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Chapter 188 She looks ugly...

"Now that your cultivation level is strong, you have to decide some things by yourself. You handled it well just now."

Listening to his mother's praise, Ye Ming leaned on the table, took a piece of fruit in his backhand and ate it.

The acidity in the mouth slightly overwhelms the sweetness, but it has a special fragrance, which is very consistent with the characteristics of mountain fruits.

Ye Ming was thinking while eating. He didn't need to worry too much about Mo Sang's affairs. After all, it was good that he could stay at home for half a month every year. He was still thinking about the soul guide.

"By the way, mom, this is the gift Qing'er asked me to bring you when I came back."

Ye Ming turned over and took out the contents of the space soul guide, and scattered them across half of the yard.

"so much?"

Xiao Rou was surprised at first, then looked at Ye Ming, and said jokingly: "Xiao Qing'er is serious, and she is pretty... If our daughter-in-law can be half as good as her in the future, I will be satisfied."

Ye Ming glanced at her, rolled his eyes, and suddenly asked: "How do you know she is beautiful? Mom, that girl is so ugly now, she is not as good as Erya from the village!"


Xiao Rou didn't believe it at first, but when she saw the solemn look on Ye Ming's face, she felt a little doubtful.

Shouldn't it?

That girl was obviously a standard beauty when she was young, but has she grown crooked in the past few years?

But no matter how crooked she is, she can't be inferior to Cuntou Erya... So deep doubts linger in the heart of the old mother.

A trace of pride flashed in Ye Ming's eyes, and he didn't explain it. He swallowed the whole fruit, got up and walked back into the house...

The next morning, Mo Sang came looking for him early in the morning.

Ye Ming really didn't want to be a teacher, so he just took him to practice together, but there was really nothing to teach him.

The huge difference in martial arts means that the two people's cultivation directions have little overlap. If they practice in their own way, it might harm him.

Fortunately, he didn't need these in the soul warrior stage. He only asked Mo Sang to exercise diligently to lay the foundation for absorbing soul rings in the future.

Furthermore, he was passing on his previous training experience to him, but even such a trivial matter made the boy's eyes shine brightly, and he kept shouting "Teacher Xiao Ming!"

Ye Ming reminded him several times, which showed that the boy was really stubborn, so he let him go...

Half a month passed in a flash, and it was time to say goodbye to my family.

In the yard, Ye Ming packed his luggage, unfolded the flying soul guide behind his back, and his mother Xiao Rou handed him a packet of seeds.

"be careful on the road……"

"I know, Mom."

Ye Ming responded but did not move. He noticed that there was still a trace of confusion on the woman's face.

"Ming'er, my mother has been holding something back in her heart these past few days..."


Seeing the woman glance at him, Ye Ming was silent for a moment, and finally said tactfully: "Actually, you don't have to be too beautiful to find a girlfriend in the future. Those are just appearances. I'm afraid you won't be able to grasp a girl who is too beautiful..."


call out--

The blue tail flames streaked across the sky, flying towards the Fallen Leaf Mountains, and soon crossed the border between the two countries.

The wind in the sky was howling and fierce. It blew the hair loudly, but it could not blow away the slight sadness on the man's face.

Ye Ming now doesn't care at all whether he will be attacked by a soul beast.

He did not hide his aura, so even the ten thousand year soul beast lurking on the ground fell silent when he arrived, just because the aura was so terrifying!

The Fallen Leaf Mountains shouldn't exist like this...

Continue to fly forward, and soon you will see the outline of Zhenhun City.

As they approached, Ye Ming landed with a look of surprise on his face.

Because at this time, the outside of Zhenhun City was in full swing, construction camps were blooming everywhere, a large number of workers and soul masters were busy, rows of soldiers maintained order, huge machinery and tens of thousands of building materials were continuously transported from afar.

Like a long dragon...

Is this like building a city wall?

Ye Ming walked in and asked the workers, but failed to get any useful information.

I happened to see an old man standing on the tower from a distance, so I climbed up.

"Grandpa Li!"

"Xiao Ming is here."

The old man was originally standing on top giving orders. When he saw Ye Ming, he gave instructions to the generals beside him. The two of them got off the tower and walked into the city.

"Grandpa Li, what is this outside..." Ye Ming asked directly

The old man smoothed his beard and looked indifferent, "It's because the city lord is, after all, the first ninth-level soul engineer in our Dou Ling Empire. How could His Majesty be willing to let him go so easily? So when he saw that he couldn't stand it, he simply ordered the soul guidance department of the Royal Academy to be removed.

Move here.

The Soul-Suppressing City is in a strategic location and has always been the first gateway to the west side of the defense line, so the city lord also wanted to take this opportunity to expand the Soul-Suppressing City, so there are these outside."

At the end of the words, the old man seemed to be sighing: "After this incident, the name Zhenhun City will no longer exist..."

"Why?" Ye Ming wondered. When he suddenly remembered, he noticed that the plaque at the city gate had been erased.

But the old man smiled.

"Haha, don't worry, this is a good thing, you left early. On the day of the city lord's coronation, the Tianhun Empire's mission proposed to establish a military alliance with our country, and both your majesty and the city lord agreed.

Zhenhun City was originally the place where the two countries fought each other thousands of years ago. Due to historical reasons, it was acquired with the intention of frightening the Heavenly Soul. However, the relationship between the two countries has been repaired for a long time and now it has taken another step forward. Therefore, it will naturally be abolished. Your Majesty has decided

He renamed it Zhenming City and even carved a stone carving himself, which will be shipped after the expansion is completed..."

Ye Ming listened quietly. It was not difficult to tell from the old man's words that the grand scene of that day was true. At the same time, the three continental countries had indeed been wary of the Sun and Moon Empire since early in the morning.

Zhenming... emmm, you can tell at a glance who he is targeting.

He turned to look at the city gate that was under construction, hoping that one day its meaning would not be used in the future...

City Lord's Mansion.

After three years of being dusty, it has taken on a new look.

And unlike in the past, many swan feathers have been newly transplanted in gardens throughout the mansion.

In the huge garden, the girl sat bored on the swing.

She wore a lotus-colored pleated skirt on her lower body, revealing her smooth calves that swayed gently, shining white in the sun.

The cat not far away was hiding in the grass, immersed in its own world, leaping or crawling, and it was unknown how many butterflies it had harmed...

At this moment, there were a few footsteps behind her, and then the swing began to sway gently. The girl turned her head and her eyes lit up.

"Xiao Mingzi!"

Ye Ming nodded gently and smiled: "I heard from Xiaowen that you have been depressed since I left. No, I came to you first when I first came to Zhenhun City."



The girl turned her face away, but there was disbelief in her eyes, "Huh! Don't think I don't know. Dad is entertaining guests right now. You are probably driven over by Grandpa Li."

Ye Ming was not angry after hearing this, he just chuckled and said: "Qing'er is still smart, so if I am driven here, will you take me in?"

"Seeing that you are quite diligent, I reluctantly agreed!"

Mu Qing'er raised her head slightly, feeling that the sunlight that was still dazzling just now suddenly became warmer...

This chapter has been completed!
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