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Chapter 30 The Great Structure

After being stunned for a moment, Victor noticed that the "horse" ridden by this group of cavalry was not the animal he was familiar with, but something like a long-legged lizard.

It is indeed difficult to distinguish from a distance, but when you look at the head of this animal up close, you can clearly spot it.

"Hands off!"

At the command of the cavalry leader, the two cavalrymen dismounted and bound Victor with hand-tied hemp ropes.

Logically speaking, if Victor wanted to resist, he should be able to kill these people easily, of course, provided that there was no seer among them.

However, he did not take action, but chose to be cautious.

Since the other party just wanted to escort him, at least his life would not be in danger now.

The current environment is too weird. If Victor wants to find out where this place is and whether he has traveled through time, he has to enter the city to find out the situation.

If we fight against the opponent here and kill these soldiers, it may hinder the entry into the city. It is better to remain unchanged in the face of changes.

With this preliminary plan in mind, Victor pretended to be at ease and let them tie him up.

The cavalry began to march towards the city and slowed down.

Victor stared at the leader, coughed, and shouted to him: "Who are you?"

The other party ignored him and escorted him to the bottom of the city gate.

The huge city gate is nearly twenty meters high, and the wooden gear structure behind the gate drives it open.

Finally, Victor entered the city and walked on a spacious central axis road.

It was very lively inside, but the residents were busy with what they were doing, carrying stones, melting iron, and constantly adding bricks and tiles to the city.

Their clothes were very old, and most of them were in rags, and their skin was dark and dirty. No one cast a curious look at Victor, the "prisoner," entering, as if this happened often.

After Victor observed these people, he had more and more doubts in his heart.

Although the residents are all tired and poor, and their bodies are covered in hot sweat from toil, there are many different races among them.

Some look like Baines, some look like Sepgi, some look like Valentans...

"Go faster!"

The cavalry leader suddenly accelerated his speed, and Victor almost failed to keep up. In the end, the cavalryman who was leading him pulled him onto the back of the horse and started running with him.

In the center of the city, under the huge tower, there is a magnificent temple, which is their destination.

Victor was escorted outside the temple. He saw the tall statue standing at the door. Hundreds of local residents knelt around the statue and prayed eloquently, as if it was their god!

Victor looked up and saw that the image cast by the statue was very strong, with a luxurious golden crown on the top of his head. It looked like a peacock spreading its tail. The upper body was naked, revealing strong chest muscles and eight-pack abs. The beard was very long, but it was combed like a piece.

Solidified bricks, a necklace full of square gemstones hung around its neck.

The statue holds a dying snake in one hand, and strangles a ferocious lion with the other hand, almost strangling it to death.

There was also a raging bison beneath his feet.

It can be seen from this that the "god" displayed by this statue is a Lord with abundant martial virtue and infinite power.

The dismounted cavalrymen knelt down in front of the statue and knelt down together with the worshipers.

Victor stood there with his hands tied, looking at the colossus curiously, and suddenly asked.

"So, who is this god you believe in?"

Such intrusive questions are blasphemies to the ears of any religious believer, so as expected, Victor encountered the hostility of all believers.

The worshipers all stood up and cast resentful glances at Victor.

The cavalrymen who escorted him even drew their weapons and looked like they were going to attack him.

However, at this moment, there seemed to be some buzzing sound coming from the statue. The cavalry sensed something and put back their drawn scimitars.

"The high priest has sent the King of Heroes' decree! Send him to the Tower of Babel!"

The cavalry leader shouted, and then the cavalryman who was leading Victor pulled the hemp rope hard, forcing Victor to follow him around the temple and toward the huge structure in the center of the city.

Arriving under the so-called "Tower of Babel", Victor was even more shocked.

The restraints on his hands were untied, and then someone threw him a shovel and told him to dig the sand from the side.

In an instant, a strange spiritual power forced its way into his consciousness, but he was not aware of it, so he could not let the other party succeed.

That force was oppressing his mental body just now, as if it was trying to control his thoughts.

"People of Uruk, your goal in life is to serve the great King of Heroes, the only remaining great race, the true God with the blood of God!"

The dismounted cavalry prayed to the Tower of Babel in front of Victor, leaving him standing there with a confused face.

Then, this group of people just left without urging him to do the work they had just arranged.

From the moment he entered the city until now, Victor has always felt disconnected from the city.

The residents here are too self-conscious. There are no shops on the streets and no people gathering. Everyone is doing the work of building the city. Everyone seems to be ordinary construction workers.

He carried the shovel and instead of digging sand, he walked towards the nearest carver who was chiseling the bottom of the tower.

He first observed the other person for a while, and then spoke tentatively.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"We, the people of Nippur, are currently tasked with building the Tower of God for the great race, and we have no time to answer questions."

The skinny old man answered Victor like this.

Victor's face darkened after hearing this. He clearly saw that the other person looked like a standard Bain old man. Why did he claim to be from Nippur?

And still speaking common language?

On that seemingly calm sea, the leader of the White Hand, Mike Campino, had just accepted a humiliating compromise.

In order to save his own life, he promised to use invisible techniques to control all the passengers on the ship so that they could accept their fate of being kidnapped.

However, just as he reached an agreement with the Nippur believers, the cruise ship was violently hit.

Something attacked the Western Dawn from underwater!

Some weird aquatic plants grew up from the water along the side of the cruise ship at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and strange flower buds grew on the rhizomes.

The passengers gathered on the front deck retreated after seeing this, and the roots had begun to infest them.

Someone raised a fire ax to attack the roots, but the cut area would emit some corrosive gas, burning their skin, causing those who were close to scream in pain.

Jihad in the wheelhouse had spotted the commotion on the deck through the front window.

His expression was surprised at first, then became serious.

Even a prophet seems unable to see such an unexpected event with weak cause and effect.

However, when he re-evaluated the situation, he immediately backed away and avoided Mike's knife stabbing him.

This chapter has been completed!
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