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Chapter 588 Six Paths to Heaven

Chapter Six...

Shock and curiosity filled Victor's mind at this moment. He seemed to have forgotten his current situation, ignoring the sphinx that was gradually recovering from his autistic state, and focused all his attention on the parchment in his hand.


Schiffers Lecture Notes: Sermon Six.

You have discovered Shivers's sixth sermon, hidden in the next words of the Exhorter.

There is an infinite possibility that exists within itself, and when it disintegrates, it becomes the four levels of the world.

The sixth is the six principles of reaching the sky through violence. By studying these, you can understand:

One is three.

It is a fixed number, but it was not stable at the beginning, so the first batch of ancient sources appeared.

The most primitive creation became a victim, and all the rest were restricted to the visible range.

There are three different divinities in the collapsed spiritual world. They have different names, but they share the same source of essence.

The second one is a mirror image.

Light and darkness are the two gates of tradition, and witnessing their conflict is the secret flame of their formation.

For father, for mother, for their son.

As a king, as a rebel, as a witness to everything.

My father is a machine for articulating secrets, my mother is an active explorer, my son is myself, Shivers, glorious and boundless, perfect in this life and every life, both saint and word, pale as

Shining gold.

The third is clothing.

A vest or garment that is assumed to be worn by people.

The ancestors put their clothes on the descendants, so the descendants imitate the behavior of the ancestors and inherit the mantle, doing as they did until they behave like you, so that others cannot distinguish between you and the other.

You should be wary of gold scams.

To put it in the simplest of terms, everyone else will confuse you as your enemy.

The fourth is the regression method.

The "first creation" are the bones of the world, their souls are the foundation stones on which everything is built, and the foundation stones of the kingdom are all its subjects.

To enter our country, you need to leave your original country.

I am Shivers, your king, your protector, and I will be your protector until the end.

The fifth is misalignment.

and a mundane dislocation in the timeline.

The tower is the first stroke of the picture scroll, and its establishment comes from the "original creation".

Time is an illusion, which contains the secret of the extinguishing of the blazing sun.

Shivers' name can be written into the past from the future, or his name can be completely erased and given a new divinity.

The sixth is doubt.

Its basis is doubt and nothing else.

There is a sleeping world, and you must be alert to it.

There is a glow in your name when considered true.

When considered false, we will never see you again.

There are six paths to mastery: the original mystery, yesterday's mortal enemy, and today's mentor.

This is the sixth article, the most important one in the skinny man's mouth.

However, just like the previous two articles, the text inside was like a heavenly book. Even if Victor gained the ability to understand the ancient Olympian text, he still could not understand the content inside.

There is only one sentence that seems familiar, that is, "Do as he does until he does as you do, so that others can't tell the difference between you and him."

This passage is used to explain the "imitation method" used in esoteric transmission to speed up learning.

It can also be summarized that the nature of a seer is to substitute oneself into the "identity" given by the secret transmission, and then obtain the corresponding invisible technique, which is "armour".

However, such a core mystery is only included in "Part 3 - Clothing" in Sermon 6.

If the "third" paragraph describes the "imitation method", "armour" or secret transmission upgrade, then what do the other five paragraphs refer to?

Victor did not realize at all that his thoughts had been deeply immersed in this sermon.

He seemed to be carrying a shovel, digging for secrets under the hard rock, and gradually falling into the abyss of knowledge.

"When it disintegrates it becomes the four levels of the world..."

"Four levels?"

Victor thought of four levels: "material world", "structural world", "spiritual world" and "archetypal world".

This was the knowledge that Father Sang had taught him back then, and now he was recalling it again.

"Based on the content of the sermon, could it be said that the four-layered world that built everything appeared because something "collapsed"?"

This is too stream of consciousness, too idealistic, and unimaginably profound...

And then there’s this paragraph again——

"Six are the six principles for reaching the sky through violence..."

"Violence reaches the sky..."

According to the description in the sermon, there are six ways that seem to be related to this "violent ascension to heaven".

The "third" and "clothing" that I was just thinking about may correspond to the invisible technique in the secret upgrade system.

So can you think so?

By studying the esoteric transmission, and constantly ascending the ranks from the beginning of the esoteric transmission...the seer, the knower, the immortal, etc., are these all a means of "violently ascending to the sky"?

Then there are a total of six methods of "violently ascending to heaven". In addition to studying secret transmission, there are other ways to reach higher levels.

Victor was horrified when he thought about it carefully, and he suddenly felt the vastness of the world and the endless knowledge.

However, this was just a guess. After reading these six paragraphs several times, he still couldn't understand anything other than "Part 3".

Here are Victor's rough thoughts.

First of all, the first paragraph mentions the number "three".

There is a long content in the middle that is completely incomprehensible, but it is all explained around the number "three". At the end, it is said that there are three kinds of divinity that share the same sefirot.

What exactly is this sefirah?

There is no detailed explanation of the method of ascending the ladder that is equivalent to the secret imitation identity.

The word mentioned in the second paragraph is "mirror image".

The content is also extremely profound, but the whole article talks about opposition, which is somewhat similar to the principle of "fire" nature.

Like two forces reversed by a mirror, everything is opposite, and they will definitely oppose each other when they meet.

But unlike the nature of "fire", in addition to the dualism of "opposition", this paragraph also proposes a concept similar to "witness".

For example, there is a conflict between father and mother, but their son is needed as a witness.

There was a confrontation between the king and the rebels, but witnesses were needed to witness the battle.

The king - the rebel - the witness, the three closed the loop and pointed the number to "three".

The third paragraph is probably describing armor, which is the secret imitation method, but Shivers reminds us to be wary of something called the "golden scam"...

Victor couldn't understand what it was.

Then there is the fourth paragraph, which is called the regression method.

Victor felt that this word was familiar, but for a moment he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

It talks about the "original creation" being the bones of the world. What are the bones of the world? The souls of these first creations have become the cornerstone of everything. What does cornerstone mean?

Then the concepts of king and subjects are introduced.

Subjects loyal to a king must betray their original country, which seems to be talking about the dispute between two countries over the population...

It was too obscure and difficult to understand, and Victor felt his head was a little dizzy.

The fifth keyword is called "dislocation".

This may have something to do with time, maybe time travel? Parallel worlds? Or changing the past to affect the future?

Then comes the last paragraph, which is also the most difficult to understand - "Doubt".

What do you suspect?

Shivers believes that there is a "sleeping world", does it mean another space or another dimension?

He asked people to be wary of it because after that "world" wakes up, will it invade the current world? Does it mean the "virtual realm"?

This chapter has been completed!
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