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Chapter 589 Madman

It is indeed the "heavenly book" of this world. When Victor was studying it, he was so obsessed that he ignored everything around him.

Until Zoe woke up and shouted for help.

"It's coming! Wake up! It's coming!"

Only then did Victor come back to his senses, and then he discovered that the sphinx was no longer autistic, and had devil horns sticking out of its head again, approaching the two of them step by step.

A huge shadow shrouded it, and just when the monster was about to open its mouth and suck it forward, suddenly, the open black door behind it moved.

It was stunned, and turned back to look over there, only to see that the thick fog was like bouncing cotton, trembling constantly, causing the entire black door to vibrate at a high frequency, as if it was about to be destroyed.

Victor looked over there in shock. Although he didn't know what happened, he guessed that the movement should come from the secret residence.

Something terrible was happening inside, and he seemed to hear human screams...

The Sphinx actually gave up swallowing Victor and Zoe, and turned back to the Black Gate.

Then the black door closed, and it reintegrated itself into it.

When the door was closed, the sound and dense fog inside could no longer be transmitted, and the door stopped shaking.

Victor and Zoe looked at each other. The latter had forgotten the blood stains on his body, and his eyes were full of confusion.

Victor thought for a while, walked to Donnie's body, pulled out the knife and started to cut his head...

He wanted to take away Donnie's spine, and then search the guy's body to see if there was a copy of Secret Nocturnal Aspect Four, which was one of the necessary items for Donnie to be promoted to master.

However, although the spine was cut off, Victor did not find anything suspected to be a sealed object in Donnie's clothes...

"Something's wrong... A cunning guy like him wouldn't make such an oversight. Could it be that Secret Four was..."

Just when Victor was thinking about it, suddenly, his brain began to hurt, as if a force had reached into his skull and pulled the flesh inside.

While covering his forehead in pain, Victor noticed that Zoe's face also became very ugly, and she also covered her forehead with both hands.

"My head... hurts so much..."

The girl asked Victor for help, but she didn't expect that he was like her.

Not only the two of them, but all the seers in the land of East India now started to have headaches at the same moment.

At the same time, ordinary people who were not seers, as long as they had tasted the taste of wine, suddenly became drunk until they fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Countless spiritual bodies entered the secret place at the same time, and even the boundless and illogical mysterious world was trembling because of these huge numbers of spiritual bodies.

The Secret Abode is the residence of the spirit and the realm connected to the seers. When it trembles, the spirits of all the seers will tremble accordingly.

In Renekton, when Arushi held up the pitch-black bone, the largest country in the world was about to be turned upside down.

In the streets where the president fled, Weeden looked in shock at his colleagues who suddenly became drunk and began to transform.

Among the people nearby, only the President, Griffith and him were not affected by the Black Bones.

The white-haired deputy director of the Inspection Bureau was also shocked by this phenomenon and froze in place.

Only His Excellency the President, even though the people around him turned into squirming monsters one by one, his mood was not affected at all, and he was still smiling and teasing full of curiosity.

When he found Weeden lying on the ground after being frightened and pissed, he asked him in surprise: "So you've never drank before? I thought you just couldn't grow a beard."

As soon as he finished speaking, a flesh limb as sharp as a sickle hit him and Weeden.

The latter screamed and crawled away, but George Floyd just took two steps back, covered his nose and laughed and cursed: "These secret creatures really stink when they come to the world..."

Griffith replaced his gun with a strange bullet, and he shot at a monster that wanted to attack the president. After the bullet hit the monster, a large pool of frost appeared on the monster's body.

block, completely freezing some of its limbs to restrict its deformation and movement.

The white-haired deputy director immediately came to the president's side, and while most of the investigators were out of shape or drunk, he helped the president escape from this dangerous section of road.

On the rooftop, after William saw the true power of the Earth Bone, he was shocked and decisively attacked Alushi.

The sand swirled around Arushi overwhelmingly, forming a tornado that soared into the sky. The people inside would soon absorb all the water and turn into mummies.

Arushi stood among them, his fat face was twitching, but his expression was calm and composed.

William, who transformed into flying sand, suddenly saw that the man who was as stable as a mountain in the storm was shrinking layer by layer, and his body gradually lost its layers, as if it was pressed into a plane, and his appearance became two-dimensional and no longer three-dimensional.

Arushi's physical condition changed, taking on an image that William had never seen before. He seemed to have turned into one of those cartoon characters in newspapers, completely out of tune with the three-dimensional world he was in.

Moreover, the cartoon character Arushi transformed into was still a baby, not his original middle-aged appearance at all.

William's flying sand was almost completely unable to hurt him. Arushi grabbed the two-dimensional Earth Bone in his hand, raised his face and grinned ferociously at William in the sand.

This weird smile hanging on the mouth of a cartoon baby is enough to make people who watch it feel psychologically uncomfortable.

"You can't stop me, William Marshall."

As soon as the cartoon man finished speaking, he laughed like crazy and stretched out his hand to pull the wind and sand that enveloped him.

Miraculously, when he grabbed the tiny pieces of sand, it was like pulling a curtain, changing the shape of the flying sand.

He opened the "curtain" and a hole was revealed in the tornado, from which the cartoon man successfully jumped out.

Although it was just a simple escape action, it was extremely shocking in William's eyes.

The sand was transformed by his body, and it was an object that William could control like an arm. However, Arushi's approach seemed to have overridden William's "right to define" the moment he touched the sand.

The cartoon man escaping from the tornado jumped and ran to the side. William's face suddenly changed, and a human face suddenly grew out of the wind and sand. It looked exactly like William.

The human face opened its mouth and spit out a blurry and transparent shadow, like a skeleton wearing a cloak.

"Ahe form..."

William let the lich leave his body, caught up with the cartoon man, and raised his hand to grab the opponent's heavenly spirit cover.

This lich form can directly attack the human soul, and William wants to extract Arushi's soul from his body and kill him.

However, just when he was about to touch the cartoon person, the other person suddenly turned around, stretched out his hand and grabbed the lich's arm in mid-air!

William was shocked, knowing that his Akh form would not be affected by the material world, and no one could touch the Lich's Akh body.

However, Arushi, who turned into a cartoon man, actually did it. He laughed crazily again, and then William discovered that his lich form had also begun to become two-dimensional!

This chapter has been completed!
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