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Chapter 20 Riot

The doors of all the rooms were opened, and various messy items were scattered in the corridor. At the end, a passenger was struggling for help, and the person who hijacked her... was actually the security officer of the cruise ship.

Mike thought he had made a mistake. Before he could confirm, two shipping staff came over from the other side. They were armed with guns and iron rods. They discovered the fish that had slipped through the net and rushed over here immediately.

Mike's men opened fire, and each of the gun-wielding security officer fired a bullet, killing the other on the spot, and he himself was also hit by a bullet in the leg.

Mike killed the second security officer who rushed towards him with an iron rod, and then helped his subordinate who was shot in the leg towards the other side of the corridor.

Frightening and noisy movements were happening all over the cabin. Mike had no idea what was happening, but he clearly realized that his judgment of the situation had been completely wrong.

This is not a pirate hijacking at all, but a cruise ship staff committing atrocities against the passengers on the ship!

Are they all crazy?

At the moment of Mike's surprise, the subordinate tried to persuade him: "You go alone, Mike. Find a place to hide first. You won't be able to go far if you hold me up..."

Mike didn't listen to what his men said at all. He was never the kind of leader who could abandon his own people.

Opening a hatch and walking to the side walkway, the sea breeze from outside rushed in instantly, making it bone-chilling.

Mike found that the ship's speed had slowed down, and it felt as if it was about to stop. The shaking of the ship's hull also increased with the waves, making their movements more and more difficult.

Something must have happened in the engine room, causing a shortage of fuel supply.

Mike heard the passengers' screams, someone fell into the water.

Looking in the direction of the sound, he saw many passengers being threatened by the ship's crew and rushed to the deck.

They were gathered at the front of the cruise ship, hugging their heads and squatting on the ground. Almost all the ship's crew members held weapons and controlled these people fiercely.

Mike found Clark Hugo, who was escorted to the front deck by a guy who looked like a squire with a knife on his back.

His face changed slightly, and he looked for Victor, but before he found the latter, he was discovered by a security officer.

"over there!"

Three or four shipping staff rushed towards Mike. The men around him tried to push him away, but instead of running away alone, Mike put down his weapons and raised his hands, and was surrounded by the shipping staff.

"What are you doing?"

he questioned the other party.

"Execute the order, sir! Do not resist, otherwise you and your companions will die!"

Those men picked up the weapons of Mike and his men and escorted them to the deck.

"My companion needs a doctor!"

He glared at the crew.

"The ship's doctor will come to rescue you, but only if you obey the arrangements!"

A security officer came up and put a gun to Mike's head.

The two were sent to the crowd. Mike walked past Clark and glanced at him. The latter shook his head very calmly.

He understood that Victor must have disappeared or was hiding, so he calmed down and followed the others and squatted down with their heads in their hands.

"I want to see the captain!" A passenger stood up and shouted angrily. Judging from his dress, he probably had a good status.

However, the sound of a gunshot scared him so much that he squatted back, and the crowd was in an uproar.

The restless mood did not dissipate. Mike knew that he could use them, but he did not act rashly, but needed an answer.

He found that the mental state of many ship crew members was no better than that of the passengers. Everyone's nerves were tense, and the backs of the hands of several ship crew members who were armed with guns were sweaty.

These guys are really just following orders from the top, so why would management do this?

With doubts in mind, Mike waited quietly.

Soon, someone stood up and explained to all passengers.

He stood up high and shouted with a loudspeaker.

"Everyone, be quiet! We have received orders. There is some kind of... disease that can make people crazy and has been brought to this ship by criminals. That kind of thing is very dangerous and will make the sick lose their minds and kill anything alive at will.

, in order to prevent it from spreading, we have taken this temporary step and summoned you all to the deck to wait for further instructions."

This explanation was obviously unconvincing. Mike's voice trembled slightly when he heard the man speak, knowing that he was lying.

If there is such a disease, wouldn't it be more dangerous to gather all the passengers?

"Who gave you the order?" Clark Hugo questioned at this time.

But the person calling didn't say anything.

Mike stared at the back of his ears and found that he was sweating all the time. The man himself must have felt that this kind of lie was very stupid.

What happened?

Mike glanced at the stranger next to him and murmured: "He's lying..."

This air of suspicion spread very quickly, and everyone went from whispering to becoming more and more anxious.

"Someone has jumped into the sea!"

"My brother refused and they shot him to death!"

"They must want to kill us all, then steal all our belongings and escape to the Razor Islands! They are pirates!"

Strong suspicion erupted from the crowd, and suspicion instantly turned into anger.

I don’t know who was the first to shout for resistance, so a large group of people stood up and rushed towards the shipping staff. Chaos erupted instantly like ignited explosives.

Although Mike could use his secret transmission ability to stabilize people's emotions, he failed to do so and instead increased the crowd's anger.

He had no chance when he was surrounded just now, but now that the crowd has gathered, he can take advantage of his abilities.

Gunfire rang out, but the chaotic crowd did not stop attacking, and the shipping staff seemed to be losing control of the situation.

Mike asked Clark to find a corner to hide under the armrest, and he began to use his ordinary abilities to disturb the emotionally unstable guys among the crew members, causing them to start to rebel and attack their companions.

Many ship crews were skeptical of the order itself, and now they were even more intolerable. The chaos and massacre on the cruise ship reached its peak at this moment.

Relying on the advantage of numbers, the stubborn crew members were quickly at a disadvantage. They were beaten to death and maimed by the passengers who joined forces to rebel, and then took control.

Mike grabbed one person's rifle, kicked him to the ground, then looked around, knowing that the situation could not continue to be chaotic, so he adjusted his mentality again and passed on this infectious power to everyone.

People gradually calmed down from their anger and impatience, but more than a dozen people were dead on the deck, and many others were injured and wailing on the ground.

The men tied up the stubborn crew members and asked them who had given the order.

"Who else but the captain..." said a safety officer who was beaten to a bruised face.

"You're lying!" Another rebel safety officer scolded his colleague, "It was the chief engineer who gave the order. We didn't see the captain at all."

This chapter has been completed!
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