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Chapter 546: Are you going to die now?

However, it is a pity that Victor cannot interfere with higher levels of "qi".

In addition to the Qi in the human body, there is also a weak flow of "Qi" around him.

In the visible passages and dug ditches, "qi" flows along the path on the earth, which is part of the "territory".

They sometimes gather in certain locations, gradually enhancing the luck of that place.

If people stay nearby, they will also receive blessings of luck.

If Victor casts the Yang Talisman, the surrounding Qi will change and gradually gather towards the location of the Yang Talisman.

This kind of accumulation must be dynamic to be beneficial. Although Qi will gather, it must flow at all times. Once it only gathers but does not flow, or remains thin all the time, it will have negative effects on the surroundings.

For example, in places where lush woods grow and bear fruit, and where people live in farmhouses, the Qi in the fields is gathered. They gather together through the roads in the forest and the flowing rivers, and then disperse to all sides through the roads and rivers.

Go, the vitality never stops.

As for those dead wood forests and barren places without grass, there are neither rivers nor roads, some of the Qi is very weak, and some of the surrounding Qi gather here and cannot be dispersed, causing blockage and death.

In fact, Victor can change the path of Qi by changing the surrounding environment, such as moving a stone.

But this is the only thing he can do. Those qi that can be easily changed in direction are very weak and belong to a part of the "territory" under the observation of the Sky Eye.

In Victor's eyes, the more majestic earth energy is gathered between the landscape and the river, flowing over the cliffs and rolling ridges, and formed by the convergence of rivers and roads. It cannot be interfered by his personal power at all.


He even felt that the "qi" between heaven and earth seemed to have vitality and could form a shadow like a mythical beast at the end of his field of vision...

Regarding these, the secret knowledge of the "expert" did not teach Victor more, it was too profound.

The "territory" has already made Victor feel the majesty of the world and the incomparable insignificance of the mortal body, and the "heavenly plate" and "divine plate" make it even more difficult for Victor to see the whole picture.

The "sky disk" is the stars in the sky. He can see the stars marked by the butterfly secret transmission, but he doesn't know how to use them.

The "Divine Disk" is extremely ethereal. The "shadows" cast on the earth from the nebula formed by the stars... are like constellations.

All in all, the knowledge imparted to Victor by the Secret of Butterfly III can only enable him to completely interfere with the changes in the "human disk", simply interfere with the superficial phenomena of the "territory", and cannot interfere with the "celestial disk" and "god disk".


He took a deep breath, and after roughly sorting out the knowledge he had gained, he was finally ready to set off and leave this temple that was almost about to collapse.

Although they drove away the sloppy Duke, they still did not leave this mysterious world. Lianlong and Hodney were still in a state of uncertainty.

Recalling what the skinny man said before, he should have pointed out that the essence of this world came from the mysterious item used by his guard - the Lost City.

What is this maze? Victor initially judged that it should be a relic.

It's a pity that Li Anlong is not here, otherwise Victor would really like to hear his opinion, maybe that guy knows what the Lost City is...

Victor first stood on a high place and looked into the distance, observing the earth and mountains with his "eyes from the sky".

The Qi in the bodies of living creatures is easier to identify, but Victor did not see any living creatures appearing, which means that the Sloppy Duke's legion has really disappeared.

After confirming all this, Victor walked down the mountain.

His purpose is to find the missing two people, and then go back to the ruins to see if the dinner guests who stayed behind are still there.

After being resurrected once, Victor was not so hungry at first, but after staying at the entrance of the temple for two days, he became hungry again.

Now, the only place he can think of to get food is from the ruins of the manor.

But he could no longer find the way he came. After all, he was chased by the Sloppy Duke all the way, and he spent most of his time running for his life with his head down.

So, he called out Xiao Hei again, letting it conjure its wings and dragging him to fly in the general direction.

However, during the flight, Victor did not see the congressman's manor, but instead discovered a few smokes far away in the horizon.

"Is it a bonfire?"

His heart moved and he asked Xiao Hei to fly over there.

Xiao Hei's physical strength was not unlimited, so he flew lower and lower, and finally dropped Victor a few hundred meters away from the black smoke.

Victor approached there cautiously, cast a water spell on himself, and walked to a place where he could see the black smoke while becoming invisible.

Then, he saw Rianlong and Hodney standing there, with a warm bonfire lit on the side.

Those two guys...are not dead?

Victor was very shocked.

You know, the only defensive means Rianlong and Hodney had together was a small pistol that was almost out of bullets.

At that time, the Sloppy Duke was not driven away by Victor, and the area was still filled with his seven wandering legions.

Although Li Anlong is a seer and still has a few relics in his hand, his ability is only a secret transmission and he has no powerful attack methods. Being surrounded by the sloppy Duke's legions is a disaster.

Not to mention Hodney, just an ordinary person...


Victor's eyes suddenly narrowed as he stared at Hodney, then moved down and found a woman lying at his feet...

It's Miria!

Victor recognized the red dress she wore at the dinner party.

That woman...she fell in a pool of blood and had lost all vital signs, while Rianlong and Hodney stood nearby, talking to each other and discussing something.

Victor felt very strange and continued walking forward, getting closer to hear what they had to say.

But for some reason, Li Anlong was aware of his presence.

"Mr. No. 99! It's great that you are still here!"

His shout also reminded Hodney. The hunchbacked recording officer suddenly became excited and immediately stopped communicating with Li Anlong and looked in the direction of Victor.

Victor emerged from the invisible state, walked forward with serious eyes, and came to the two of them.

Without saying a word, he directly looked at the woman's body lying on the ground.

"Miria Lilith...why is she here?"

Victor discovered the murder weapon that killed the woman. It was a spear, much like the weapon of the sloppy Duke's legion.

"I don't know... we found her dead when we first arrived." Li Anlong replied calmly.

Hodney pointed in the direction of the bonfire: "This woman prepared some food, and we relied on this to survive."

Victor saw the unknown cooked meat hanging on the grill, so he walked over and smelled it, and found that it was beef. He tore off a piece of it and started chewing it without ceremony.

After a while to satisfy his hunger, Victor saw an architectural model placed in the open space behind.

The house is snow-white, and its appearance looks like the temple on the top of Mount Papoutine.

"This woman should have encountered the sloppy Duke's army while camping." Rianlong speculated.

Judging from the situation at the scene, this should be the case, but Victor didn't understand why Miria herself fell into the "maze"?

When she used this relic, didn't she prepare the means to protect herself first?

This death was too sudden and ridiculous... You know clearly that there is a sloppy Duke and his legion in the "Lost City", but you still dare to light a bonfire in the wild?

Originally, Victor was thinking about how to catch this hateful woman in the future, but she died casually here...

At this time, he once again recalled what the skinny man had said, and stared at the finely crafted temple model placed on the ground...

"Could it be that...this is the Lost City?"

This chapter has been completed!
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