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Chapter 522: The Era of Money Worship

The crowd dispersed quickly. When night fell, Victor, who was sitting in front of the memorial tower, felt something strange, so he moved some distance to the side.

Then, where no one was sitting, a figure appeared out of thin air.

When he finally appeared in front of Victor, Victor saw the clown tattoo painted on the man's face.

"It's really you!"

He immediately stood up, holding a fire spell in his hand and ready to go.

However, the other party raised his hands to tell him not to act rashly.

"Hey! Be careful, Detective, I'm here to discuss business."

The visitor was none other than the Hat Master. Unexpectedly, he hid himself in the "space pocket" all day long and did not appear until night.

However, Victor would not trust him easily and still threatened: "Your wanted order has not been revoked."

The Hat Master showed a helpless expression and told Victor that if he really wanted to take him back to the Police Bureau or kill him, then Victor would never be able to sell the goods.

These words surprised Victor, and he suddenly realized that the guy in front of him was really coming for the batch of fanatical ghost fire in his hand.

"How did you know I had that batch of goods? Don't tell me... you really have something to do with letters." Victor narrowed his eyes.

The hat master snapped his fingers: "Correct answer! You are so 'smart'. Oh, of course, this is irony, because you pointed the bomb at me, so I dare not laugh at you in person..."

Victor's face jumped, he coughed twice, and continued to question him: "Are you really someone who knows how to write letters?"

"Mr. Doubt is my master, what do you think?" A strange smile appeared on the clown face of the Hat Master.

Victor still found it unbelievable, that is to say, he had dropped the letters in Sanfran's "den".

"The club was destroyed by the Inspection Bureau. Is Mr. Question still willing to do business with me?"

"That was my carelessness, and you did it out of duty. Our host will not blame the guests. You don't have to worry about this. So when do we start talking about business?"


"We will recycle that batch of goods at a unit price of 50,000 francs."

The unit price is 50,000 francs...

The price was half cheaper than when Siqin bought it, and Victor was a little disappointed.

But then I thought about it, Xiqin was on the verge of having a seizure at that time, and was eager to buy anti-death items, so it was not surprising that he would pay double the price.

Victor has five plants in his hand. Apart from the one he wants to use, there are four plants left. One plant for fifty thousand faraka can be sold for a huge sum of two hundred thousand faraka...

"Can I give you a price?" he tried to ask.

The hat master's clown face showed a bitter expression.

"Sorry, even for the Alphabet Society, it is very difficult to come up with hundreds of thousands of francs at once. We need capital turnover..."

"Seventy thousand Faka per plant?"

"Sixty thousand is the most..."

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Based on the principle of earning as much as possible, Victor settled on the price with the other party.

They agreed on the address and time for delivery and payment. Before leaving, the Hat Master suddenly said to Victor: "So, you currently have four Frenzy Fires on your hands?"

Victor looked back at him and said nothing.

The Hat Master continued: "If you want to speed up your study progress, you need to imitate the identity given to you by the secret transmission. You should know this, right?"

His words made Victor wary, and he didn't know the real purpose of this guy.

Finally, the Hat Master told Victor: "The door to the Clown Club is open for you, Mr. Inspector..."

After saying that, he hid in the space pocket again, leaving Victor alone to meditate.

Two days later, an expedited letter was sent from the post office in San Fran. That night, Mike fell asleep and met Mr. Yi.

"He did it? The check is being sent to Renekton?" When Mike got the news, he showed great surprise, "Your Excellency Victor did not disappoint us."

"It's not good enough..." Mr. Yi pinched his chin lightly, "There is a 'material loss'."

"But this is the best result. After all, he got back most of the goods." Mike was not disappointed with the loss of the Frenzy Fire. "It's a full 240,000 French cards. The check needs to be made at Baofeng Bank.

Exchange, and the Western Continent also needs to convert the exchange rate, I must deal with these tedious matters as soon as possible so that Miss Writer can withdraw this huge sum of money from the bank there."

These things are not something Victor will consider, and the rest will be left to Mike.

Before that, they had already discussed how the profits should be distributed.

Abigail expressed her willingness to make a 50-50 split with this side.

In other words, she would withdraw half of the amount of approximately 120,000 francs, which would be approximately 60,000 pounds in imperial currency.

The remaining 120,000 francs were split three-thirds on Victor's side.

He, Mike and Will will share it equally with each other, each of them can share 40,000...

Of course, this does not include the exchange fee, as well as the remaining costs thrown to Isben based on the selling price of the happy honey juice.

Victor didn't know much about this, but he estimated that he got about 30,000 faraka.

Wow...it's really a worthwhile deal, I hope to continue next time...

Victor thought happily, then he explained the matter to Mike and left the secret hotel.

As for when he will receive the money, he does not need to worry at all, the money will be deposited into his account anyway.

A few days later, when Will received his huge sum of money, he was crazy and happy at first, and even wanted to give up the steel smuggling business.

But after a brief period of madness, Will suddenly calmed down and realized a problem that was difficult for him to accept.

That was this deal, and his involvement was as low as it could get.

During the entire process, all he was responsible for was to use words to confuse Captain Isbon and make him mistake the batch of goods for pleasure nectar. Apart from that, he did almost nothing else.

Many people think this is a very comfortable job because they can get so much money without doing much work.

But Will's thinking is different. He has a sense of crisis.

From loading the goods onto the ship to disembarking, then transporting them to Sanfran and handing them over to Victor, who then sells them and then sends the check from Storm Bank to Mike, who then goes to the bank to handle the division of accounts, all this is done without Will's intervention.


Even when negotiating dividends with the seller, Will didn't have a chance, so Mike negotiated with the seller directly.

This made Will feel that he had no control over the entire transaction process and had no chance to obtain benefits for himself.

Although the benefits obtained this time are very good, who can guarantee the next time?

Holding the check worth tens of thousands of francs in his hand, Will stared at the money and thought for a long time.

"I must build my own industry, my own company, a company that truly belongs to me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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