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Chapter 19 Shocking Change

Victor was awakened by a nightmare, but when he woke up, he couldn't remember what kind of nightmare he had. Anyway, he had no sleep at all.

He put on his coat and opened the door. Except for the lights at the intersection, the corridor outside was quiet and dim. Most of the passengers were immersed in sleep.

Heavy snoring could be heard in the next room, and Clark slept very soundly.

He was a little envious of the other party, but he didn't know if it was the sequelae of the owner of the Armored Taoist Temple. Victor's sleep quality was very poor recently. Although his body was getting weaker, he just couldn't sleep for more than five hours in a row. He was easily awakened by the slightest movement at night.


So, he wanted to go to the deck to blow the sea breeze and find the crew to see if they could give him an extra meal.

When he walked out of the corridor, the door to the opposite room opened. Eredin, with disheveled hair, leaned against the door and glanced in the direction Victor left.

Arriving on the deck, Victor wanted to go to the outdoor umbrella seat to rest, but he smelled an unpleasant smell.

There was actually a guy lying there sleeping, and his stink permeated the entire outside area.

Judging from his clothes, he looked like one of those poor people below the deck who had come up above for some reason and was sleeping here.

The ship's crew locked the door to the lower deck most of the time, just to prevent these poor immigrants from running to the upper deck.

Although Victor did not mean to look down on the poor, this guy was really stinky, even more stinky than when he rolled all day and night in the eastern fields and was covered in sheep excrement.

Maybe even the people below couldn't stand his smell, so they chased him up.

After frowning, Victor did not wake the other party or report it to the shipping staff, but let him sleep here peacefully while he walked to the railing to enjoy the "night view" of the ocean.

It was pitch black and nothing could be seen clearly, just like his own dim future.

The gentle breeze from the sea made Victor feel biting all over his body and he coughed a few times.

The body is not as good as before, which is also a sequelae of wearing armor.

In less than ten years at most, he may accelerate aging until he dies due to the loss of a large amount of lifespan.

So what is the point of pursuing business success so actively?

Victor couldn't help but feel sentimental. Maybe it would be a better choice to leave full power to Will. He shouldn't go out on a boat to make troubles, and it would be right to retire in Xianxiang Mansion with peace of mind.

However, the reluctance still exists in his heart, and the easiest way for Victor to think of now is to seek it from the secret transmission.

Can becoming a Master increase his lifespan? Perhaps promotion to a higher rank is his only way out.

While he was staring at the dark sea in trance, the white-haired female demon hunter who had finished dressing up walked out of it.

She saw that Victor must not be able to sleep, and because she wanted to protect Clark, she drank some spirit-enhancing potions at night, and her condition could be maintained until noon the next day.

In order to kill the boring time, Eredin could go to the insomniac guy to kill time.

However, just when she came to the deck, her attention was attracted by the smelly guy.

The demon hunter's sense of smell is inherently more sensitive than ordinary people, and this smell made her take a few steps back and pinch her nose hard.

"Really bad……"

Eredin muttered dissatisfiedly, but unexpectedly, the smelly guy suddenly woke up, and holding the bottle of wine, he staggered towards Victor's direction.

Victor smelled the stink and was brought back to consciousness. He turned around and saw the guy looking drunk.

He saw the wine bottle in the other person's hand, and his expression was stunned, thinking that the Western Dawn did not provide alcohol service, and he didn't know how this guy brought the wine on board.

Later, Victor spotted Eredin standing by the door. He was about to say something in that direction when suddenly! An accident happened.

The drunkard who was originally moving slowly and swaying suddenly broke out at a speed that no one expected, and rushed in front of Victor in the blink of an eye.

In the past, with Victor's physical fitness and ability, he would have been able to get out of the way easily, but now that his physical strength had dropped significantly, he was unable to move quickly. He was suddenly pushed by the drunkard and fell off the deck!

Eredin's expression suddenly changed, and he rushed over in a hurry, but he was too far away. When he arrived at the place where Victor fell into the water, he could no longer see where he was going.

The sea at night is so dark that it is impossible to find a person who has fallen into the water.

In this extremely complicated situation, Eredin only hesitated for a second before jumping in without any care!

Everything was silent, and only the drunkard talking nonsense like a madman was left on the deck.


"He's calling me..."

"Can't escape...can't escape..."

No one saw what happened on the deck tonight.

The ticket that Mike bought was the best room on the ship. His two men took turns standing guard outside the door, while the other one was resting on the sofa in the room.

Mike only slept for a while tonight, then got up and read a book.

It was not that he was awakened by nightmares like Victor, but that he had a constitution that meant he had little sleep, and had always been like this since he served in the navy.

The seafood for dinner made him very uncomfortable, so he asked his men outside the door to go to the restaurant kitchen to get something else.

While reading, the subordinate suddenly ran back in a hurry and was bleeding from his lower abdomen.

Mike and another of his men were instantly frightened, and hurriedly carried the person in, and then rummaged through the medical kit.

"What happened?" another subordinate asked eagerly.

The injured person was stabbed in the abdomen with a sharp instrument. He was bleeding too much and looked like he would not survive. The other party tried his best to warn them: "It was the boat...the people on the boat...hijacked..."


Mike's first thought was that he met pirates...

There are always some lawless elements on the sea, driving dilapidated sailboats from the old era and engaging in outdated robbery business.

That's what the so-called nine pirate groups are like.

Although five of them were suspected of possessing strange ghost ships, Mike had never encountered them once.

When he was serving in the past, the most common thing he dealt with was ice storms in the North Sea. He had fought several naval battles with the Serbian navy, and Mike was very familiar with the methods of those guys.

But today's situation seems like pirates mingled among the passengers and secretly boarded the cruise ship.

They would control the entire ship, or influence the cruise ship's route, to get them close to the pirate group's main fleet, and then wait for an opportunity to hijack it.

In order to find out the real situation, Mike continued to ask his men, but the man obviously couldn't hold on any longer, his breathing slowed down quickly, and he soon stopped breathing.

"Damn thing!" Another man went into the box and took out the pistol hidden in the compartment, which was secretly brought in without being inspected by the security officer.

Mike was calmer than him and told his men not to act rashly.

If it is hijacked by pirates, the first and most important thing is the bridge. They cannot be allowed to control the ship's route.

I don’t know if the shipping staff can hold on...

With a plan in mind, Mike also took out the hidden gun, opened the door with his gangster, and prepared to go to the cab for support.

But as soon as he opened the door to the room, he was startled by the crazy scene in the corridor.

This chapter has been completed!
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