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Chapter 170 Rebellion

With the addition of two soul emperors and several soul kings, the scene changed instantly.

Especially the killing team composed of three people, they almost didn't hold anything back, blood was everywhere they went, and there were almost no enemies in one group.

Fighting violence with violence was the best interpretation at this moment. Within a moment, the men in black noticed the strength of this team. Some of them put down their swords and raised their hands to beg for mercy, but before they could say anything, they were stunned.

fell to the ground.

Ma Xiaotao shook the blood in her hand and frowned: "These people have no soul power. Are they not evil soul masters but ordinary people?"

"Yes, and they don't act like bandits, but more like an army." Ye Ming also discovered the anomaly. He had encountered a similar situation, and it was also a massacre, but the evil soul master's style was much crazier than this group of people.

Moreover, the goals of these people are also very clear, and they are basically looking for the property of those doing business.

"Army? How is this possible?" The girl stared at the broken walls and corpses around her with wide eyes. She couldn't imagine that all this could be done by the army.

Ye Ming did not answer any more. He also couldn't believe it in his heart, but after training in the Extreme Individual Soldier Plan, he was keenly aware that the men in black had traces of military formations when they cooperated to surround and kill the soul master.

After all, the group of soul masters on the mainland is only a minority, and wars between countries are still dominated by ordinary armies. This has also resulted in many techniques for ordinary people to surround and kill soul masters. In the past, there have been many cases where an army of ten thousand people successfully killed soul masters.

example of.

And this group of people has the shadow of the army whether they are marching or cooperating. Ye Ming only hopes that he has made a mistake, otherwise it will be difficult to end this matter today...

As time passed, the fire in the town had been extinguished by Ling Luochen. Although the seven monsters arrived in time, there were still many men in black who fled in a hurry after looting property.

"Who are you? You dare to massacre people on the border of Star Luo, but you are not afraid of being wiped out by the defenders?"

At the exit of the town, Chen Zifeng seemed to have caught a small boss and asked him with a sword. Among the seven monsters, he was from the Star Luo Empire like Dai Yueheng, and the scene before him was also not what he wanted to see.

The leader who was pushed to the ground was in particularly miserable condition at this time. His hands and feet had been removed, and there were still many scars all over his body, which were caused when he resisted just now.

"Defenders? Oh, grandpa, we are the defenders!" The leader's mouth was bleeding with blood, but he looked extremely disdainful when faced with Chen Zifeng's questioning.

"What did you say?" Chen Zifeng was a little stunned, but then he showed an angry look. How dare this bandit tease him?

Just as the soul-chasing sword was about to press down on his neck, a voice stopped his action.

"Zifeng, wait!"

Dai Yueheng arrived at some unknown time. He was holding a human head in his hand. He was covered in blood and surrounded by a vicious aura. He had killed an unknown number of people. Even Chen Zifeng was shocked when he first saw him.

"The leader of the thief has been put to death, let him speak clearly." Dai Yueheng said calmly. The calmness was not suppressed anger, but a look of indifference emerged from the beast's eyes.

"Since you still know that you are a defender, why did you cooperate with this evil soul master to slaughter the people of the Star Luo Empire?" Dai Yueheng threw his head on the ground. He obviously knew something.

"Why? Hahaha... you have to ask those officers in the army."

The little boss coughed up a mouthful of blood, and the mask on his face fell off, revealing a dark and resolute face, but now it was full of madness.

"The Northern Group Army has been dead for a long time! The army has been in arrears with military pay for more than half a year... We can only do it ourselves, but how can we feed our families? If we don't cooperate with the evil soul master to make a fortune, our family will starve to death!"

As if he knew he would not survive the day, the middle-aged leader simply said all the words at once, and then waited to admire the shocked expressions of the two people.

"How can it be?!"

Chen Zifeng looked at Dai Yueheng and saw his face darkening little by little.

Dai Yueheng grew up with his father in the military camp since he was a child. Naturally, he could see the problems that Ye Ming could find at a glance, not to mention that he also forced a lot of words from the evil soul master in his hand, but in front of him

What this soldier said was really shocking. Although he has not yet participated in politics, he also understands that this is an issue that shakes the foundation of the country!

"Ahem...how is it impossible? You soul masters are not short of gold soul coins, so how can you care about the life and death of us ordinary people? Compared with you, we don't even have the ability to resist!"

Looking at the head next to him, the middle-aged man didn't seem surprised at all. Even an evil soul master was only a Soul Sect practitioner, so how could he possibly be able to defeat the group of people in front of him.

"Boss Dai, this..."

The long sword in Chen Zifeng's hand trembled slightly, and it was obvious that the words of the man in black had put him in a bit of trouble.

Dai Yueheng's face also became uncertain, but after being silent for a while, anger finally took over, "You and the others will go back to deal with this evil soul master's head first, and I will go to Fenglang Pass to ask clearly...


"Boss Dai!"

Chen Zifeng seemed to want to stop him, but before he could finish his words, he saw that Dai Yueheng had taken the man and disappeared into the vast night outside the town...

"...That's what happened. The leader of the thief has been killed. Boss Dai asked us to go back first."

Chen Zifeng was so frustrated that he told everyone everything, without even noticing the problem with his title.

When things got to this point, Ma Xiaotao naturally had no intention of noticing this, but she expressed her dissatisfaction with Dai Yueheng's behavior.

"This guy, how dare he? He left the team without my permission!"

The girl looked around, and the others lowered their heads in silence. They were still immersed in the shock of the truth. In the past, they had not always encountered evil soul masters causing trouble, but this time they had encountered an army massacring civilians.

, leaving everyone at a loss for a moment.

"Which direction did he go in?" Ma Xiaotao asked Chen Zifeng again, looking very ready to intercept him.

"This...I can't say."

Facing the increasingly sharp eyes, Chen Zifeng also showed a troubled look. When Dai Yueheng left, he obviously didn't want anyone else to get involved, otherwise he wouldn't have been so eager.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Seeing this, Ma Xiaotao sneered: "Oh, do you think there is nothing I can do if you don't tell me? I can know the nearest border pass by just asking around, but Dai

If Yao Heng voluntarily reveals his identity during the mission, plus leaving his post without permission, according to the regulations of the Supervision Team, even if he is directly fired, it will be considered legal. What? Do you want to accompany him? "

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became tense. After being caught off guard at first, Chen Zifeng's face became extremely gloomy. He had practiced diligently to get to this point. He was about to participate in the competition next year and become famous. No one wanted to do it.

Something went wrong at this juncture.

At this time, not only him, but also the faces of several other Seven Devils became very ugly. The group rules Ma Xiaotao mentioned were actually not bad, but in the past, when they actually performed tasks, everyone turned a blind eye out of consideration for friendship.

They selectively ignored some, but Ma Xiaotao used this to threaten Chen Zifeng today and whether it would be his turn tomorrow. At this moment, they finally understood the weight of this captain.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Ye Ming, who had been silent for a long time, finally said: "Sister Xiaotao, please calm down first. Perhaps this matter is handled by Senior Dai, which is what the college wants to see. In fact, I have always had some speculations and I don't know whether to talk about it or not.


As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their attention to Ye Ming. Even Ma Xiaotao glanced at him unexpectedly, and Chen Zifeng put all his hopes of relief on him.

Seeing this, Ye Ming didn't give in and told his guess.

"The cause of this mission is obviously caused by the collusion between the soldiers guarding the border and the evil soul masters, and the root cause comes from within the Star Luo Empire army. I wonder if you still remember what Dean Yan said when you came here? He said to let

We have found out the true identity of this group of suspected evil soul masters and solved them, which means that the academy does not know the identity of this group of people."

Ye Ming pointed to the head in Chen Zifeng's hand and continued: "Is it true that the college's energy will assign us a task without finding out the other party's true identity? The answer is obviously no, so I think the college is

They knew that the other party was colluding with the Star Luo Empire’s army, so they sent us here, and to be more precise, we wanted to let Senior Dai, the eldest son of the White Tiger Duke, know about it.”

"You must know that even if we eliminate the leader of the thieves this time, if the problems within their army cannot be solved, it is difficult to guarantee that the same situation will not happen in the future. This time they colluded with evil soul masters to cause chaos in the country. Then next time

It is possible to plunder the Dou Ling Empire on the opposite side. If the two countries are not handled well, there may even be a risk of war. Then, not to mention this town, the people living on the border of the two countries may suffer."

"The academy has always been unwilling to interfere in the internal affairs of the major empires, but it also wants to avoid such risks, so I think the academy wants to use Duke White Tiger's influence to urge the Northern Army to rectify military discipline, and Senior Dai is willing to expose his identity and call for an investigation.

It’s not a bad thing.”

After saying that, Ye Ming pursed his lips and looked at Ma Xiaotao with some anxiety, but saw that the girl also lowered her head and began to think seriously. His heart suddenly dropped for the most part. It would be nice if he could listen. What he was most afraid of was that the girl insisted on using things.

, if you anger Ma Xiaotao out of thin air because of this obvious preference for Dai Yueheng, it will be more harm than good.

"Then what should we do now?" The person who spoke was Xixi, and the person asking the question was obviously Ye Ming. After all, what he just said was well-founded and he was obviously recognized.

"How about we wait here for a day. If we leave, those soldiers who just fled may not be able to fight back. Sister Xiaotao, what do you think?" Ye Ming asked Ma Xiaotao, obviously asking for her opinion.

Everyone turned their attention to Ma Xiaotao, and they were all waiting for her response.


"That's fine."

The girl finally nodded. She glanced at Ye Ming and her voice was a little strange. "So many people have just died here. If the blood smell is not dealt with in time, it may attract soul beasts. We will be stationed here tonight."

As soon as these words were said, everyone in the team breathed a sigh of relief, and Chen Zifeng even secretly praised Ye Ming. They understood that since Ma Xiaotao could agree, the matter would be over for the time being.

"Why are you standing there? Why don't you go get rid of the body quickly? I will report the truth about Dai Yueheng back to the academy!"

Ma Xiaotao suddenly turned around, frightening Chen Zifeng. He quickly threw the head to Ye Ming and joined the team carrying the corpse.

The girl looked at Ye Ming and was hesitant to speak, but finally turned back and started to clean up the wounded and count the survivors.

Ye Ming looked at the head of the evil soul master in his hand in a daze. It was an ordinary face, neither vicious nor strange, but it was said that the cultivation level had reached the soul sect, and the mayor of the town was brutally killed by him.


When he first saw the head being stuck on the flagpole, he was greatly shocked. It was hard to imagine that it could be done by such an ordinary person, but what happened in front of him told him extremely clearly.

This is not a dream, one soul sect is enough to destroy this small town with thousands of people.

This is also the first time Ye Ming has truly experienced the disaster that a soul master's personal force can bring...

This chapter has been completed!
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