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Chapter 524 Do you dare to take it?

"Nonsense!" The other party immediately burst into anger, "How dare you curse me, a despicable low-level person?"

No one can understand Victor's divination method. They have only seen simple and easy-to-understand pendulums, divination rods and crystal balls. If no one explains it to them, they may not even be able to understand tarot card divination.

The secret knowledge used by Victor is more complicated than the above.

Death in the air, disaster for pedestrians, criminal injuries for officials, ghosts for patients, and good health...

This is the sentence that Victor gave to the guy in front of him. Although he could read it out, the other person definitely still couldn't understand it.

So he said very bluntly: "This is the result of divination. If you don't want to die, you can pay me and buy an amulet."

As he finished speaking, he took out a Yang Talisman.

The so-called solution to protect one's health is to pray to gods to eliminate disasters, but Victor directly understood it as giving money and giving up wealth. After all, worshiping gods and Buddhas also requires burning paper money, right?

Ha ha ha ha……

The first person to laugh was not the participants in front of him, but the packed club audience behind him.

They were laughing at Victor so brazenly that they didn't even realize that the host hadn't even had time to introduce the performer's name.

Yes, they don't care who is performing, as long as the first performance cannot impress them, then get out or die...

However, amidst the laughter, there was someone who asked curiously.

"I understand! This guy is not performing divination at all, he is performing clowning, hahaha!"

Hearing this speech, the participants on the stage also "suddenly realized" and pointed at Victor and sarcastically said: "Are you trying to steal the role of host? But he is just putting on makeup, and you are the real clown.


It seems that the other party doesn't take Victor's divination seriously at all, so...

He took advantage of the situation and put away the Yang Talisman, and drew a Yin Talisman with his backhand.

"So, do you think your life is not in danger?"

"At least it's impossible in the near future. With my status, unless I die in bed, otherwise...my bodyguards will kill anyone who wants to harm me."

"So, you don't believe in destined accidents?"

"No, it's just that I don't believe the accident you said as a clown..."

"All right!"

Victor placed the Yin Talisman in front of him and told him: "This is a spell that will bring you disaster. If you wear it, it will make you die faster. It doesn't cost money. Do you have the guts to try it?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent...

Yang symbols can bring good luck, while Yin symbols can bring bad luck.

Victor calculated that the other party had suffered a bloody disaster recently. If he could follow his instructions to ward off evil and avoid evil, and wear a Yang Talisman, he might be able to get through it safely.

But since this guy is looking for death, Victor might as well send him to see the King of Hell as soon as possible.

Anyway, he didn't like any of the spectators in this club.

If he really wore a Yin Talisman, Victor guessed that this guy might be finished today.

The boos and jeers disappeared, and everyone suddenly focused on the participant.

Since you don't believe that you will suffer bad luck, and you don't believe that the Yang Talisman can turn danger around, then you might as well stick to your arrogance.

The man was stunned for a moment, then asked: "I don't understand what you mean."

"Is it that difficult to understand?" Victor sneered, "Since you don't agree with the conclusions drawn by divination, and you don't believe that my charm can bring good luck, then you might as well take away this charm that can bring bad luck.

, and then use this to prove that I am fake, wouldn’t it just provide you with a reason to humiliate me?”

This move was so exciting that it knocked out the magic weapon, but it made the guy in front of him unable to stop.

If he just saved the day, he would have every reason to ridicule Victor's divination as a bluff, but what if it made him unlucky? Would he dare to accept this bet?

After a brief silence, the audience burst into enthusiastic laughter again, but this time they were not mocking Victor, but were hurling anger at the participants on the stage.

If he doesn't accept the move, he will become a laughing stock after he goes down. Even if he wears a mask, there will always be someone in the audience who will recognize this guy's identity based on his habits and voice.

Amidst the overwhelming boos, the man clenched his fists, trembling all over, and hit the table in front of Victor with a hammer.


"So...if I'm fine, what will you do?"

The other party questioned Victor fiercely.

Victor calmly replied: "Disappear from this stage forever."

"No... it's not enough. I want you to disappear, completely disappear!" The other party's words revealed a murderous aura. After being humiliated by the performer, he obviously couldn't swallow this breath.

Victor snapped his fingers: "Then please make me disappear!"

After hearing this, the other party grabbed the Yin Talisman, stuffed it into his pocket, and walked off the stage without looking back.

"As long as you have the ability..." Victor stared at the guy and sneered in his heart.

The first performance was a disaster. Until the end, the hat master didn't even have time to tell the audience what Victor's "stage name" was.

Moreover, the audience's response to the performance was particularly poor. After the participant left, no second audience member was willing to come on stage for Victor's divination.

In the end, the stage props had to be removed and a new performer took the stage.

The latter performance was hosted by the Hat Master's puppet, who himself communicated with Victor backstage.

"You seem to have not fulfilled your agreement, Mr. Inspector." The Hat Master bluntly stated the problems in this performance.

Victor waved his hand: "It's still early, this is only the first day."

In fact, except for the moment when he first came on stage today, he did not feel that his progress in studying secret transmission had accelerated.

The hat master understood what Victor wanted to wait for, so he stopped arguing and told him: "Our cooperation only lasts for a week. If there is no response, then I will have to ask you to find other imitation methods."

One week is enough. If it really doesn't work, Victor won't continue to waste time in this place.

Besides, he has official duties, so it's not appropriate to avoid Tony all the time.

For this imitation performance to be successful, Victor must prove his ability to the audience, and the first unlucky person is the stepping stone for him to show his strength.

He speculated that the guy would not appear again in tomorrow's performance.

So when he took the stage for the second time, Victor shouted out to the unlucky guy who took the stage yesterday amidst the questioning.

However, what surprised him was that the other party actually responded.

"I am in good health and intact! Yesterday I went home and had my personal doctor diagnose me. There is no disease at all. Today's lunch was very sumptuous. When I drank red wine, I felt as happy as if I was watching you kneel down and beg for mercy."

Amidst the cheers, the guy, wearing the same mask as yesterday, came forward from the back row, stretching out his hand and high-fiving the guests next to him along the way, as if to announce his victory.

"You failed! Now I will make you disappear immediately!"

Victor frowned and stared at the mask. At first, he thought that the ultimate bad luck had not come, but soon, he discovered the clues.

"The color of your hair seems to be different from yesterday."

His sudden suspicion instantly silenced the cheering audience.

People also discovered that this guy's height seemed to be different from yesterday.

Soon, an acquaintance recognized him.

"Prah Sid! Are you Pra Sid!? You are pretending to be your brother Shado Sid!"

People immediately became excited. In fact, several guests recognized the man on stage yesterday, who was actually the eldest son of the Sid family.

However, it is the second son who appears now. Why would he pretend to be his elder brother?

This chapter has been completed!
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