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Chapter 545: Opening the Eyes of Heaven

A painful burning sensation affects both the user and the person being treated.

The damage Victor suffered was actually not much weaker than that of the Sloppy Duke.

He couldn't bear it any longer, and almost all the skin on his body was burned.

Therefore, under the severe pain, he could no longer keep the Jingmen open, and the effect of the Samadhi True Fire gradually disappeared.

At the same time, the head of the Tauren Prince was almost burned to the point where the bones could be seen. Half of his face almost disappeared, becoming ferocious and terrifying.

Even though the effect of Samadhi True Fire disappeared, the Sloppy Duke still jumped up in pain, broke through the dome of the temple, and fled.

Although Victor failed to kill the beast, he was able to fight it away, making him never dare to fight against him again.

He touched some of the blood that oozed from his skin, drew a wooden spell on himself to heal under the extreme pain, and then lay on the ground, waiting for his body to recover.

That kind of pain is unimaginable to ordinary people. If he delays for a while longer, Victor suspects that he will die of pain.

Fortunately, the effect of the wooden curse has spread. Although it is impossible to completely repair Victor's physical injuries in a short time, the pain has been relieved a lot.

Finally, he fell asleep and closed his eyes in a hazy state.

The dark clouds in the sky dispersed, the morning glow gathered over the temple again, and Victor also woke up from his sleep.

Half of his skin has recovered. Although there are still many hideous wounds, at least his life is not in danger.

So, Victor drew another wooden spell for himself, because the effect of the previous wooden spell had been exhausted when he fell asleep.

He stood up later, holding on to the stone pillars of the temple and looking outside.

The sky and the earth were clear, and those thick black clouds seemed to have been taken away by the sloppy Duke and disappeared.

He did not leave the temple rashly, but carefully observed the sky and confirmed that the colorful knights riding flying bulls were also missing.

Could it be that……

Are all the sloppy Duke’s bannermen gone?

Vic meditated with his knees crossed at the entrance of the temple, waiting for his injury to recover.

From morning to night, the day passes again, and then until dawn comes.

The sky on the second day was still clear and cloudless, and the breeze brought a scent of fragrance to the door of the temple. When Victor opened his eyes, his injuries had completely recovered.

It took two days, but Wood Curse finally cured his burns.

While meditating, Victor was also trying to digest the ability of Butterfly Secret III that he had just been promoted to.

The name of the third chapter of Butterfly Secret is "Exalt".

There is actually only one ability it gives to Victor, which is "opening the eyes of the sky".

Today, Victor can see some things that are difficult for ordinary people to understand, not just the "Qi" in "Feng Shui", but four mysterious levels.

First of all, the first level, which is the level that Victor can directly interfere with, is the Qi existing in living matter, which is called the "Human Disk".

He could see the nodes of eight air points on the human body, which are the so-called "eight gates".

As long as there are living things, including himself.

Then, he can use the mudra taught to him in the secret knowledge to break these air hole nodes, causing a certain "door" to open, and then produce various incredible effects.

For example, if you click "Open the Door", the user will gain a wealth-attracting physique, and the surrounding wealth will automatically gather towards him.

By opening the "Sleep Door", the user's mental body will be stabilized, and it will help sleep, and the breathing will become extremely slow. If you meditate and dream in this situation, the user can perform a technique called "

The skill of "bringing out the underworld".

Clicking on the "Sheng Gate" can activate the user's Qi, blood and mind, and improve qualities such as thinking speed and physical strength.

Opening the "injury door" will weaken the recipient's physique, making them more susceptible to illness.

Clicking on "Dumen" has an effect similar to applying a "Yang Talisman", but the difference is that it cannot bring blessings and wealth to the user. It is just that in more dangerous moments, the user can turn disaster into good luck. This kind of avoidance

The effect of disaster is stronger than Yang Talisman.

Clicking on the "Scenery Gate" can change the entire way of casting the fire spell, allowing the recipient to spray the true fire of Samadhi out of thin air. The flame cannot be extinguished and will only become invalid when the state of the Scenery Gate is released.

Clicking on the "Death Door" will cause the recipient's luck to become extremely bad, and combined with the Yin Talisman can kill the recipient almost immediately.

Opening the "shock door" will make the subject's mental body extremely fragile, and the slightest stimulation will lead to madness, thereby activating the lethality of fear.

The "Eight Doors" can only open one air hole at a time, which is useful for both the enemy and ourselves, and the effect is more complicated, while the "Expert" can control the opening and closing of the air holes in his body.

In fact, it is a bit similar to the ability of the "Keeper of the Ring" in the Secret Transmission of Stone Nature III. It also obtains special abilities by converting between several states.

However, in addition to the "Injury Gate", "Death Gate" and "Shock Gate", which are the three evil gates that have only side effects, the other five gates also have side effects.

for example……

When opening the door to gather the surrounding wealth, it will also gradually increase the hostility of everything around it towards the user. To what extent this hostility will reach, Victor cannot experiment yet.

When Xiumen is "coming out of the underworld", the material body must sit still and meditate, using the turtle breathing method to slow down the heartbeat and breathing to a very slow level. In other words, the user cannot move and is at the mercy of others, and Victor is still

It's unclear how far this so-called "out of the underworld" can travel.

The Health Gate was used immediately when Victor fought against the Sloppy Duke. Its side effect is that it will continuously accumulate fatigue. If it is opened for too long, the user may die of exhaustion at the moment it is released.

...So, this time limit must be grasped.

Dumen is a so-called air pocket that can turn disaster into disaster the more dangerous it is. The side effect of this thing is that when it is opened, it will continue to lose its life span. Victor does not know how fast this loss occurs.

Jingmen, Victor's most powerful attack against the Sloppy Duke is the Samadhi True Fire that spurts out after opening the Jingmen. Victor has already experienced its side effects, that is, as time goes by, the body of the recipient will become hotter and hotter.

Until I burn myself to death.

After sorting it out for a while, Victor suddenly realized that the Butterfly Secret Transmission III he had obtained seemed to have very rich and varied abilities, but in fact it was all about self-mutilation in exchange for the power. Once faced with the enemy, he might

Before killing the other party, he killed himself first.

Therefore, compared with the Secret Transmission Three ability of his and other Secret Transmission Three abilities that we have seen, it is difficult to say who is stronger and who is weaker.

If you don't use it well, you can almost compete for the third weakest secret pass...


This is just a method of interference on the "human disk" that he saw with his expert "eyes of heaven".

In addition to the human disk, he can also see the "turf", "heavenly disk" and "divine disk"!

This chapter has been completed!
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