put it on himself.

Others did the same thing.

After that, they quietly went to the locked utility room not far away and brought out the other people hiding in the mop cabinet.

Victor, Pierce, the waiter and the kid were hiding inside.

They have not been trained and will be easily exposed if they follow the Inspection Bureau to catch people in a trap.

Everyone changed into dirty robber clothes, carried guns, and pretended to patrol the aisles. The kid kept biting the waiter's arm. Only in this way could he stop yelling, but the male waiter

It hurts so much.

The kid who is most easily exposed is the kid. Everyone tries to surround him and the waiter.

Soon, they bypassed several groups of robbers and arrived at the deck.

Someone is guarding there, and there is a hook and lock on the edge of the boat. There is probably a small boat belonging to the Conor Gang below.

This is the hope of escape!

"Hey man! You need help here, come down here?!" Henry boldly stood in the shadow and shouted to the three people on the deck.

The lighting was not good in the position where he stood, so he could expose his body just right, but his face could not be seen clearly.

The three people on the deck thought they were accomplices of the gang, and they all approached in surprise.

But as soon as he got close to Henry, the other party raised his hand and threw the dagger over, stabbing one of them in the throat.

At the same time, Josh threw the dagger almost simultaneously and stabbed the second person in the eye.

Thomas raised his gun and shot the last person.

The gunfire rang out, and Josh was shocked: "Mr. Thomas!"

"Don't worry! These guys are still slaughtering the living poor people on the boat, and the gunshots haven't stopped. As long as we move quickly, they won't be able to find it!" Thomas didn't care at all, and went directly up to drag the corpse to a relatively private location.

Afterwards, everyone climbed down along the hook lock, and sure enough, there was a small boat next to the gambling boat.

Not only that, there are also several small boats floating around the gambling boat.

"One boat is enough to carry all of us, let's go!" Josh looked at the less than ten people left and said anxiously.

But when they just started the diesel engine, two ships from the Conor Gang came towards them. They were the people who had not yet boarded the Kaleidoscope and were guarding below.

"Go down and feed the fish!" Thomas fired wildly at the other side, killing several people preemptively.

Their boat also rushed out and sailed away from the Kaleidoscope at full speed.

Someone on the gambling boat spotted them, and everyone returned to the boat and started chasing them.

But at this time, Victor and his ship had already sailed far away, and a ray of morning glow appeared on the horizon from the top of the mountain, and morning was about to come.

There was a bang! The Kaleidoscope was engulfed in flames, the explosives on the gambling ship were detonated, and the entire ship was ablaze.

This chapter has been completed!
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