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Chapter 523 You are dying

Everything is ready to speed up the progress of understanding the secret transmission.

In order to be promoted to Secret Agent Three as soon as possible, Victor almost ignored the official affairs of the Anti-Suppression Department in the past few days, and Tony could not even see him.

Victor had already learned how to speed up the study of secret transmission as a Talisman Master, but now he had another choice.

So, he arrived again outside the pet shop that was sealed at the beginning, and quietly waited for the other party's arrival.

Yes, the Clown Club.

Victor finally understood why the Hat Master said those words to him before leaving.

He was inviting Victor to use the stage of the Clown Club to speed up his understanding of the secret transmission.

This proposal is indeed good, but the other party also revealed the secret that the club is still running.

"That guy, you trust me so much?"

Victor still doesn't know the Hat Master's plan, but since the other party is a member of the Alphabet Society, he must be doing some kind of deal with Victor.

Not long after waiting near the sealed pet store, someone came over and handed Victor a note, asking him to go to the address above.

Later, he followed the address to a certain building and met the Hat Master on the terrace.

"As expected, you came to see me..." The other party got straight to the point and pointed out Victor's purpose directly. "The club will not let you down. We have enough audiences to participate in your performance. You can play whatever you want."

"Then what's the reason?" Victor asked him after sitting down, "Why do you want to help me?"

The reason given by the hat master is that Victor needs to contribute an outstanding performance.

"Excellent performance?" Victor didn't quite understand.

The hat master continued: "We don't know what your secret message is, nor what kind of performance you will perform, but if your program is very successful, it will also be profitable for our club. On the contrary, if you cannot

Contribute a wonderful performance and let the guests down... This is not good for everyone."

So that's it, Victor almost forgot what kind of people those people who like to go to underground clubs to watch performances are.

But even so, Victor felt that the Hat Master might be hiding something and not telling him.

But the other party was not prepared to talk anymore and just expressed "please cooperate".

Thinking that he might have contact with letters in the future, Victor did not continue to press and shook hands with the shopkeeper who was wearing clown makeup.

So, he actually stood on the stage during the performance that night...

"Maybe you will need this..." In the preparations backstage, the Hat Master showed a box of masks to Victor.

In front of the curtain were enthusiastic shouts and the wailing of the unlucky ones, which still fit the absurd style of this club.

Victor knew that those guests were upper-class scum who dared not show their faces. They all wore masks.

In order to avoid getting into trouble in the future, Victor should also prepare a mask.

He rummaged through the pile of masks and selected a mask with a special symbol.

There are only two eye holes left on the mask, and it is overall black. The right eye has two hook-like patterns and a tentacle-like pattern in a rotationally symmetrical shape. At first glance, it looks like three question marks.

Eyeballs rolling.

"Ah... this was originally a mask left by the Alphabet Society, but I didn't expect it to be chosen by you... However, if you consider joining the Alphabet Society, I can..." The Hat Master was angry at the side, but Victor

Ignored him.

I have to say that this mask is indeed very similar to Mr. Doubt's mask. The other one is a mirror image of two question marks, which are three rotating symbols similar to question marks.

Then, he put on the mask, and the hat master showed him a row of "work clothes" for him to choose from.

Victor chose among them, and his hand stopped on a yellow robe.

"This style is quite similar to the yellow robe from the Taoist Temple..." Victor muttered to himself and simply chose it.

Wearing a yellow coat, Victor appeared under the lights after the club staff carried his props onto the stage.

The setting here is similar to the previous club venue, but the space is larger and the number of spectators who come to watch the performance is also larger.

You can see bloodstains on the ground that have not yet been cleaned. Someone's arm was cut off in the last performance, and they are still victims of these crazy capitalists.

This was the first time people saw Victor as a performer, and before the hat master who hosted the show introduced him, boos kept coming from the audience.

"A divination show? What divination show? I don't want to be here watching a Sepgi play with a crystal ball!"

"The quality of the club's performances is getting worse and worse. I'm considering whether to invest in it."

"Boring, ugly..."

"It's not as interesting as the guy who had his arm chopped off just now..."

Although I had not witnessed the previous tragic situation, I thought that the performer in the previous performance must have been like the tree man scientist. He boasted about something and was chopped into pieces by an audience member who regarded human life as nothing.

Victor hated club performances very much, but when he faced such a large audience and had to prepare to play the role of a talisman to solve people's problems, he suddenly felt a sense of secret enlightenment.

That is the feeling of accelerated learning progress, coming from the mysterious and unpredictable structural world...

"What? Are you tired of divination? Or are you afraid of knowing the bad future you are about to face? What if I said that our new performer can help you get through this difficult time?"

The Hat Master has tried his best to bring up the audience's preferences for Victor, but after he said a lot, these beasts who only want to pursue excitement still have a lukewarm and mocking attitude.

When Victor was sitting behind the fortune-telling table, someone even threw a shiny apple at him, but Victor caught it and ate it smoothly.

"Dirty thing!"

The man cursed, but unexpectedly Victor stood up, pointed at his nose, and sneered: "You are the coward who dare not face fate, am I talking about you?"

The other party was instantly irritated by these words, and immediately stood up, walked onto the stage with fists clenched, and approached Victor.

Through the mask, Victor could feel the other person's rapid breathing.

"What? Do you like watching us fight?" Victor pointed out the core of the performance. If this guy really came to fight with him, it would definitely not be an interesting performance. Both the other party and himself would become the target of criticism from the audience.

The guy who threw the apple understood, but he couldn't swallow this breath, so he decided to be the first participant to take the stage to test Victor's ability, in an attempt to find flaws and save the situation.

"Very good! You seem to think you have the ability to divine my future? I will give you this opportunity, but if you fail, I will let you disappear from this stage forever."

Victor didn't say a word, and of course he wouldn't be intimidated by him. Then he sat back down, stared at the other person's body, and made fortune-telling predictions.

His technique was novel, a divination method that these "indigenous" people had never seen before, and he muttered words like some kind of spell, which added to the mystery of divination.

People's interest was gradually aroused, and then Victor stopped and looked up at the troublemaking guest in front of him.

"It's a very bad sign. You will die within a few days."

This chapter has been completed!
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